大森 愛
商学部 総合教育科目 | 准教授 |
- Do we need EIL perspectives in the teacher education curriculum?: reactions of pre-service teachers in Japan
Ai Ohmori
Language, Culture, and Communication, 2021年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - An English-medium Teacher Education Programme in Japan: Impact on International and Domestic Students
Ai Ohmori
Rethinking ELT in Higher Education, W. Feng, P. Lin, & D. Tay, (Eds.), 2017年08月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - A TESOL Graduate Program in Japan: The Potential for Developing Global Competency
Ai Ohmori
Journal of the College of Intercultural Communication: Language, Culture, and Communication, 2016年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - Exploring the Potential of CLIL in English Language Teaching in Japanese Universities: An Innovation for the Development of Effective Teaching and Global Awareness
Ai Ohmori
The Journal of Rikkyo University Language Center, 2014年10月, 査読無し, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - The Attainment in Pronunciation of Language Learners with No Age of Arrival: Explanatory Factors and Limits of Achievement
Waseda University, Report, 2004-2005 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, (C)(2)16520357, 2006年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文 - Dewey’s Practice on Education: A Modernist or Postmodernist Approach?
Educational Studies, 2006年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - Will English Education in Primary School Boost English Abilities of the Japanese?: A Critical Perspective on English Language Policy in Japan
大森 愛
Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching, 2004年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - Attainment in Phonology: A Pilot Study of Japanese Speakers of English
大森 愛; Sheppard Chris
Bulletin of the Institute of Language Teaching, 2003年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
- Thought and Action on “English as an International Language” per Yoshisaburo Okakura – Focusing on Acceptance of Basic English in the Early 1930s – (Translation of Yuji Hirata originally published in 2016)
Translated by Ai Ohmori
Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 2019年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - Risks and Benefits of Evidence in Educational Practice (Translation of Ryo Uchida originally published in 2015)
Translated by Ai Ohmori
Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 2018年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - ‘Global Human Resource Development’ and Japanese University Education: ‘Localism’ in Actor Discussions (Translation of Aya Yoshida originally published in 2014)
Translated by Ai Ohmori
Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 2017年03月, 査読無し, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - Review Article, Sociology of English Language and the Japanese: Why Do We Have So Many Misunderstandings about English Education? by Takanori Terasawa
Ai Ohmori
Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 2016年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
筆頭著者 - Rethinking a Case Study Method in Educational Research: A Comparative Analysis Method in Qualitative Research (translation of Yusuke Murakami, originally published in 2011)
Translated by Ai Ohmori
Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 2013年03月, 査読有り, 通常論文
- Incorporating a Global Englishes perspective in ELT: Effect on confidnece and views of native-speaker norms of Japanese university students
Ai Ohmori
British Association for Applied Linguistics, 2021年09月 - Introducing a Global Englishes perspective in ELT: Investigating instructional effects on Japanese university students
Ai Ohmori
AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics), 2021年08月 - Investigating perceptions of English by Japanese university students: need for a Global Englishes perspective
Thailand TESOL & PAC, 2020年01月, 通常論文 - Promoting the Concept of ELF in a TESOL Programmed in Japan
International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, 2018年07月, 通常論文 - Fostering Culturally Responsive Teachers in Japan
American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), 2018年03月, 通常論文 - How ALTs and JTEs can work together to achieve common goals
アメリカ大使館・在札幌米国総領事館・文部科学省後援、国際教養大学専門職大学院グローバルコミュニケーション実践研究科英語教育実践領域提供, 2017年07月, 通常論文 - Promoting ‘Cultural Diversity Knowledge’ for Japanese and International Students in Japan
International Conference on Language Teacher Education (LTE), 2017年02月, 通常論文 - English-medium Teacher Education Programme in Japan
International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level (ISTETL), (Hong Kong, China), 2016年12月, 通常論文 - Changes in the Implementation and Economic Effects on a New Curriculum: Based on Surveys of English Language Activities in Japanese Elementary Schools
Comparative and International Society (CIES), (Vancouver, Canada), 2016年03月, 通常論文 - Conducting Practicum in Japan: Designed for International Students
MIDTESOL 2015, (Iowa, USA), 2015年10月, 通常論文 - A TESOL Program in Japan Designed for International Students
Tri-TESOL Conference, (Seattle, USA), 2015年10月, 通常論文 - Is Electronic Feedback as Future Perfect for Students? – Gauging Students’ Views on Electronic Feedback
with Oliver Haddingham
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (26th SITE), 2015年03月, 通常論文 - Issues and Challenges of In-Service Teacher Training for English Language Activities in Japanese Elementary Schools
Comparative and International Society (CIES), (Toronto, Canada), 2014年03月, 通常論文 - Examining In-Service Teacher Training for English Language Activities in Japanese Elementary Schools: Discrepancies amongst Local Districts
Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), (Hawaii, USA), 2014年01月, 通常論文 - 小学校英語活動実施状況の必修化前後の地域間格差に関する研究―財政要因に着目して―
日本教育社会学会(第64回大会), 2012年10月, 通常論文 - Examining the Introduction of English Language Education in Japanese Primary Schools: Towards a More Equal English Language Education?
Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference (LPP), 2012年09月, 通常論文 - 自治体の教育改革の取り組み方と小学校英語活動の導入・実施状況
日本教育社会学会(第62回大会), 2010年09月, 通常論文 - 世界の小学校における英語教育の普及と国家の特性
日本教育学会(第69回大会), 2010年08月, 通常論文 - 自治体の財政力と小学校英語の実施状況
日本教育学会(第68回大会), 2009年08月, 通常論文 - Assessing the Evidence of School Choice: A Case Study of Japan Using a Statistical Model
with Jun Yamashita
Comparative and International Society (CIES), 2009年03月, 通常論文 - Predicting the Development of Pronunciation Skill in Foreign Language Learners
with Chris Sheppard and Chiyo Hayashi
Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), 2006年10月, 通常論文