Jonathan Harrison
Department of Liberal Arts and Science | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- International Gemini Mars Competition, Two-person Mars Flyby Mission Gemini Mars Design Competition, 2nd Place, Team Narabu
Gemini Mars Flyby Mission Design Report/Presentation
Kazuhiko Momose, Nihon University Team Lead, Mission Design, Re-entry;Koki Tanaka, Keio University Team Lead, Outreach Activities;Bilal Javed Mian Yataco, Nihon University ADCS, C&DH, COMM;Koshiro Yamaguchi, Nihon University EPS, TCS, Accommodation;Yuki Aoi, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Technology, ECLSS;Advisors: Hiroyuki Miyajim, Tokyo Jogakkan College, Mission Design, ECLSS;Masakatsu Nakane, Nihon University, Sub-systems;Takuto Ishimatsu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Tokyo University, Trajectory;Jonathan Harrison, Nihon University, Technical Writing and Presenting - Moodle Association Japan, Best Open Courseware of 2013 Honorable Mention
Japan society
Jonathan Harrison;Ruth Vanbaelen
表彰内容:2013年度に作られたムードルLMS "Introduction to Scientific Writing and Presenting" に関する功績
- Test-taker Self-assessment Accuracy Using the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Can-Do Statements
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Shiken, Dec. 2022, Refereed
Lead - Comparing the effectiveness of explicit EAL feedback through slideshow (text+audio) and captioned video
Jonathan Harrison
English Language Teaching Educational Journal, Apr. 2022, Refereed
Lead - 2018-2019 Graduate School English Speaking and Writing Proficiency Program
Harrison, J; Suzuki, T; Falout, J
Nihondiagaku Rikougakubu Ippan Kyouiku Iho, Bulletin of the Department of General Education of the College of Science and Technology at Nihon University, Apr. 2022, Refereed
Lead - Building Paragraph Writing Skills through Scaffolding
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
OnCUE Journal, Dec. 2019, Refereed, Not invited - Lifelong Learning as a Steppingstone to Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2016, Refereed, Not invited - Engineering Education Accreditation: A Look at Communication and Language
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2015, Refereed, Not invited - Development of a Graduate School EAP Course for Engineers
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2015, Refereed, Not invited - Lifelong Learning in a Fourth World Setting
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison; Gust van Dongen
2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2014, Refereed, Not invited - Brown’s Approach to Language Curricula Applied to English Communication Courses
Ruth Vanbaelen
Shiken Research Bulletin, Dec. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Plagiarism Awareness
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2013, Refereed, Not invited - Slideware: Text or Visuals?
IEEE-IPCC 2012: Communicating Vision Proceedings, Oct. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - English Communication 2009-2011: Practice Founded on Theory
Ruth Vanbaelen
日本大学理工学部一般教育教室彙報, Sep. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - Aesthetic Concepts for Educational Tools and Materials
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
2012 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2012, Refereed, Not invited - Good Practices to Ensure Sustainable Education for International Students' Success
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2011, Refereed, Not invited - Learning and Retention of English Email Writing Skills by Students at an Engineering University in Japan
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IPCC), 2011, Refereed, Not invited - A Needs Analysis for Incorporation of Technology into English Courses
Harrison Jonathan J.
Bulletin of the Department of General Education, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Sep. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 三人寄れば文殊の智慧 JALT Showcase (教育活動報告)
Joseph Falout; Ruth Vanbaelen
The Language Teacher, Dec. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited - Effectiveness of an Open Source Management System at a Private Japanese High School
Ian Ellsworth
慶應義塾高等学校紀要, Nov. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Using a Collaborative, Interactive Task-based Approach for a Series of English Academic Writing Workshops
Ruth Vanbaelen; Joseph Falout
平成20年度第52回日本大学理工学部学術講演会(総合科学部会), Nov. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Conference Review: New Frontiers in CALL: Negotiating Diversity
OnCUE Journal, 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Comparison of Flow in Second Year High School Student Activities (高校二年生の活動におけるフローの比較)
Jonathan Harrison
Temple University Japan, Mar. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Assessment in English Oral Communication for Keio Senior High School: Working toward Improving Reliability and Validity (慶應義塾高等学校のオーラルコミュニケーション評価:信頼性と妥当性の改善に向けて)
Jonathan Harrison; Namiko Mochihara
Keio University Press, Mar. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Balanced Approach to Oral Communications: Communication Strategies, Linguistic Focus, Global Education (オーラルコミュニケーションの教え方:コミュニケーションストラテジー、文法重視、グローバルスタディー)
Jonathan Harrison
Chiba University of Commerce, Dec. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - See you later Alligator: A Song for Phonetic Awareness
Jonathan Harrison
Temple University Japan, Feb. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Good People: A Song for Teaching Reduced Speech Forms (「Good People」弱形を教えるための歌)
Jonathan Harrison
Temple University Japan, Feb. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Humor strategies and student attitudes towards humor in the first year high school classroom(ユーモアストラテジーと高校一年生のユーモア対する心的態度)
Jonathan Harrison
Keio University Press, Dec. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - “Like” and “Like to”(「Like」と「Like to」)
Jonathan Harrison
Temple University Japan, May 2004, Not refereed, Not invited
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- A Vocabulary Acquisition Method for when Learner Access to Technology Varies
Jonathan Harrison
JALTCALL2021, Jun. 2021, JALTCALL SIG - Standardized test self-assessment versus actual assessment of English speaking and writing skills
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
Twelfth Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia, Feb. 2020, The Writing Centers Association of Japan (WCAJ), Not invited - Self-analysis in ESL
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Eighteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Jan. 2020, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Not invited - The Current State of Homeschooling in Japan
Jonathan Harrison
Eighteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 2020, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Not invited - An Exploration of the CEFR LR Self-analysis Grid
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Eighteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 2020, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Not invited - e-learningによる語彙学習の効果:CST英単語コン テストの結果から
秋庭大悟・鈴木 孝・ジョゼフファラウト・中村文紀・ ジョナサンハリソン・乙黒麻記子・丸 聡弘
令和元年度(第63回)日本大学理工学部学術講演会, Dec. 2019, 日本大学第理工学部学駿河台校舎, Not invited - Skills Self-Assessment and Test Scores in ESL
Jonathan Harrison
JALT2019, Nov. 2019, JALT, Not invited - CALL extracurricular reading pilot project
Jonathan Harrison
JALTCALL2019, Jun. 2019, JALTCALL SIG, Not invited - Self-assessment and Outside Assessment of English Language Speaking and Writing Skills
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Eleventh Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia, Feb. 2019, The Writing Centers Association of Japan (WCAJ), Not invited - Perceptions of Intercultural Awareness among International Students
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
The 2nd CEGLOC Conference on Language Education Intercultural Skills in the 21st Century Classroom, Dec. 2018, The University of Tsukuba CEGLOC FD committee in collaboration with the JALT Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG and Ibaraki JALT Chapter, Not invited - The Impact of Globalization, World-Mindedness, National and Global Identities, and Sustainable Behavior among University Students
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
The 2nd CEGLOC Conference on Language Education Intercultural Skills in the 21st Century Classroom, Dec. 2018, The University of Tsukuba CEGLOC FD committee in collaboration with the JALT Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG and Ibaraki JALT Chapter, Not invited - Low-stakes Timed Writings: From Sentences to Essays in 15 Lessons
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Tenth Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia, Mar. 2018, The Writing Centers Association of Japan (WCAJ), Not invited - Scaffolding Paragraph Writing Skills: Progress and Pitfalls
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
Tenth Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia, Mar. 2018, The Writing Centers Association of Japan (WCAJ), Not invited - Comparison of Japanese and Finnish/Swedish Approaches to English Language Education
Jonathan Harrison
Sixteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Jan. 2018, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Not invited - Reflective Paragraph Writing as a Process to Increase ESL Student Confidence and Fluency
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Sixteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Jan. 2018, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Not invited - Basic Conversation to EAP Debate in a Multiple-Proficiency EFL Setting
Jonathan Harrison
Sixteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 2018, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Not invited - Two Approaches to Sustainability in Higher Education
Jonathan Harrison
Sixteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 2018, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Not invited - 工学部生に提供できる英語教育を模索して:他大学の施設視察訪問を通じて
谷岡 朗・鈴木 孝・ジョセフ ファラウト・中村文紀・ジョナサン ハリソン・乙黒麻記子・内堀奈保子・秋庭大悟
平成29年度(第61回)日本大学理工学部学術講演会, Dec. 2017, 日本大学第理工学部学駿河台校舎, Not invited - Finland and “Above Average” Education
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
JALT2017, Nov. 2017, JALT, Not invited - ESL Graduate Student-built Corpus Use for Scientific Writing
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Fifteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 2017, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Not invited - An Active Approach to Teaching Multiple Proficiency ESL Presentation Courses
Jonathan Harrison; Ruth Vanbaelen
Fifteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 2017, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Not invited - Lifelong Learning in Belgium with a Focus on Language Education for Those in Poverty
Ruth Vanbaelen; Jonathan Harrison
日白修好150周年記念シンポジウム, Dec. 2016, 東京理科大学 富士見校舎, Not invited - 平成27 年度一般教育 CALL 教室 TOEFL 講座の成果
○ジョナサン ハリソン・中川 浩・谷岡 朗・鈴木 孝(日大習志野・教員・一般)・ヴァンバーレン ルート(筑波大学・教員)・中村文紀・乙黒麻記子・内堀奈保子・郭 海燕・石部尚登・時田伊津子・秋庭大悟
平成28年度(第60回)日本大学第理工学部学術講演会, Dec. 2016, 日本大学第理工学部学, Not invited - eポートフォリオによる自主学習のサポートの有効性とその課題
秋庭大悟・谷岡 朗・鈴木 孝・ジョゼフ ファラウト・中村文紀・ジョナサン ハリソン・乙黒麻記子・内堀奈保子
平成28年度(第60回)日本大学第理工学部学術講演会, Dec. 2016, 日本大学第理工学部学駿河台校舎, Not invited - Lifelong Learning as a Steppingstone to Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Ruth Vanbaelen
IEEE-ProComm 2016, Oct. 2016, Not invited - Moodle Page Design for Beginning Moodlers
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Eighth Conference for Moodle Teachers, Researchers and Developers, Feb. 2016, Not invited - Gmoodgling
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Eighth Conference for Moodle Teachers, Researchers and Developers, Feb. 2016, Not invited - Moodling a Yearlong TOEFL Workshop
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Eighth Conference for Moodle Teachers, Researchers and Developers, Feb. 2016, Not invited - On the Shift of English Proficiency of First Year Students during the Past Half Year
乙黒麻記子; 谷岡朗; 鈴木孝; ジョセフ・ファラウト; ルート・ヴァンバーレン; 中村文紀; 多惠基継; 内堀奈保子,秋庭大悟
第59回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2015, Not invited - The First Semester of the Department of General Education CALL Group TOEFL Course
中川 浩、谷岡 朗、鈴木 孝、ルート・ヴァンバーレン、中村 文紀、乙黒 麻記子、内堀 奈保子、郭 海燕、石部 尚登、時田 伊津子
第59回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2015, Not invited - Engineering Education Accreditation: A Look at Communication and Language
Ruth Vanbaelen
IEEE-ProComm 2015 “Ceangail (Connections) 2.0.”Limerick, Ireland, Jul. 2015, Not invited - Development of a Graduate School EAP Course for Engineers
Ruth Vanbaelen
IEEE-ProComm 2015 “Ceangail (Connections) 2.0.”Limerick, Ireland, Jul. 2015, Not invited - 電子メールサポートを利用したe-learning の活用 ―2012 年度「TOEIC 短期攻略講座」の成果から―
内堀奈保子; 谷岡朗; 鈴木孝; 多惠基継; ジョセフ ファラウト; 中村文紀; ヴァンバーレン・ルート; 乙黒麻記子
第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2014 - Teacher and Student Attitudes towards Academic Misconduct
Ruth Vanbaelen
第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2014, Not invited - “True Increases” on the TOEIC for Intensive English IIIA Participants
谷岡朗、 鈴木孝、 ファラウト・ジョセフ、ヴァンバーレン・ルート、 内堀奈保子
第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2014, Not invited - 電子メールサポートを利用したe-learning の活用―2012 年度「TOEIC 短期攻略講座」の成果から―
内堀奈保子; 谷岡朗; 鈴木孝; 多惠基継; ジョセフファラウト; 中村文紀; ヴァンバーレン・ルート; 乙黒麻記子
第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2014, Not invited - Japanese and English Gender Difference Instruction
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALT2014: Conversations Across Borders (40th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning), Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 2014, Not invited - Getting Hired At Universities in Japan
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALT2014: Conversations Across Borders (40th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning), Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 2014, Not invited - Lifelong Learning in a Fourth World Setting
Ruth Vanbaelen; Gust van Dongen
IEEE-IPCC 2014: Meeting Grounds-Lifelong Learning, from Classroom to Workplace, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Oct. 2014, Not invited - Significant Learning: Promoting Integration, Caring and Learning to Learn in English Language Learning
Ruth Vanbaelen
Seventh International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, Portland, Oregon, USA, Oct. 2014, Not invited - The Taxonomy of Significant Learning Applied to an EFL Study Abroad Course
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Fourth Asian Conference on Language Learning and Technology in the Classroom, Apr. 2014, Not invited - The Taxonomy of Significant Learning Applied to ESL in Japan
Ruth Vanbaelen
2014 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan. 2014, Not invited - Special Lectures on Academic Writing and Presenting: Participant Satisfaction
Ruth Vanbalen
第57回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2013, Not invited - The 2012 English IIIA/B Intensive Course: Results of the First Challenge Class
ヴァンバーレン・ルート,谷岡朗, 鈴木孝, ファラウト・ジョセフ,中村文紀,乙黒麻記子,内堀奈保子と共同発表
第57回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Dec. 2013, Not invited - Plagiarism Awareness
Ruth Vanbaelen
IEEE-IPCC 2013: Beyond Borders, Communicating Globally, Jul. 2013, Not invited - Facebook in Education for Beginners
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALTCALL2013, Jun. 2013, Not invited - Student Narratives: Solving Language Learning Issues with Technology
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALTCALL2013, Jun. 2013, Not invited - Blended Learning in a Summer TOEIC Course
Akira Tanioka; Takashi Suzuki; Joseph Falout; Ruth Vanbaelen; Fuminori Nakamura; Makiko Otoguro
The Fifth Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference, Mar. 2013, Not invited - Course Streaming and Achievement Testing via Moodle Quiz and Feedback Modules (Using the Quiz Module, Multiple-choice and Essay Items)
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Fifth Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference, Mar. 2013, Not invited - Images vs. Text: Using Linked Images in Moodle
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Fifth Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference, Mar. 2013, Not invited - English IIIA Challenge Course: Students’ TOEIC Goals and Actual Outcomes
谷岡朗、鈴木孝、ヴァンバーレン・ルートとファラウト・ジョセフ、中村文紀、 乙黒麻記子
第56回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Nov. 2012, Not invited - Leveled Courses for Academic Writing
第56回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Nov. 2012, Not invited - Slideware: Text or Visuals?
Ruth Vanbaelen
IEEE-IPCC 2012: Communicating Vision, Orlando, Florida, USA, Oct. 2012, Not invited - Aesthetic Concepts for Educational Tools and Materials
Ruth Vanbaelen
IEEE-IPCC 2012: Communicating Vision, Orlando, Florida, USA, Oct. 2012, Not invited - Moodle: Quick Setup for a TOEIC Workshop
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALTCALL2012, Jun. 2012, Not invited - Communication through Social Task-based Projects
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALTCALL2012, Jun. 2012, Not invited - Common Errors by EFL Learners
Ruth Vanbaelen
Second Joint GRIPS-TUJ Conference on English-Based University Education in Asia, Mar. 2012, Not invited - Forums: Making Connections through Social Task-based Projects
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Fourth Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference, Feb. 2012, Not invited - Academic Writing and Presenting Skill Improvement
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALT 2011, Nov. 2011, Not invited - Good Practices to Ensure International Students' Success in a New Cultural Environment
Ruth Vanbaelen
The 13th International Conference of EAJS, Aug. 2011, Not invited - Improving Student Motivation to Complete Online Tests for an English Communication Program
JALTCALL2011, Jun. 2011, Not invited - Handwritten versus Keyed Responses to TOEFL-like Writing Items
Ruth Vanbaelen; Ian Ellsworth
JALTCALL2011, Jun. 2011, Not invited - Achievement Testing using Moodle for Written TOEFL iBT-like Examination Items
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Third Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference, Feb. 2011, Not invited - The First Year of an Outcomes-based Curriculum using Moodle for Achievement Testing and Surveys
Ruth Vanbaelen
The Third Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference, Feb. 2011, Not invited - Voice recorders for self-evaluation and motivational purposes
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALTCALL2010, May 2010, Not invited - Email writing skills - The need for motivated study and continued instruction
Ruth Vanbaelen
JALTCALL2010, May 2010, Not invited - The Importance of Email Writing Instruction
Ruth Vanbaelen
First Joint GRIPS-TUJ Conference on English-based University Education in Japan, Feb. 2010, Not invited - Outcomes-based Curriculum Development and Evaluation
Ruth Vanbaelen
First Joint GRIPS-TUJ Conference on English-based University Education in Japan, Feb. 2010, Not invited - The First Semester of the 2009 Outcomes-based English Communication Curriculum
平成21年度第53回理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Nov. 2009, Not invited - Better Academic Writing 2009
平成21年度第53回理工学部学術講演会 日本大工理工学部 駿河台校舎、東京, Nov. 2009, Not invited - International Students at Japanese Universities: The Multi-Language Barrier to Academic Success
The Japan Intercultural Institute Conference - Education and Training for an International World: Language, Culture and Intercultural Communication, Oct. 2009, Not invited - Good Practices to Increase Educational Attractiveness and Promote Study Abroad
The Japan Intercultural Institute Conference - Education and Training for an International World: Language, Culture and Intercultural Communication, Oct. 2009, Not invited - To Moodle or Not to Moodle
To Moodle or Not to Moodle, Jun. 2009, Not invited - Using a Collaborative, Interactive Task-based Approach for a Series of English Academic Writing Workshops
Ruth Vanbaelen; Joseph Falout
平成20年度第52回日本大学理工学部学術講演会, Nov. 2008, Not invited - A Comparison of Flow in Second Year High School Student Activities
The 7th Annual Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Feb. 2006, Not invited