Fukuo Haruka

Correspondence Division Department of Literature(Japanese) ,College of Humanities and SciencesAssistant Professor


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities, Nihon University

Research Keyword

  • contemporary poetry
  • Hiromi Ito
  • Mieko Kawakami
  • Feminism
  • Gender studies
  • Translation
  • Intertextuality

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Literature - Japanese


  • Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division, Assistant professor
  • Feb. 2022 - Mar. 2024
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division, Japanese Language and Literature, Part time teacher
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024
    Mejiro University, Faculty of Foreign Language Studies, Department of Japanese and Japanese Language Education, Part-time Lecture
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024
    Nihon University, College of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Research Associate
  • Sep. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    Nihon University Senior High School, Japanese Language and literature department, Part-time Teacher
  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nihon University, Researcher
  • Aug. 2018 - May 2019
    Whitman college, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Language Assistant
  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2018
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Researcher

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019
    Nihon University Graduate School, 文学研究科国文学専攻
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2015
    Nihon University Graduate School, 文学研究科国文学専攻
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2013
    Nihon University, College of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Japanese Language and Literature

Member History

  • Jul. 2020 - Present
    Councilor, The society of Japanese Language and Literature, Nihon University
  • Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2024
    The steering committee member, Association for Modern Japanese Literary Studies


  • The society of Japanese Language and Literature, Nihon University, Suzuki Award-winning
    ★『河原』と『説経節』の融合――伊藤比呂美『河原荒草』をめぐって, Japan society
    Haruka Fukuo


  • ★伊藤比呂美における引用と越境の詩学,―─交差する時間/変異する言葉
    Nov. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
  • ★Intertextuality and Layered Voices/Letters: Ito Hiromiʼs Aato tamagiru
    Haruka Fukuo
    昭和文学研究, Sep. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
  • ★The Problems in Ito Hiromi's On Territory 2 : From Auschwitz Miha to Killing Kanoko
    Haruka Fukuo
    語文, Mar. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
  • ★On Ito Hiromi's Kawara Arekusa and Endless "Migration": Travel Lyric In The Form Of Sekyou-Bushi, A Comparsion
    Haruka Fukuo
    Gobun, Jun. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
  • Pain engraved in the 'blank': on Mieko Kawakami's kiiroi Ie
    Gobun, Dec. 2023, Not refereed, Invited
  • 一九八〇年代の現代詩と同人雑誌──『四』『壱拾壱』『淼』を中心に 附・目次一覧──
    福尾 晴香
    日本大学大学院 国文学専攻論集, Oct. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited
  • テリトリーの浸食と変容──〈死〉をみつめる言葉
    Haruka Fukuo
    Jan. 2015, Refereed, Not invited


  • Mieko Kawakami
    Haruka Fukuo
    日本近代文学大事典 増補改訂デジタル版, Feb. 2024, Invited
  • ラウンドテーブル報告記 名前は誰のものか――現代小説とマンガの検討から――
    Japanese Literature, 10 Apr. 2018, Not refereed, Invited
  • 2017 Special Lecture of the Society of Japanese Language and Literature, Nihon University: The world of Takiguchi Yusho― Narration, Memory and Life
    Gobun, 25 Mar. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美における土地の詩学――サンタアナとシャーマン
    福尾 晴香
    びーぐる 詩の海へ, Apr. 2016, Not refereed, Invited
  • 『軽口五色帋』の構成と文体
    Haruka Fukuo
    Gobun, Dec. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 繁茂する「植物」――初期投稿時代からの連続性
    福尾 晴香
    AィMィMe, Nov. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美『河原荒草』の誕生――形成される〈物語〉・「河原ヲ語ル」との比較を中心に――
    Haruka Fukuo
    AィMィMe, May 2012, Not refereed, Not invited

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ★女性身体を奪い返す――1980年代日本と詩人伊藤比呂美の挑戦
    日本大学文理学部第1回次世代研究者ワークショップ「人文学の境界を問う 身体・言語・テクノロジー」, Jan. 2023, Invited
  • The Intersectionality of Women's Poetry: Focusing on "Contemporary Poetry La Mer"
    精華大学×日本大学 日本研究フォーラム, Nov. 2023, Invited
  • Women's Poetry and the Magazine Media in the 1980s Japan
    第11回 東アジアと同時代日本語文学フォーラム✕インドネシア日本文学会 バリ大会 パネル「〈傷〉としての女性身体」, Sep. 2023, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美『切腹考』における翻訳と文体
    日本近代文学会・昭和文学会・日本社会文学会合同国際研究集会, Nov. 2019, 日本近代文学会・昭和文学会・日本社会文学会, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美『カノコ殺し』における女/子の身体――田中美津『いのちの女たち』を補助線として
    世界文学・語圏横断ネットワーク第11回研究集会, Sep. 2019, 世界文学・語圏横断ネットワーク, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美『切腹考』における森鷗外――生きるの死ぬるの、実体などどこにもなかった
    日本大学国文学会大会, Jun. 2019, 日本大学国文学会, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美『ラニーニャ』の語りと文体――声、音/文字のはざまで
    日本近現代文学国際シンポジウム ポストコロニアル批評の最前線, Aug. 2018, 韓国研究セミナー, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美の詩における「引用」と「声」――詩「叫苦と魂消る」から考える
    昭和文学会第61回研究集会, Dec. 2017, 昭和文学会, Not invited
  • ”Congratulations on your destruction” ——Itō Hiromi‘s Killing Kanoko, Eugenics, and Motherhood in the 1980s Japan
    Haruka Fukuo
    Summer 2017 Workshop on Contemporary Japanese Literature and Culture, Aug. 2017, Japan Studies University of Washington, Invited
  • 『テリトリー論1』における交差する共同性――伊藤比呂美・菊地信義を中心に
    日本大学・早稲田大学・中央大学合同研究発表会, Sep. 2016, 日本大学・早稲田大学・中央大学, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美のテリトリー論
    80年代批評・近代文学研究史を読む会, Jun. 2016, Not invited
  • 方法としての引用と編集――伊藤比呂美『テリトリー論2』をめぐって
    日本文学協会 第35 回研究発表大会, Jul. 2015, 日本文学協会, Not invited
  • 言語の境界をこえる/詩とその翻訳をめぐって
    国際日本文化研究センターワークショップ, Dec. 2014, 坪井秀人, Invited
  • 伊藤比呂美『テリトリー論2』における歴史/記憶の境界――ポーランド関連詩から考える
    日本大学国文学会大会, Jul. 2014, 日本大学国文学会, Not invited
  • 伊藤比呂美のポーランド詩におけるテリトリー――同人雑誌『壱拾壱』から『テリトリー論2』へ
    日本大学大学院国文学専攻大学院学術研究発表会, Nov. 2013, 日本大学大学院国文学専攻, Not invited


  • Teaching Methods (Japanese) III
    Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • Written Expression of Japanese
    Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • Special Classes of Japanese Literature
    Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • Seminar on Japanese Literature
    Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • Survey of Japanese Literature
    Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • History of Japanese Literature
    Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • Lecture on Modern Japanese Literature
    Apr. 2023 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • Graduation thesis
    Feb. 2022 - Present
    Nihon University Distance Learning Division
  • Contemporary Literature
    Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024
    Mejiro University
  • Japanese Expression Exercise Ⅱ
    Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2022
    Mejiro University
  • Integrated Japanese Language, Contemporary Japanese Language
    Sep. 2019 - Mar. 2020
    Nihon University Senior High School

Affiliated academic society

  • 2015 - Present
    Japanese Literature Association
  • 2015 - Present
    Association for Showa Literary Studies
  • 2014 - Present
    Association for Modern Japanese Literary Studies
  • Apr. 2009 - Present
    The society of Japanese Language and Literature, Nihon University

Research Themes

  • The Intertextuality of Contemporary Japanese Poetry and Translation - Ito Hiromi as a Case Study
    JAPAN SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF SCIENCE, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Application Procedures for Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up, Sep. 2020 - Mar. 2023
    福尾 晴香
  • 戦後現代時における「引用」と「翻訳」ーー伊藤比呂美を中心として
    JAPAN SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF SCIENCE, Research Fellowship for Youngscientists, Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2018

Social Contribution Activities

  • Waseda International House of Literature's event "Authors Alive!" report
    Waseda International House of Literature, Authors Alive, The Waseda International House of Literature (The Haruki Murakami Library), 17 Jan. 2021


  • 公開研究会「研究の〈展き〉かた―日本近現代文学で博士論文を書く―」主催(共同)、司会
    Jan. 2017 - Jan. 2017