AKIKUSA Shunichiro
Culture and Communication Studies | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
- Apr. 2016 - Present
日本大学大学院, 総合社会情報研究科, 准教授 - Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2024
北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター, 生存戦略共同研究員 - Apr. 2022 - Sep. 2022
Musashi University, Faculty of Humanities, 非常勤講師 - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016
Komazawa Women's University, Faculty of Humanity and Science, Part time lecturer - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
The University of Tokyo, Komaba Organization for Educational Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences, 専任講師 - Oct. 2014 - Mar. 2015
Saitama University, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Part time lecturer - Jul. 2012 - Mar. 2014
Harvard University, visiting researcher - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2012
Komazawa Women's University, Faculty of Humanity and Science, Part time lecturer - Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2012
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral research fellow - Aug. 2009 - Jul. 2010
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Visiting researcher - Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2009
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Doctoral research felliow - Nihon University Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Lecturer
Educational Background
- Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2009
東京大学大学院, 人文社会系研究科, 欧米系文化研究専攻現代文芸論専修 - Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2009
The University of Tokyo, Graduate school of humanities and sociology, Contemporary Literary Studies - Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2007
東京大学大学院, 人文社会系研究科, 欧米系文化研究専攻 - Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2007
The University of Tokyo, Graduate school of humanities and sociology, Slavic literature and language - Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2004
The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Letters, 西洋近代語西洋近代文学科 - Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2004
The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Literature, Modern Western literature and language
Research activity information
- Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature, Japan Association for the Study of Russian language and Literature Award
Nabokov Translation is Mine: How Self-translation Creates the Text
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - Japan Comparative Literature Association, Japan Comparative Literature Association Prize
Nabokov Translation is Mine: How Self-translation Creates the Text
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature, Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature Award
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - University of Tokyo, The University of Tokyo Grand President's Award
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - University of Tokyo, The University of Tokyo President's Award
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
- Consindering Tim O'Brien's "Ambush" as a Teaching Material on War—or the Benefits of Translated Fiction
秋草 俊一郎
Journal of Waseda International House of Literature, Apr. 2024, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Evgenii Chizhov "Translation from the Crib" and Politics of Translation in the Post-Soviet Era
言語文化研究, Feb. 2023
Lead - Soren yori ai wo komete: reisenki nihon ni okeru bunkakōryū to sohutopawā [From USSR with Love: Cultural diplomacy in 1960s Japan]
Shun’ichiro AKIKUSA
Renyxa, Apr. 2020, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Nihonjin wa nabokohu wo dōyondekitaka: ‘rōrita’ wo chūshin ni [How Japanese read Nabokov: Focusing on Lolita]
Gengobunka, Apr. 2019, Refereed, Invited - Nabokov and Hearn: Where the Transatlantic Imagination Meets the Transpacific Imagination
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Nabokov Upside Down, Mar. 2017, Refereed, Invited - Nabokohu to eriotto [Nabokov and Eliot]
T.S. Eliot Review, Nov. 2016, Not refereed, Not invited - Jutsugo toshiteno ‘Sekaibungaku’: 1895-2016 [‘World Literature’ as a Term: 1895-2016]
Bungaku [Literature], Sep. 2016, Not refereed, Invited - Kakinaoshi toshiteno jikohonyaku: Nōberu bungaku shō kōho nishiwaki Junzaburō no ‘shinwa’ [Self-translation as rewriting: “A Candidate for Nobel Laureate in Literature” Nishiwaki Junzaburō’s Myth]
Aurion sōsho, Jun. 2016, Not refereed, Invited - Nabokov and Laughlin: A Making of an American Writer
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Nabokov Online Journal, Apr. 2016, Refereed, Not invited - ナボコフとハーン トランス・アトランティックな想像力がトランス・パシフィック な想像力と出会うところ ――あるいは文学的バタフライエフェクト
れにくさ, Mar. 2016, Not refereed, Invited - Importing the Canon: The Harvard Classics and the En-pon Zenshū
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Journal of Comparative Literature, May 2015, Refereed, Not invited - Revisiting Nabokov’s The Defense as a Moral Game: What Made Luzhin Commit Suicide?
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Nabokov Online Journal, Feb. 2015, Refereed, Not invited - Kanon wo hakaru--"Sekaibungaku zenshū" ni miru kakkoku betsu bungaku no jyuyō no utsuri kawari [Measuring the Canon: The Locations of Foreign Literatures in the Anthologies of World Literature]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Sekai Bungaku [World Literature], Dec. 2014, Refereed, Not invited - Rosuto in misutoransurēshon: kenesu rekusurosu no gihonyaku ‘Marichiko no ai no uta’ wo megutte [Lost in Mistranslation: On Kenneth Rexroth’s Pseudo-translation, The Love Poems of Marichiko
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Renyxa, Mar. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - "Rekishinton no yurei" ibun [A Strange Tale from Haruki Murakami's Short Story"The Ghosts in Lexington"]
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Waseda bungaku, Sep. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited - Jikohon'yaku sha no hukashi sei: sono tayou na mondai [The Invisibility of the Self-translator: The Diversity of the Problems in 20th Century]
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Interpreting and Translation Studies, Dec. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - Roshia kei sekai bungaku no shuppatsu [The Beginning of Russian "World" Literature]
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Hikaku Bungaku Kenkyu [Studies of Comparative Literature], Nov. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - Urajimiru Nabokofu no hon'yaku riron to onegin yaku no unda hamon[On the Influence of Vladimir Nabokov’s Translation of Eugene Onegin and his Theory of Translation on Translation Studies]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Invitation to Translation Studies, Aug. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - Nihon bungaku no naka no Nabokofu [Nabokov in Japanese Literature: The Tradition of Misunderstanding and Mistranslation]
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Literature, Jul. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited - Kasubimu no tokoya saiho ["The Barber of Kasbeam" Revisited: Nabokov and his Failed Readers]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Kakinaosu Nabokofu, Yominaosu Nabokofu: Revising Nabokov Revising, May 2011, Not refereed, Not invited - Nabokov’s “Natural Idiom”: From “First-rate” Russian to “Second-rate” English
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Revising Nabokov Revising (The Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference), Nov. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited - Jisaku hon'yaku to ha nannika: Uraji-miru Nabokofu wo chushin ni [What is Self-translation?: Aorund Valdimir Nabokov: The Case of Vladimir Nabokov]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Renyxa, Apr. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited - Without Racemosa: Nabokov's Eugene Onegin as an Achievement in His American Years
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Studies in English Literature, Mar. 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Yakusunoha watashi: Urajimiru Nabokofu niokeru jisaku honyaku no shosō [Translation is Mine: Aspects of Vladimir Nabokov's Self-translations]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
University of Tokyo, Mar. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited - Nabokofu no fushizen na jyukugo [Nabokov’s “Unnatural Idiom” Exophonie or from “Foreignization” to “Defamiliarization”]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Krug, Nov. 2008, Refereed, Not invited - Nazotoki Nabokofu Defense: moraru wo meguru gemu [Reading Nabokov’s The Defense as a Moral Game}
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Studies in English Literature, Oct. 2008, Refereed, Not invited - Sekaiha chushyaku de dekiteiru[The World Is Made with Commentaries: Nabokov’s Commentaries on Eugene Onegin and Deceived Memory]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Slavic Studies, Sep. 2008, Refereed, Not invited - Nabokofu no shizenna jyukugo [Nabokov’s “Natural Idiom”: From “First-rate”Russian to “Second-rate”English]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Bulletin of the Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature, Oct. 2007, Refereed, Not invited - The Vanished Cane and the Revised Trick: A Solution for Nabokov's "Lips to Lips"
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Nabokov Studies, Jul. 2007, Refereed, Not invited - ナボコフ訳注『エヴゲーニイ・オネーギン』を貫く政治的姿勢について
SLAVISTIKA, 2007, Refereed, Not invited - Lolita ni okeru furansugo siyo no mondai [On Humbert’s Use of the French Language in Lolita]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Studies in English Literature, Oct. 2006, Refereed, Not invited - Urajimiru Nabokofu "Evugeni onegin" honyaku to chushaku kenkyū [О переводе и комментариях В. В. Набокова к роману А.С. Пушкина «Евгений Онегин»]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
University of Tokyo, Mar. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited - Исчезновение трости или измененные загадки : Рассказ В. В. Набокова <<Уста к устам>>
АКИКУСА Сюнъитиро
SLAVISTIKA, 2005, Refereed, Not invited - Urajimiru Nabokofu no rolita wo yomu: Eigoban roshiagoban no idō wo ashigakarini[Reading Lolita in Comparison between English and Russian Version]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
University of Tokyo, Mar. 2004, Not refereed, Not invited
- 国語教科書とポー
ポー研究, Sep. 2024, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 項目 世界文学ほか
比較文学比較文化ハンドブック, Aug. 2024, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 文学作品はいかに国境を越えるのか(あるいは越えないのか)? ――世界文学への社会学的アプローチ
MITIS Journal, Dec. 2023, Not refereed, Not invited - 書評アンドレイ・プラトーノフ『チェヴェングール』(工藤順・石井優貴訳、作品社)
週刊 読書人, Sep. 2022
Lead - 「世界文学全集」消滅の訳――「3000万読者」は誰だったのか
中央公論, Aug. 2022, Not refereed
Lead - ロシア文学とアメリカ文学
中村唯史・坂庭淳史・小椋彩編著『ロシア文学からの旅――交錯する人と言葉』ミネルヴァ書房, Apr. 2022 - 書評「坪井秀人・瀧井一博・白石恵理・小田龍哉編『越境する歴史学と世界文学』(臨川書店、二〇二〇年)」
『比較文学』, Apr. 2021, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 「拡張される自意識のための「世界」――「世界文学」とアメリカ」
群像, Feb. 2021
Lead - たき火とアリ
トラウマ文学館――ひどすぎるけど無視できない12の物語, Feb. 2019, Not refereed, Not invited - 不思議な客
トラウマ文学館――ひどすぎるけど無視できない12の物語, Feb. 2019, Not refereed, Not invited - [書評]Duncan White, Nabokov and His Books: Between Late Modernism and the Literary Marketplace
Krug, Dec. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited - ナボコフの「あやまち」
新潮, Jun. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited - 世界文学の「発明」、マディソン、一九五〇年――佐伯彰一の見た「世界文学」(下)
UP, Jun. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited - 「中西部のある大学」――佐伯彰一の見た「世界文学」(上)
UP, May 2018, Not refereed, Not invited - 想像力という病(書評 エヴゲーニイ・ザミャーチン『われら』)
青春と読書, Feb. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited - 翻訳こそ世界文学の絆(書評 ジョン・ネイスン『ニッポン放浪記』)
河北新報, Jan. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited - 既成概念の枠を広げ新しい読者層を開拓する野心的な試み(書評『ナボコフ・コレクション』新潮社)
週刊読書人, Dec. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited - ヴェラへの手紙
すばる, Dec. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited - ノーベル文学賞「候補」の実情
読売新聞夕刊, Nov. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited - 科学の興奮と詩の精密さ――ウラジーミル・ナボコフの文学
知のフィールドガイドーー分断された時代を生きる, Jul. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited - コンピュータは小説を書いているか?
すばる, Jun. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited - 【書評】郭南燕著『志賀直哉で「世界文学」を読み解く』
比較文学, May 2017, Not refereed, Not invited - 「世界文学」を編む
すばる, Apr. 2017, Not refereed, Invited - 遠読以後――デジタルヒューマニティーズと文学研究
UP, Feb. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited - どっちが勝つ?
文學界, Aug. 2016, Not refereed, Invited - 望遠鏡
早稲田文学, Nov. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - 「日本文学はどれぐらい世界文学なのかという問い」と、「世界文学はどれぐらい日本文学なのかという問い」について
越境する世界文学, Oct. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - 早すぎる死の遺産――追悼 ドミトリイ・バーキン
ロシア文化通信 群 GUN, Aug. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - 国際中欧・東欧研究学会が日本にやってくる
Nippon.com, Jul. 2015, Not refereed, Invited - ある夏の日の報告
翻訳研究への招待, May 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - 河野至恩『世界の読者に伝えるということ』講談社現代新書、2014年、246頁。
比較文学, May 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - 移民作家アーニャ・ユーリニッチの復帰
Nippon.com, Apr. 2015, Not refereed, Invited - 21世紀 世界文学カノンのゆくえ⑥ 世界文学カノンはどこからきてどこにいくのか
UP, Apr. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - 21世紀 世界文学カノンのゆくえ⑤ 全集から部分集合へ
UP, Feb. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - Notes on Nabokov’s “Notes on my Father”
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
The Nabokovian, Dec. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - Переводы русской литературы в наши дни: от классики в новых переводах до Сорокина
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Nippon.com, Dec. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - 21 seiki sekai bungaku kanon no yukue [21th Century The Location of the Canon of World Literature 4: The Load to World Literature]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
UP, Dec. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - Иммигранты сегодня
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Nippon.com, Oct. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - 21 seiki sekai bungaku kanon no yukue [21th Century The Location of the Canon of World Literature 3: A Heroin of New World Literature]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
UP, Oct. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - 21 seiki sekai bungaku kanon no yukue [21th Century The Location of the Canon of World Literature 2]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
UP, Aug. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - 21 seiki sekai bungaku kanon no yukue [21th Century The Location of the Canon of World Literature 1]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
UP, Jun. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - “I could never resist the temptation to scribble on sheets of hotel paper”: Where did Nabokov Spend the Night on 19th September 1952?
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
The Nabokovian, Dec. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited - クヴァドラトゥリン
Sep. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited - 世界文学に抗して 一滞在者が見たボストン爆破事件
群像, Jun. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited - Interview with JSPS Fellow in the U.S.
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science San Francisco, Mar. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited - 出身国
波, Feb. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited - 消えた作家 ドミトリイ・バーキンを追って
ロシア文化通信 群 GUN, Aug. 2012, Not refereed, Invited - Renai dekinai otoko tatsi [Men, who cannot fall in love]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Gunzō, Aug. 2012, Not refereed, Invited - Nabokofu no ijyō na aijyō {Dr. Nabokopv's Strange Love]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
Eureka, Feb. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited - 比較できないものを比較する――世界文学 杜甫から三島由紀夫まで
文藝, Jan. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited - もうひとつの「ロシア文学」
ロシア文化の方舟――ソ連崩壊から二〇年, Dec. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited - サマータイムの終わり
pink, Aug. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited - 日本文学翻訳史年表(露語近代)
越境する言の葉 世界と出会う日本文学 日本比較文学会創立六〇周年記念論集, Jun. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited - 「訳すのは『私』」症候群
新潮, May 2011, Not refereed, Not invited - 神楽坂ベスト3
群像, May 2011, Not refereed, Invited - Summary of Ph.D. thesis: Translation is Mine: aspects of Vladimir Nabokov's self-translations
Krug New series, Sep. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited - Madison Is Not Deserted
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
Slavic Languages and Literatures University of Wisconsin-Madison Department Newsletter, Jul. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited - A Brief Note on Japanese Nabokov Scholarship from 2000 to 2010
The Nabokovian, May 2010, Not refereed, Not invited - A Brief Note on Japanese Nabokov Scholarship from 2000 to 2010
The Nabokovian, 2010, Not refereed, Not invited - 「ナボコフの遺産」解説
群像, Nov. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited - ナボコフの遺産
群像, Nov. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited - 項目執筆
新カトリック大事典 第Ⅳ巻(ハク-ワン), Apr. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited - ロシア文学「亡命」第五の波:あるいは二一世紀の宇宙犬たち
ユリイカ, Mar. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited - 『ロシアン・ディスコ』より三篇
ユリイカ, Mar. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited - Nabokofu no dosutoefusukī girai [Nabokov's Hatred to Dostoevsky]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA
21 seiki dosutoefuskī ga yattekuru [21th Century Dostoevsky Comes Back], Jun. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited - (Review) Catriona Kelly, Russian Literature: A Very Short Introduction
Slavistika, 2007, Not refereed, Not invited - Catriona Kelly Russian Literature: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001, 184 pages; 20 halftones & 2 maps; 4-1/2 x 7
Slavistika, 2007, Refereed, Not invited - 日本におけるナボコフ書誌2001-2005年
Krug, Oct. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited - (Review) David Damrosch, What Is World Literature?
Slavistika, 2006, Not refereed, Not invited - David Damrosch, What Is World Literature? Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton UP, 2003, 324pp+xiii
Slavistika, 2006, Refereed, Not invited - К строфе XXXVI главы третьей – строфе XXXI главы четвертой
Shun'ichiro Akikusa
「翻訳」の諸相-異文化翻訳とその受容, 2005, Not refereed, Not invited - 鏡と女
新潮, Jan. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited - 「テキスト輪読:Aleksandr Pushkin. Eugene Onegin. Translated from the Russian, with a Commentary, by Vladimir Nabokov, Princeton University Press, 1975.」範囲:第3 歌第36 連から第4 歌第31 連まで(pp. 402-444)
TRANS 「『翻訳』の諸相」研究会, Nov. 2004, Not refereed, Not invited - 世不終
ΣYMΠOΣION 学生論文集2000/2001, Mar. 2003, Not refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
- ソーンダーズ先生の小説教室 ロシア文学に学ぶ書くこと、読むこと、生きること
秋草俊一郎; 柳田麻里, Joint translation, ロシア語小説7編およびまえがき、あとがき、解説二編、訳者あとがきなど, ジョージ・ソーンダーズ
フィルムアート社, Sep. 2024
4845921294 - 教科書の中の世界文学――消えた作品・残った作品25選
Joint editor
三省堂, Feb. 2024
4385362378 - ブルーノの問題
柴田元幸; 秋草俊一郎, Joint translation, アレクサンダル・ヘモン
書肆侃侃房, Nov. 2023
4863855966 - 数の値打ち――グローバル情報化時代に日本文学を読む
秋草俊一郎; 今井亮一; 坪野圭介, Joint translation, ホイト・ロング
フィルムアート社, Aug. 2023
4845921308 - 翻訳のスキャンダルーー差異の倫理にむけて
秋草俊一郎; 柳田麻里, Joint translation, ローレンス・ヴェヌティ
フィルムアート社, May 2022
4845921065 - 私の人生の本
秋草俊一郎, Single translation, アレクサンダル・ヘモン
松籟社, Sep. 2021
4879844098 - How the World Literature was Tempered--1827-2020
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA, Single work
University of Tokyo Press, Jun. 2020, Not refereed
4130801082 - 世界文学アンソロジー: いまからはじめる
秋草俊一郎, Joint editor
Jul. 2019, Not refereed
4385362351 - 翻訳――訳すことのストラテジー
マシュー・レイノルズ, Single translation
白水社, Mar. 2019, Not refereed
9784560096857 - Nabokov Collection
秋草俊一郎, Joint translation, 密偵, Vladimir Nabokov
新潮社, Dec. 2018, Not refereed
4105056085 - アメリカのナボコフ――塗りかえられた自画像
秋草俊一郎, Single work
May 2018, Not refereed
4766425227 - Translation Zone: A New Comparative Literature
秋草俊一郎, Joint translation, イントロダクション、1章、3章、14章、16章, Emily Apter
慶応義塾大学出版会, Apr. 2018, Not refereed
4766425189 - Nabokov's Congeries
秋草俊一郎, Single translation, 編訳, Vladimir Nabokov
作品社, Jun. 2016, Not refereed
4861825849 - 遠読――<世界文学システム>への挑戦
秋草俊一郎 今井亮一 落合一樹 高橋知之, Joint translation, 「世界文学への試論」、「さらなる試論」、「進化論、世界システム、世界文学」、索引, フランコ・モレッティ
みすず書房, Jun. 2016, Not refereed
4622079720 - Reason for Living
秋草俊一郎, Single translation, Dmitri Bakin
群像社, May 2015, Not refereed
9784903619514 - 未来の回想
シギズムンド・クルジジャノフスキイ, Single translation
松籟社, Oct. 2013, Not refereed
4879843199 - 瞳孔の中 クルジジャノフスキイ作品集
シギズムンド・クルジジャノフスキイ, Joint translation, 「クヴァドラトゥリン」「支線」
松籟社, Jul. 2012, Not refereed
4879843105 - ナボコフ全短篇
ウラジーミル・ナボコフ, Joint translation, 「言葉」「復活祭の雨」
作品社, Jul. 2011, Not refereed
4861823331 - 世界文学とは何か?
デイヴィッド・ダムロッシュ, Joint translation
国書刊行会, Apr. 2011, Not refereed
4336053626 - Nabokofu yakusu nowa "watakushi": jiko hon'yaku ga hiraku tekusuto [Translation is Mine: How Self-translation Creats the Text]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA, Single work
University of Tokyo Press, Mar. 2011, Not refereed
4130860380 - Nabokofu yakuchu "Evugeni onegin" chukai [Commentaries on Vladimir Nabokov's Translation of and Commentaries on Eugene Onegin]
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA, Joint work
Draduate School of Letters / Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, Mar. 2007, Not refereed
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- 国語教科書における外国文学作品の受容研究
日本学術振興会, 科研費, Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2027 - 「世界文学」の日米露比較研究
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(C), Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022
秋草俊一郎 - ウラジーミル・ナボコフの渡米後の受容の変化をめぐる研究
日本学術振興会, 若手研究(B), Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019
秋草俊一郎 - Nabokov’s America
The Fukuhara Memorial Fund for the Studies of English and American Literature, Publication Grant, Apr. 2016 - Dec. 2018
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" as a Work of World Literature: Transdisciplinary Research and Modeling for Application in Liberal Arts Education
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2018
Teiko Nakamaru - 世界文学全集の比較対照研究および各国における世界文学概念の発達
サントリー文化財団, 人文科学、社会科学に関する学際的グループ研究助成, Aug. 2015 - Jul. 2016
秋草俊一郎 - ウラジーミル・ナボコフの当時のコンテクストにおける受容研究
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up, Sep. 2014 - Mar. 2016
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - A Comparison betwen Anthologies of World Literature in the World
Suntory Foundation, Suntry's Research Grant, Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - The problems on Vladimir Nabokov's translation and bilingualism
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad, Jul. 2012 - Jul. 2014
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - The problems on Vladimir Nabokov's translation and bilingualism
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2012
Shun'ichiro Akikusa - Grant-in-Aid for Publication
University of Tokyo Press, Grant-in-Aid for Publication, Mar. 2011
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA - The problems on Vladimir Nabokov's translation and bilingualism
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program, Dec. 2009 - Jul. 2010
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA - The problems on Vladimir Nabokov’s translation and bilingualism
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2009
Shun'ichiro AKIKUSA - Vladimir Nabokov's translation and bilingualism