IGAWA Junichi

Department of competitive sportsAssistant Professor

Researcher Information


  • Ph.D. (Education), Nihon University, Mar. 2023

Field Of Study

  • Other, Other
Research activity information


  • 日本コーチング学会第29回大会 優秀発表賞
    クロスカントリースキーダイアゴナル走法の機能構造分析, Japan society


  • ★Validity and reliability of observational evaluation criteria based on the functional,approach to movement analysis for diagonal stride in cross-country skiing
    Junichi Igawa,Zenya Fujita,Tsukasa Suzuki,Fumio Mizuochi,Masanori Takahashi and Kiyohide Aoyama
    The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies, Mar. 2023, Refereed
  • ★A Study on the Aerobic Abilities of University Men’s Kendo Athletes: Focusing on maximum oxygen uptake and blood lactate concentration
    Ryosuke KAWAI; Junichi IGAWA; Hidehiko KUSHI; Yoichiro SASAKI; Junichi NAGASAWA
    Japan Journal of Applied Sport Sciences, Dec. 2022, Refereed
  • ★Effect of subjective intensity on objective performance in roller ski training
    Junichi Igawa; Kiyohito Takanobu; Keita Miki; Koichi Mizushima; Tomohiro Noguchi; Takayuki Koyama; Jun Konno; Shuhei Shiroma; Ryoji Isano; Keitaro Seki; Ryosuke Kawai; Kiyohide Aoyama
    アプライドスポーツサイエンス, Jun. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
  • ★A study on criteria for observational evaluation based on functional approach,to movement analysis of diagonal stride in cross-country skiing
    Junichi Igawa; Zenya Fujita; Tsukasa Suzuki; Fumio Mizuochi; Kiyohide Aoyama
    桜門体育学研究, Mar. 2021, Refereed
  • Regarding the current state of campsite facilities and equipment for outdoor education in university and the state of regional cooperation
    Junichi Igawa; Ryoji Isano; Ayako Azumi; Akira Jujo
    Journal of Regional Cooperation with Universities, Local Governments and Industries Studies, Mar. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
  • 続・私の考えるコーチング論:クロスカントリースキー競技における私のコーチングについて
    コーチング学研究, Jan. 2024, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Evaluation of the diagonal technique in cross-country skiing by biomechanical and functional analysis
    Junichi Igawa; Tomoki Nagano; Zenya Fujita; Tsukasa Suzuki; Fumio Mizuochi; Keitaro Seki and Kiyohide Aoyama
    コーチング学研究, Oct. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
  • Segmental contribution of the support leg during interval running of high hurdle
    関 慶太郎・井川純一・村越雄太・青山清英
    陸上競技研究, Sep. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
  • 剣道における各種稽古法の運動強度に関する一考察 ー稽古中の心拍数と血中乳酸濃度を指標としてー
    研究紀要(日本大学文理学部人文科学研究所), Sep. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
  • Kinetics and activity of the lower extremity muscles to achieve a higher height during repeated vertical jumps
    Keitaro Seki; Junichi Igawa; Heikki Kyröläinen; Kiyohide Aoyama
    Hayka, May 2020, Refereed, Not invited
  • Characteristics of squat-lifting kinetics with higher effectiveness of mechanical energy utilization
    Junichi Igawa; Tomoki Nagano; Keitaro Seki
    桜門体育学研究, Sep. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • A kinematic study on the motor resources in “tenouchi”, with a focus on kendo instruction books prepared between the adoption of kendo as a regular subject in physical education and the start of World War II
    川井良介・瀬川 剛・井川純一・阿部 滉
    身体と教育の実践知, May 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects on throwing distance and kinematics of learning program to improve throwing ability
    身体と教育の実践知, May 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • 女子中学生を対象とする投能力向上のための学習プログラムの効果と課題
    教師教育と実践知, May 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • An Attempt to Establish Simulation Training Systems on Cross-country skiing
    総合文化研究, Mar. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • Influence on the contributions of the lower limb segments in different perceived effort repeated vertical jumping
    Research Quarterly for Athletics, Oct. 2018, Refereed, Not invited

Books and other publications

    Joint editor, DVD・クロスカントリースキー編
    山と渓谷社, Oct. 2021, Not refereed
  • ★大学生のための最新健康・スポーツ科学
    Contributor, 11 呼吸循環器系, 日本大学文理学部体育学研究室 編
    八千代出版, Apr. 2020

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ★クロスカントリースキー競技のダイアゴナル走法における滑走技術の観察と評価
    日本アプライドスポーツ科学会第2回大会, Jan. 2023
  • ★クロスカントリースキー選手の競技パフォーマンスを規定する感性情報の特徴―ダイアゴナル走法の滑走感覚を対象として―
    日本体育学会第68回大会, Sep. 2017