IJIRI Naohiko

College of EconomicsProfessor


  • MA(Economics), Nihon University Graduate School of Economics, Mar. 1994
  • MSc in Economics & International Economics, The University of Nottingham, Graduate school of Economics, Dec. 1998
  • Ph.D. in Commerce, Kwansei Gakuin University, Feb. 2023

Research Keyword

  • MNEs
  • Non-tariff barriers
  • International standards
  • International Trade
  • Foreign Direct Investment

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Theoretical economics, Theoritical Economics
  • Humanities & social sciences, Economic statistics, Economic Statistics
  • Humanities & social sciences, Economic policy, International Trade
  • Humanities & social sciences, Economic policy, International Trade Policy
  • Humanities & social sciences, Economic policy, Foreign Direct Investment


  • Apr. 2013 - Present
    Nihon University College of Economics, Professor
  • Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2013
    Nihon University College of Economics, Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2006
    Nihon University College of Economics, Lecturer
  • Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2003
    Sizuoka Eiwa University, Lecturer
  • Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2002
    Shizuoka Eiwa College, Lecturer

Educational Background

  • Sep. 1997 - Dec. 1998
    Nottingham University, Graduate School, School of Economics, School of Economics
  • Oct. 1995 - Mar. 1998
    Nihon University Graduate School of Economics, Doctor course
  • Apr. 1992 - Mar. 1994
    Nihon University Graduate School of Economics, Master's course
  • 1992
    Nihon University, Faculty of Economics, 経済学科


  • 日本における労働分配率の決定要因分析
    RIETI Discussion Paper Series, Mar. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
  • International Standards, Product substitutability, and Global Trade Network
    Naohiko Ijiri; Norihiko Yamano; Guannan Miao
    EURAS Proceedings 2013, Jun. 2013, Refereed
  • グラビティモデルによる国内航空輸送流動量の決定要因分析:中国のケース
    井尻 直彦
    航空政策研究会『研究助成』, Aug. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 東アジアにおける多国籍企業の立地選択:中国,ベトナムのケース
    井尻 直彦
    JAFTAB, Mar. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
  • 羽田空港の経済効果を高める戦略的な空港経営
    『羽田空港の再拡張・国際化についての 有識者論文集』県・横浜・川崎空港対策研究協議会, Oct. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 米国の航空貨物ハブ空港からの教訓
    『ていくおふ』ANA総合研究所, May 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
  • An Estimation of the border effect in the Japanese Economy
    経済集志, Jan. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
  • グラビティモデルを用いた日本の海外直接投資の決定要因分析
    JAFTAB, Mar. 2005, Refereed, Not invited
  • A Study of Korean Outward Investment and Its Increasing Competitiveness
    IJIRI Naohiko
    KEIZAI SHUSHI, 2001, Not refereed, Not invited
  • A Study of determinants of foreign direct investment in Selected 5 industrialized Countries
    井尻 直彦
    The Annual Reports of Studies, 2001, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 比較優位構造と海外直接投資の動向 -日米英独仏伊6カ国の貿易・直接投資RCA指数からの考察-
    経世論集, 1999, Not refereed, Not invited
  • A study of determinants of foreign direct investment
    井尻 直彦
    KEIZAI SHUSHI, 1999, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 企業特殊優位性と海外直接投資決定に関する一考察
    経世論集, 1996, Not refereed, Not invited


  • 中東欧における日系企業の日本的経営・生産方式の適応研究
    池本 修一; 井尻 直彦; 田中 宏
    産業経営プロジェクト報告書 = Survey reports on business administration trends, Mar. 2014

Books and other publications

  • ★日本の貿易変動と非関税障壁
    Single work
    文眞堂, Apr. 2022

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Revealed-Offshoring index using international trade data
    Naohiko Ijiri
    Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises,, Oct. 2023, Not invited
  • Revealed-Offshoring index using international trade data
    Naohiko Ijiri
    JAFTAB Annual meeting2, May 2023, Not invited
  • GVCs and structural changes in international trade: Case of Germany and Japan
    Naohiko Ijiri
    The 27th IAGBT-KITRI Biannual International Conference and Research Symposium, Jan. 2022, Not invited
  • International Trade in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Products during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    The 26th IAGBT-KITRI Biannual Conference and Research Symposium, Jul. 2021, Not invited
  • The effects of European emission standards on used car imports in the EU countries
    Naohiko Ijiri
    Japan Academy for International trade and business, 59th Annual meeting, May 2019, JAFTAB, Not invited
  • 貿易統計の歪み:データと実証分析に関する諸問題
    日本貿易学会全国大会, May 2018, 日本貿易学会, Not invited
  • International standardisation and reduction of NTBs
    Naohiko Ijiri
    Japan Academy for International trade and Business, May 2017, Japan Academy for International trade and Business, Invited
  • JIS規格の国際標準化と日本の非関税障壁の現状:アジアからの輸入のケース
    Naohiko Ijiri
    関西学院大学・産業研究所プロジェクト研究会, Dec. 2016, 関西学院大学・産業研究所, Invited
  • Non-harmonised Mandatory Standards as Non-Tariff Barriers: Experience from Japanese Imports
    Naohiko Ijiri
    Beijing Forum, Nov. 2016, Peking University, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Invited
  • Non-harmonised Mandatory Standards as Non-Tariff Barriers: Experience from Japanese Imports
    Naohiko Ijiri
    18th EBES CONFERENCE - U.A.E., Jan. 2016, Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Not invited
  • Non-harmonised Mandatory Standards as Non-Tariff Barriers: Experience from Japanese Imports
    Naohiko Ijiri
    International Academy of Business and Economics, San Francisco, Winter conference, Dec. 2015, International Academy of Business and Economics, Not invited
  • Non-harmonised Mandatory Standards as Non-Tariff Barriers: Experience from Japanese Imports
    Naohiko Ijiri
    The Japan Society of International Economics, the 74th Annual meeting, Nov. 2015, Not invited
  • Harmonisation of International standards and Newly traded products: Case of Japanese Trade
    Naohiko Ijiri
    Japan Academy for International Trade and Business, Annual Meeting, May 2015, Not invited
  • International Standards, Product substitutability, and Global Trade Network
    Naohiko Ijiri
    17th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference, May 2013, The European Academy for Standardisation, Not invited
  • 国際規格と国際貿易
    日本国際経済学会全国大会, Oct. 2012, 日本国際経済学会, Not invited
  • The Role of International Standards in Global Trade Network
    Naohiko Ijiri
    The GEP Conference at The University of Nottingham, Ningbo Campus, Oct. 2012, Nottingham Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy, The University of Nottigham, Invited
  • The role of international standards in international trade
    Naohiko Ijiri
    日本貿易学会全国大会, May 2012, Japan Academy for International Trade and Business, Not invited
  • Airfreight and International Trade: Evidence from Japanese export
    KTRA, International Conference, Dec. 2010, Korea Trade Research Association, Not invited
  • 航空輸送と国際貿易:日本の輸出ケース
    JAFTAB Annual Meeting, May 2010, JAFTAB, Not invited
  • Airfreight and International Trade: Evidence from Japanese export
    The GEP Conference in Malasia, Nottingham University, Jan. 2010, University of Nottingham, GEP, Not invited
  • 中国,ベトナムにおける対内直接投資の立地決定分析
    JAFTAB Annual Meeting, May 2009, 日本貿易学会, Not invited
  • 日本の国境効果の推計
    日本貿易学会, May 2006, Not invited
  • グラビティモデルを用いた日本の海外直接投資の決定要因分析
    日本貿易学会, Jun. 2004, Not invited

Affiliated academic society

  • Jun. 2023 - Present
    The Japan academy of Multinational Enterprises
  • Jun. 2013 - Present
  • 日本国際経済学会
  • 日本貿易学会

Research Themes

  • An empirical analysis on non-tariff barriers in Japan and EU with variable elasticity of substitution
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019
    IJIRI NAOHIKO; Yamano Norihiko; Axel Mangelsdorf
  • 国際規格の普及とグローバルアウトソーシング
    Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
  • Research on management of multinational firm groups: economic and business perspectives on transaction cost approach.
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2010 - 2012
    NISHIWAKI Nobuko; YONEZAWA Satoshi; IJIRI Naohiko
  • Global Outsourcing and Dynamics of Economic System
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2008 - 2011
    INUI Tomohiko; KWON Hyeog ug; IJIRI Naohiko; TOYOFUKU Kenta; TODO Yasuyuki; TOKUI Joji; MATSUURA Toshiyuki; TOMIURA Eiichi; SAKURAI Kojiro; HAYAKAWA Kazunobu; YOKOI Norie
  • Realignment of Airline Network and Improvement in Airport Management
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 - 2008
    TAKENAKA Koji; KATO Kazusei; INUI Tomohiko; IJIRI Naohiko; GO Itsuryo; TODOROKI Tomoyuki; MURAKAMI Hideki; MATSUMOTO Hidenobu; TEZUKA Koichiro; YOSHIDA Yuichiro; TSUJIMOTO Katsuhisa; URANISHI Shuji; SAEGUSA Madoka