パウエル リチャード



  • 仲裁
  • シャリア法
  • コモンロー
  • 司法制度
  • 東南アジア
  • ポストコロニアル社会、司法
  • 比較法
  • 言語学
  • 言語方策
  • 司法精度
  • マレーシア
  • マスコミ
  • 異文化と語用論
  • 人権


  • 人文・社会, 国際法学, 国際法学・比較法学
  • 人文・社会, 外国語教育, 外国語教育
  • 人文・社会, 言語学, 言語学と比較文化
  • 人文・社会, 言語学, 言語学
  • 人文・社会, 言語学, 法言語語学
  • 人文・社会, 社会法学, 社会法学・人権


  • 2014年
    メルボルン大学, 教育学部・法学部, 教育言語学と法学
  • 2005年
    マクオーリ大学, 心理学部・言語科学研究科, 言語政策
  • 1987年09月 - 1989年09月
    英国ロースクール, 法学部, 法律
  • 1985年09月 - 1986年09月
    ロンドン大学SOAS大学院, 東洋学部 政治学研究科, 政治学科
  • 1978年10月 - 1981年06月
    ケンブリッジ大学, 歴史, 歴史政治学


  • ケンブリッジ大学, Academic Exhibition, Peterhouse, Cambridge University.
  • Macquarie University International Student Academic Merit Prize


  • 法解釈と法言語学における相違点と類似点
    リチャード パウエル
    月刊 税理, 2023年12月, 査読有り
  • Toothless rhetoric of strategic polemic? A textual and contextual analysis of Japan’s Hate Speech Law.
    International Journal of the Semiotics of Law, 2022年12月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • Judges’ perspectives on Malaysia’s bilingual legal system.
    Richard Powell
    Asian Englishes, 2022年01月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Asian-based contributions to forensic linguistics research and the potential of local multilingual law
    ASEAN Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2021年09月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • Multilingual legal practice and law student internships in Malaysia
    Powell; Richard & Saw Tiong Guan
    World Englishes, 2021年01月, 査読有り
  • (公式多言語主義の社会政治的起源と法的帰結)
    リチャード パウエル
    The Asian Journal of Law and Society, 2020年03月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • Time to go naked? Rules and reforms surrounding LGBT people in Japan.
    Richard Powell
    Australian Journal of Asian Law, 2019年11月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • Destruction and Reconstruction in Cinematic Portrayals of Tokyo
    Richard Powell
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 2019年09月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • (日本の法律と行政における言語、イメージ、イデオロギー)
    リチャード パウエル
    International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 2019年08月, 査読有り
  • Images and narratives of law and order in the manga KOBAN.
    Richard POWELL; Hideki KUMAKI
    International Journal of the Semiotics of Law, SI: Language, imagery and ideology in Japanese law and administration., 2019年07月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • (英語と再植民地化の言語:日本の占領シンガポールの行政と司法)
    Richard Powell
    International Journal of the Semiotics of Law,, 2019年, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • The fall and rise of English in common law
    日本大学経済学部研究紀要, 2017年04月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Unbalanced bilingualism, diglossia and class division in postcolonial law.
    International Journal of Legal Discourse, 2016年12月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • (英語話せするか? ニューヨーク市裁判所における言語切り替えと通訳の使用)
    リチャード パウエル
    The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 2015年12月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • 帝国日本の英字新聞から読める言語政策:昭南の例
    パウエル リチャード
    研究紀要 77, 2015年01月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • (アジアの文章と文脈で見る言語と宗教)
    リチャード パウエル; マヤ デーブイド
    International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2014年08月, 査読有り
  • Language disadvantage in Malaysian litigation and arbitration.
    Richard Powell; Azirah Hashim
    World Englishes., 2011年01月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Terminological creation and language shift in Malaysia's legal system.
    Richard Powell
    Current Issues in Language Planning (Multilingual Matters, UK), 2004年12月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • The rhetorical influence of first-language cultural transfer on second-language writing: contrasting views from Kubota and Hinkel.
    Richard Powell
    研究紀要45, 2004年04月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • The relevance of recent cognitive research to the question of a 'critical age' for second language acquisition.
    Richard Powell
    研究紀要41, 2003年04月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • Language planning in Kenya and implications for other multilingual postcolonial polities.
    Richard Powell
    研究紀要37, 2002年04月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • Language Planning in the British Empire: comparing Pakistan, Malaysia and Kenya.
    Richard Powell
    Current Issues in Language Planning (Multilingual Matters, UK)., 2002年, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Diversity in the face of globalisation: the challenge for ELT.
    SPELT Journal (Society of Pakistan English teachers), 2001年10月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • Questions arising from the use of popular film in law-based ESP and content-EFL courses.
    Richard Powell
    Perspectives: Journal of English Language Teaching and Teacher Education (Czech Republic), 2000年01月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • スラザー監督映画の都で行方不明:リメークの落とし穴と異文化間コミュニケーションへの問題提起
    Richard Powell
    成蹊 大学一般研究報告31, 1999年01月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • Considering a Framework in which to examine the role of language laws and policies in former British colonies.
    Richard Powell
    研究紀要27, 1998年10月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • Answer machine language use: a preliminary investigation into cross-cultural differences.
    研究紀要26, 1998年04月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • Uses of law as a subject for content-based English-language teaching.
    桜門論叢, 1995年03月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • (アムネスティ・インターナショナルの法的地位に関する日英比較と各国の非営利公益団体に関する法律への影響)
    リチャード パウエル
    Seikei University Research Bulletin (Tokyo), 1994年12月


  • ★'Research Design'. In 'Getting Started with Research: A Guide to Research Methodology'
    Richard Powell, 分担執筆, Jen Allwood; Elisabeth Ahlsén & Azirah Hashim
    University of Malaya Press., 2021年, 査読有り
  • The impact of English on law in Southeast Asia’
    Oxford University Press, 2024年05月
  • アジア諸国における法言語学の歩み
    橋内武; 堀田秀吾; 法と言語; 法言語学へのいざない, 分担執筆
    くろしお出版, 2024年02月
  • Movement Control Order or “Making Confusing Order”? Discourses of confusion about lockdowns in a Malaysian news portal
    Richard Powell; Zarina Othman, 単著, Ikuko Nakane, Claire Maree and Michael C. Ewing (eds.) (in press. 2023), 141-160. Discourses of Disruption in the Time of COVID: Creating and Contesting Meaning through Asian Languages
    Leiden University Press, 2023年11月
  • Persuasive or coercive? Cultural and institutional factors behind penalty-free laws in Japan and implications for management of Covid-19.
    単著, In Anne Wagner & Aleksandra Matulewska (eds.) (October, 2023) Research Handbook on Jurilinguistics, 264-281
    Edward Elgar, 2023年10月
  • The sun also rises: flying the Japanese flag amid contested national narratives. In Wagner & Marusek (eds) Flags, Color, and the Legal Narrative: Public Memory, Identity, and Critique
    Richard Powell, 単著, Richard Powell
    Springer, 2021年02月, 査読有り
  • English in Asian legal systems. In Bolton & Kirkpatrick (eds) Handbook of Asian Englishes.
    Richard Powell, 単著, 863-886, Richard Powell
    Wilesy Blackwell, 2020年09月, 査読有り
  • Language choice in postcolonial law. Lessons from Malaysia’s bilingual system
    Richard Powell, 単著, Richard Powell
    Springer Nature, 2020年02月
  • Language planning and legal systems
    Richard Powell, 単著, pp 83-108, Richard Powell
    Chapter in J. Visconti (ed.) Handbook of Communication in the Legal Sphere: De Gruyter., 2018年08月, 査読無し
  • Rules and unruliness in manga depictions of community police boxes.
    Richard Powell; Hideyuki Kumaki, 共著
    Chapter in Giddens, Pearson & Tranter (eds.) Law and Justice in Japanese Popular Culture: from crime fighting robots to duelling pocket monsters. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018年07月, 査読無し
  • Perceptual, cultural and linguistic challenges facing Japan as a site of international arbitration.
    Chapter in Bhatia, Gotti, Azirah Hashim, Koh & Rajoo (eds.) International Arbitration Discourse and Practices in Asia. Routledge, 2018年01月, 査読無し
  • 「John GIbbons」
    In Chapelle, Carol (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons., 2013年01月, 査読無し
  • English in Southeast Asian Law.
    単著, 241-266.
    Chapter in Ee-Ling Low & Azirah Hashim (Eds.) English in Southeast Asia: Features, Policy and Language in Use Amsterdam: John Benjamins. In press, 2012年01月, 査読無し
  • Exploring language choice in Malaysian trials and arbitrations: common aims,complementary methods.」
    Azirah Hashim, Richard Powell, 共著, 129-161, AzirChapter in Petersen; Margrethe and Engberg; Jan (eds.) Current Trends in LSP Research: Methods and Aims. ah Hashim
    Bern, Switzerland. Peter Lang, 2011年12月, 査読無し
  • 英語で学ぶ日本の法、世界の法
    Richard Powell, 堀田秀悟; Fathima Marikkar, 共著, 堀田秀悟、Fathima Marikkar
    朝日出版, 2011年10月, 査読無し
  • 「英国採訪 — これで完璧20のガイド」
    相澤; 伊藤, 共著, 相澤、伊藤
    朝日出版, 2011年10月, 査読無し
  • Assessing and inculcating sociopragmatic awareness of joking in Japanese ESL learners.
    単著, 57-89
    Chapter in David, Lean & Meng (Eds.) Bridging the Gap Cross-Cultural Communication., 2011年08月, 査読無し
  • Language alternation in Kenyan and Malaysian courts.
    Maya Khemlani DAVID, 共著, 227-250., Maya Khemlani DAVID
    Chapter in Anne Wagner & Cheng Le (Eds.) Exploring Courtroom Discourse: The Language of Power and Control. Book series Law, Language and Communication London: Ashgate. With Maya David., 2011年07月, 査読無し
  • 아시안잉글리시 亜細亜の英語
    プルンスプ, 2010年12月, 査読無し
  • Language alternation in Malaysian courtrooms.
    単著, 135-152
    Chapter in David, McLellan, Rafik-Galea & Ain (Eds.) Code Switching in Malaysia. Berlin: Peter Lang., 2009年10月, 査読無し
  • The roles of English in Southeast Asian legal systems.
    単著, 155-177
    Chapter in Lucia Siebers and Thomas Hoffmann (Eds.) World Englishes: Problems - Properties - Prospects. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins., 2009年09月, 査読無し
  • Bilingual courtrooms: in the interests of justice?
    単著, 131-159
    Chapter in Gibbons & Turrell (Eds.) Dimensions of Forensic Linguistics. Amsterdam:John Benjamins., 2008年10月, 査読無し
  • Motivations for language choice in Malaysian courtrooms.
    Richard Powell, 単著, Richard Powell
    Kuala Lumpur:University of Malaya Press (Malaysia), 2008年09月, 査読無し
  • Japanese English as an Asian English: by, for and of the Japanese? Recent debate on the interface between EFL and EIL in Japan.
    Richard Powell, 単著, 269-282, Richard Powell
    Chapter in Azirah & Norizah (Eds.) Varieties of English in South East Asia and Beyond. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press., 2006年10月, 査読無し
  • ニュースメディア英語 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
    共著, with Noriko Itoh and Akira Uesugi. Sept 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 editions with Noriko Itoh and Masami Takahashi.
    朝日出版, 2006年
  • Viewpoints in Law.
    Richard Powell, 単著, Richard Powell
    Tokyo:Macmillan Language House, 1996年09月, 査読無し
  • Law Today .
    Richard Powell, 単著, Richard Powell
    Harlow: Longman/Pearson (UK)., 1993年09月, 査読無し


  • Practitioners across Jurisdictions: Discursive and Linguistic Differences Reported by Malaysian Bijural Lawyers.
    Richard Powell
    Panel on Lawyers, panel on Lawyers, Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 2023年12月
  • Multilingual law – is it worth it? Some answers (and questions) from around Asia. (Invited plenary speech)
    Richard Powell
    16th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Law and Legal Linguistics, 2023年07月, 招待有り
  • Lawyers as cultural, discursive and linguistic mediators: a focus on Malaysia's bijural practitioners.
    Richard Powell
    Workshop on Language, Religion and Discrimination at 21st International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law, 2023年05月
  • Exploring the potential of technology for generating clearer messages and better translations during emergencies: examples from pandemic measures in Japan and Malaysia
    Richard Powell
    Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, University of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2022年12月
  • Multilingual law and its potential for Asian-based contributions to forensic linguistics research.
    MAAL Asia-Pacific Conference, 2022年08月, 招待有り
  • The ongoing ‘confusion’ in the Malaysian online news; the corpus way.
    MAAL Asia-Pacific Conference, 2022年08月, 通常論文
  • ‘Ambiguity in Legal Texts and Challenges for the Regulation of Pandemics’
    Richard Powell
    Santo Tomas International Conference on Forensic Linguistics, 2021年09月, 招待有り
  • ‘Compliance and complaints in media commentary on Malaysian movement control orders’
    Richard Powell
    Asian Law and Society Conference 2021, 2021年09月, 通常論文
  • ‘Contested concepts of “indigenous, language” in Malaysia’
    Richard Powell & Azirah Hashim
    AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée ), 2021年08月, 招待有り
  • The Asahi Rising Sun flag: emblem of prosperity and fortune, or genocidal banner?
    Richard Powell
    15th Conference on Translation, Interpreting,and Comparative Legilinguistics (online), 2021年06月, 通常論文
  • Shallow supremacy? The political and judicial discourses of linguistic justice in Malaysia
    Richard Powell
    Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, 2021年06月, Janny Leung, 招待有り
  • Clarity and accessibility in law ,and the challenges of multilingualism
    Richard Powell
    Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics: Webinar on Managing Transdisciplinary Research on Multilingualism under the Challenges of the Pandemic, 2020年07月, 招待有り
  • The Asahi Rising Sun flag: emblem of prosperity and fortune, or genocidal banner?
    Richard Powell
    15th Conference on Translation, Interpreting,and Comparative Legilinguistics (online), 2020年06月, 通常論文
  • Language as a facilitator, indicator and inhibitor of national and international legal rights in Malaysia
    Asian Law and Society Association Conference, 2019年12月, 通常論文
  • How many sexes is both sexes? Legal and lay interpretations of commonplace words in Japan’s marriage equality debates and possible implications for linguists.
    Richard Powell
    14th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists, 2019年07月, 通常論文
  • Language, Legal Education and the Internationalisation of Japanese ADR
    Richard Powell
    Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Law & Language, 2019年06月, Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Law & Language, 通常論文
  • Authorised texts and ideological conflict in multilingual postcolonial law.
    20th International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law, 2019年05月, 通常論文
  • Multilingualism, multiculturalism and multijuralism in Malaysian law’
    Legal Communication in a Multilingual and Multicultural Context, 2019年03月, 招待有り
  • Enactments, judgments, rules and customs: legal and quasi-legal agents of linguistic justice in Malaysia
    Asian Law and Society Association Conference, 2018年11月, 通常論文
  • Political, cultural and linguistic symbolism in postcolonial Bruneian and Tongan law.
    Richard Powell
    A common quandary for new common law courts: Panel at Law and Society Association Conference, 2018年06月, 通常論文
  • English-based loanwords in Japan's aging society
    23rd IAWE (International Association of World Englishes) Conference, Ateneo de Manila University., 2018年05月, 通常論文
  • Language factors in Asian arbitration: comparing Japan and Malaysia
    Asian Law and Society Association Conference., 2017年12月, 通常論文
  • Ideology and pragmatism in bilingual law
    13th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists, 2017年07月, 通常論文
  • Comparing legal and educational language planning in Southeast Asia
    18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 2017年07月, 通常論文
  • The Use and Non-use of Interpreters in Bilingual Legal Systems
    International Conference on Legal and Healthcare Interpreting, 2017年02月, 招待有り
  • 英契約法の歴史的背景
    コモンロー契約法のシンポジウム, 2017年02月, 招待有り
  • Multilingual and multicultural competences in Malaysian law offices
    Inaugural Asian Law and Society Association Conference., 2016年09月, 通常論文
  • Bilingualism, diglossia and class division in postcolonial legal systems’
    6th International Conference on Law, Language and Discourse, 2016年08月, 通常論文
  • Bilingual legal education in Bangladesh’
    2nd Asian Regional Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists, Manila., 2016年07月, 通常論文
  • The role of education in Malaysian bilingual law
    International Conference on Language Policy and Multilingual Education, Myanmar Ministry of Education, Mandalay University., 2016年02月, 通常論文
  • One country, two jurisdictions: comparing language policy and practice in East and West Malaysian law.
    18th ESEA (English of South East Asia) International Conference., 2015年11月, 通常論文
  • User- vs. use-orientated language in the legal systems of Fiji and Tonga
    21st IAWE (International Association of World Englishes) Conference., 2015年10月, 通常論文
  • Challenges for bilingual legal education: evidence from a Malaysian law faculty.
    Richard Powell; Chew Li Hua
    12th Biennial IAFL (International Association of Forensic Linguists) Conference., 2015年07月, 通常論文
  • Vernacularisation and lexical innovation in postcolonial Asian law.
    10th Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistics., 2015年06月, 通常論文
  • Teaching, researching and living bilingualism.
    Seminar on Research Development and Communication Skills, National University of Laos, Vientiane, 2015年04月, 招待有り
  • Internationalisation of higher education: African students in Malaysia and comparisons with Japan.
    Richard Powell; Nurjaanah Chew Li Hua; Magesan Ayavoo; Mogana Sunthari Subramaniam; Seyed Nasser Yazdi; Cecilia Tong and Lee Luan Ng
    2nd AFRASO Conference on African-Asian Encounters., 2015年03月, 通常論文
  • アジアのコモンロー弁護士と言語による階級化
    法と言語学会第6回年次会, 2014年12月, 通常論文
  • Courtroom trials and ADR in Malaysia: methodological issues.
    Richard Powell. Azirah Hashim
    Panel on ‘Making Applied Linguistics Matter: Opportunities for Engaging with Professional Practice’. 17th AILA World Conference of Applied Linguistics., 2014年08月, 通常論文
  • Communication skills of Malaysian lawyers: falling standards, or changing standards?
    17th ESEA (English in Southeast Asia) Conference, 2013年11月, 通常論文
  • Language policy and practice in civil and Syariah law courts in Malaysia.
    Azirah Hashim; Richard Powell
    International Association of Forensic Linguists 11th Biennial Conference, 2013年06月, 通常論文
  • 「Language reform and judicial transparency: Asian legal systems as sites of linguistic, cultural and ideological conflict.」
    IALL第13回国際会議、タイ・チェンマイ, 2012年12月, 通常論文
  • 「Legal vernacularisation and access to justice.」
    IAFL国際学会・ アジア地域国際会議、マレーシア・クアラルンプール, 2012年07月, 通常論文
  • 「Motivations for and implications of changing the language of the law: lessons from Malaysia.」
    Language policy and legal decision-making パネル発表、司会、 Law and Society Association国際会議、米国・ホノルル, 2012年06月, 通常論文
  • 「Comparing language policy and practice in Malaysia’s civil and syariah law courts.」
    Azirah Hashim
    Languages for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication Association 国際会議(米国・ロスアンゼルス:University of Southern California), 2012年03月, 通常論文
  • English or Malay or both? Comparing language policy and practice in the courts of East and West Malaysia.
    ESEA (English in Southeast Asia) 16th International Conference, Sanata Dharma University, Jogyakarta, Indonesia., 2011年12月, 通常論文
  • Language contact in legal contexts: comparing bilingual discourse in Malaysian common law, syariah and arbitration cases.
    Azirah Hashim
    IAWE (International Association of World Englishes) 17th International Conference, Monash University, Melbourne., 2011年11月, 通常論文
  • Language planning as a means of ameliorating language disadvantage before the law. An international comparison of postcolonial initiatives
    Symposium on Language, Law and Society, University of Malaya, 2011年10月, 通常論文
  • Comparing language policy and discourse management in Malaysian syariah and common law courts.
    Azirah Hashim.
    East Asian Law and Society Conference, Seoul., 2011年09月, 通常論文
  • Style-switching and code-switching in arbitral and adversarial interactions: a Malaysian perspective.
    Azirah Hashim.
    Panel on ‘Interdiscursive colonization of arbitration practices’. AILA 16th World Conference of Applied Linguistics, Beijing., 2011年08月, 通常論文
  • A comparison of questioning, turn-taking and code-switching in Malaysian syariah and common law courts.
    Richard Powell; Azirah Hashim
    International Association of Forensic Linguists 10th Biennial Conference, Aston, UK., 2011年07月, 通常論文
  • Quotation as a trigger for code-switching in Malaysian courtrooms.
    Panel on ‘Quoting from the text file:Intertextual practices in courtroom discourse’. 12th International Pragmatics Conference, Manchester., 2011年07月, 通常論文
  • Challenges facing the construction of a vernacular legal system in Timor Leste/Timor Lorosae.
    Panel on ‘Language shift in postcolonial law: comparing East Asian policies and practices. Law and Society Annual Conference, San Francisco., 2011年06月, 通常論文
  • Language policy and practice in Timor Leste’s emergent judicial system.
    15th EASA (English in Southeast Asia) Conference, University of Macau., 2010年12月, 通常論文
  • Forensic linguistics in (a) criminal and (b) civil cases.
    Symposium on Language and the Law, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur., 2010年11月, 通常論文
  • Language alternation in postcolonial common law courtrooms.
    Panel on ‘Leaking Languages: Multilingual language use in professional contexts’, International Conference of Asia-Pacific LSP and Professional Communication Association, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur., 2010年07月, 通常論文
  • Supporting bilingual professionals in Asian legal systems.
    International Conference of Asia-Pacific LSP and Professional Communication Association, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur., 2010年07月, 通常論文
  • Media Debate and Private Discourse on Language Policy in Malaysian Law.
    Symposium on ‘Public and Private Discourses in Multilingual Malaysia’, Conference of the International Communication Association., 2010年06月, 通常論文
  • Managing language disadvantage in multilingual contexts: comparing policy and practice in Malaysian litigation and ADR.
    Inaugural East Asian Law and Society Conference, University of Hong Kong., 2010年02月, 通常論文
  • Questioning in law: a comparison of courtrooms and arbitrations.
    Azirah Hashim
    VIII International Roundtable on the Semiotics of Law, City University, Hong Kong. (Co-presented with Azirah Hashim.), 2009年12月, 通常論文
  • 植民地独立後アジア地域の司法言語政策の比較.
    第一回法と言語学会年次会, 2009年12月, 通常論文
  • Lexical evidence of Japanese military, political, sociocultural and educational policies in the wartime English-language press.
    14th EASA (English in Southeast Asia) Conference, Ateneo de Manila, Philippines., 2009年11月, 通常論文
  • English and the vernaculars in English-based legal systems: from colonisation to cohabitation.
    15th International Association of World Englishes,, 2009年10月, 通常論文
  • A comparison of language use in adversarial and arbitral contexts in Malaysia.
    Dr Azirah Hashim; University of Malaya.
    XVII European Symposium on LSP., 2009年08月, 通常論文
  • Language Policy, Language Choice and Language Alternation in Conflict Resolution: Comparing Adversarial and Arbitral Discourse in Multilingual Malaysia.
    Dr Azirah Hashim; University of Malaya.
    IAFL (International Association of Forensic Linguists) VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands., 2009年07月, 通常論文
  • ADR in multilingual contexts: language policy and language choice in Malaysian mediation and arbitration.
    Law and Society Association International Conference, Denver, USA., 2009年05月, 通常論文
  • Linguistic and cultural barriers to justice: comparing the responses of the Japanese and Malaysian legal systems to the challenges of globalisation.
    SoLLs. INTEC International Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia., 2009年05月, 招待有り
  • Asian newspaper Englishes:comparing local lexis in outer and expanding circle contexts.
    M. David & F. Dumanig; University of Malaya.
    International Association of World Englishes, Hong Kong., 2008年12月, 通常論文
  • Language policy and code choice in conflict resolution: comparing adversarial and arbitral contexts.
    Dr Azirah Hashim. University of Malaya.
    International Conference on Forensic Linguistics, China Association of Forensic Linguistics, Guangzhou., 2008年11月, 通常論文
  • The impact of differential cultural, linguistics and discursive constraints on commercial arbitration in Malaysia.
    Dr Azirah Hashim; University Malaya.
    International Workshop: Linguistic and Discursive Aspects of International Arbitration, University of Milan, Italy., 2008年09月, 通常論文
  • Adversarial and arbitral discourses in Malaysian conflict resolution.
    Dr Azirah Hashim; University of Malaya.
    Conference on Language and Law. Dubrovnik, Croatia., 2008年09月, 通常論文
  • 二言語の法律制度から、我々が何を学べるか。
    第4回法と言語研究会, 2008年06月, 通常論文
  • Language choice and language alternation in Malaysian courtrooms.
    Law and Society Association, Montreal, Canada., 2008年06月, 通常論文
  • Bilingual legal systems: how unusual is the Malaysian case?
    Conference on Multiculturalism and Law, University of Malaya, 2008年05月, 通常論文
  • The discourse of arbitration practice in Malaysia.
    Dr Azirah Hashim; University of Malaya.
    12th EASA (English in Southeast Asia) Conference, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand., 2007年12月, 通常論文
  • The shifting roles of English in Southeast Asian legal systems.
    Symposium on Legal Discourse and Forensic Linguistics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur., 2007年11月, 通常論文
  • 言語政策
    2nd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity, Waikato University, New Zealand., 2007年11月, 通常論文
  • English in Southeast Asian legal systems: convergent practices and divergent cultures.
    13th IAWE (International Association for World Englishes) Conference, Regensburg University, Germany., 2007年10月, 通常論文
  • The role of English in Malaysian law and evidence for a distinctive Malaysian English legal register.
    Richard Powell
    International Symposium on Malaysian English Language and Literature, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur., 2006年07月, 通常論文
  • English in Malaysian courtrooms: a help or a hindrance to the evolution of the Malay legal register?
    Richard Powell
    10th EASA (English in South East Asia) Conference, University of Brunei., 2005年12月, 通常論文
  • Language policy in the ELT classroom: reviewing the possibilities for bilingual teaching and reflecting on the need for flexible planning.
    SPELT International Conference, Karachi, Pakistan., 2005年09月, 通常論文
  • Motivations for codeswitching in Malaysian courtrooms.
    Richard Powell
    IAFL (International Association of Forensic Linguists) Conference, Cardiff University, U.K., 2005年07月, 通常論文
  • Corpus planning and language shift in Malaysian law.
    Richard Powell
    Asialex (Asian Lexicography) International Conference, Singapore., 2005年06月, 通常論文
  • English of, for and by the Japanese? Recent debate on the interface between EFL and EIL in Japan.
    Richard Powell
    ESEA (Englishes of South East Asia), University of Malaya., 2004年11月, 通常論文
  • International intelligibility vs. local identity in the Asia Pacific: the ESL-EFL divide.
    Richard Powell
    East-West Center EWC-EWCA Conference, Nihon University,Tokyo., 2004年08月, 通常論文
  • Constraints on language choice in postcolonial legal systems: comparing Kenya and Malaysia.
    Maya Khemlani David; Richard Powell.
    Language, Law and Life Symposium, 13th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, Lucknow, India., 2003年12月, 通常論文
  • Multiple-choice discourse-completion questionnaires for assessing sociopragmatic awareness of joking.
    Richard Powell
    JALT PAN-SIG Conference, Kyoto., 2003年05月, 通常論文
  • Colonisers colonised: English Fiction on Film.
    Richard Powell (Symposium members: G. Law; N. Morita; B. Natusch and R. Powell).
    日本英文学会(東京、学習院大学), 2001年05月, 通常論文
  • Language planning in Kenya and Malaysia.
    SPELT International Conference, Karachi, Pakistan., 2000年10月, 通常論文
  • Angry men and argumentative women: the pros and cons of using film to depict the common law jury system.
    Richard Powell
    LSP 国際会議 Charles University, プラハ市 (チェコ共和国), 1999年09月, 通常論文
  • ESP and cross-cultural studies for law students.
    1st International ATECR Conference, Prague., 1998年09月, 通常論文
  • Performing vs Presenting in Voice-Mail and Pager Protocol.
    R. Powell; B. Natusch
    6th International Pragmatics Conference, Reims, France., 1998年07月, 通常論文
  • Crime in the classroom: using film and TV images of law and order in cross-culural studies.
    Third Conference of the Association of Language Teachers of the Czech Republic, Kromeris., 1997年09月, 通常論文


  • 2016年09月 - 現在
    Asian Law and Society Association
  • 2009年05月 - 現在
  • 2008年12月 - 現在
    Law and Society Association
  • 2003年06月 - 現在
    International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguistics


  • ポスト植民地の司法制度での二言語政策, 大学等の研究機関との共同研究を希望
  • 法学/法廷用の英語分析, 大学等の研究機関との共同研究を希望, 英語でなくても、日本語、マレー語をはじめ法律関係の他の言語の分析に関する研究にも興味がある


  • 市民に分かりやすい民事関連法律用語の言換えに関する研究
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2012年04月01日 - 2014年03月31日
    大河原 眞美; 田中 牧郎; パウエル リチャード; 金光 寛之; 宮嵜 由美


  • 民族とゆらぐ人権...
    1993年 - 1993年
  • 民族とゆらぐ人権
    1993年 - 1993年