OUCHI Masahiro

College of EconomicsAssociate Professor


  • 博士(経済学)中央大学
  • Ph.D. in Economics Chuo University

Research Keyword

  • Macrodynamics

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Theoretical economics


  • Apr. 2011 - Present
    Nihon University College of Economics

Educational Background

  • Chuo University, Graduate School, Division of Economics, Economics


  • A Macrodynamic Model with Wage Inequality : Cyclical Changes in the Labor Share and Fiscal and Monetary Stabilization Policy
    Masahiro Ouchi
    Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science, College of Economics, Nihon University, Mar. 2024, Not refereed, Not invited
  • マイナス金利政策環境下における金融機関行動に関する研究
    証券経済学会『証券経済学会年報』第54巻別冊, Mar. 2020
  • Distributional Properties of Corporate Profitability Meadures:Evidence from Japan
    Ilfan OH and Masahiro OUCHI
    Working Paper Series No.18-01,Research Institute of Economic Science, College of Economics, Nihon University, May 2018, Not refereed, Not invited
  • A Keynesian Model of Wage Inequality and Employment:the Existence of the Minimum Wage and its Stabilizing Effect
    Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science, College of Economics, Nihon University, Nov. 2017
  • Mathematical Formalization of Macroeconomic Stabilization Policy in a High-dimensitional Dynamic Keynesian Model with Public Debt Accumulation
    Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, Sep. 2015, Refereed
  • A Trade cycle model with a stick long-term interest and monetary policies:Consideration from the perspective of Keynes' normal bacwardation
    Bulletin of research institute of economic science, Mar. 2013, Not refereed
  • Fiscal and Monetary Policies in a Keynesian Model of Endogenous Growth Cycle with Public Debt Accumulation
    Toichiro Asada
    Faculty of International Politics and Economics Nishogakusya University Discussion Paper(econ), Feb. 2013, Not refereed
  • A Dynamic Keynesian Model with Variable Capital Productivity
    KEIZAI SHUSHI, Jul. 2012, Not refereed
  • R&D型投資によるケインジアン内生的成長循環モデル ― 投資の不安定性と財政金融における連携安定化政策 ―
    渡辺和則編「金融と所得分配」日本経済評論社, Dec. 2011, Refereed
  • Macrodynamics of a Wage-led Economy and a Profit-led Economy
    Toichiro Asada
    T. Puu and A. Panchuk (eds.) Nonlinear Economic Dynamics,Nova Science Publishers,New York, May 2011, Refereed
  • A Keynesian Model of Endogenous Growth Cycle
    Asada Toichiro
    R. O. Bailly (ed.) Emerging Topics in Macroeconomics,Nova Science Publishers, New York, Jul. 2009, Refereed
  • Stability,Instability and Cycles in a Wage-led Economy and a Profit-led Economy
    Toichiro Asada
    The Institute of Ecnomics Reserch Chuo University Discussion Paper Series, Jun. 2009, Not refereed
  • Investment Behavior of a Monopolistic Firm under Uncertainty – Macroeconomic Effect of Demand Uncertainty
    Studies in Regional Science, Aug. 2008, Refereed
  • カルドア型技術進歩関数をもつケインジアン・マクロ動学モデル-民間投資と公的投資-
    中央大学経済研究所Discussion Paper Series, Nov. 2007, Not refereed
  • 不確実性と市場成長の下での不完全競争企業の設備投資決定-期待効用最大化モデル-
    経済学論纂(中央大学), Mar. 2007, Refereed
  • 不確実性のもとでの設備投資理論について-ダイナミック・プログラミングのアプローチ-
    大学院研究年報(中央大学経済学研究科), Feb. 2006, Not refereed
  • MM理論と不完全資本市場における設備投資理論
    大学院研究年報(中央大学経済学研究科), Feb. 2005, Not refereed


  • マイナス金利政策環境下における金融機関行動に関する研究
    日本大学経済学部産業経営研究所『産業経営動向調査報告書』, 31 Mar. 2020

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ケインジアンモデルにおける内生的成長循環過程 ― 資本生産性上昇率と労働生産性上昇率の内生化の試み ―
    ケインズ学会, Dec. 2011

Research Themes

  • Construction of mid-term macrodynamic model and its application to economic policies
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2017
    Toichiro Asada; SZIDAROVSKY Ferenc; ZIMKA Rudolf; OUCHI Masahiro