村上 エネレルテ



  • 博士, 東京大学


  • 2022年 - 2024年
    東京大学, 大学院農学生命科学研究科
  • 2017年 - 2022年
    独立行政法人国際協力機構, 研究所, 研究員
  • 2016年 - 2017年
    アジア開発銀行研究所, プロジェクトコンサルタント


  • オーストラリア国立大学, 国際・開発経済学専攻, 修士課程修了
  • 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科, 農業・資源経済学専攻, 博士課程修了


  • Immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on household economic activities and food security in Tajikistan
    Enerelt Murakami
    Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 2022年01月, 査読有り
  • Understanding Financial Inclusion in Mongolia From a Micro Perspective: Is There a Gender Gap?
    JICA Ogata Research Institute, 2022年, 査読有り
  • The impact of migration and remittances on labor supply in Tajikistan
    Murakami, E.; Yamada, E.; Sioson, E.P.
    Journal of Asian Economics, 2021年, 査読有り
  • International migration and remittance effects on school enrolment of children staying behind: The evidence from Tajikistan
    Murakami, E.
    International Journal of Educational Development, 2021年, 査読有り
  • Projection of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Welfare of Remittance-Dependent Households in the Philippines
    Enerelt Murakami; Satoshi Shimizutani; Eiji Yamada
    Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 2020年09月, 査読有り
  • The potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the welfare of remittance-dependent households in the Philippines
    Enerelt Murakami; Satoshi Shimizutani; Eiji Yamada
    Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, 2020年06月
  • Climate Change and International Migration: The Evidence from Tajikistan
    ADBI working paper, 2020年
  • International Migration and Remittance Effects on the School Enrollment of Children Staying Behind: Evidence from Tajikistan
    村上 エネレルテ
    ADBI Working Paper, 2019年06月, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Labor Supply in Tajikistan
    村上エネレルテ; 山田英嗣; Erica Sioson
    JICA Research Institute Working Paper series, 2019年01月, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Household Consumption Risk and Coping Strategies in Tajikistan: Evidence from Household Surveys
    村上 エネレルテ
    ADBI Working Paper, 2017年, 査読無し, 通常論文
  • Impacts of Agricultural Trade, Growth, and Poverty in Mongolia
    村上 エネレルテ
    University of Tokyo, 2014年, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Impact of Trade Liberalization on Growth and Poverty: The Case of Mongolia
    村上 エネレルテ
    Journal of Rural Economics, 2014年, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Efficiency and productivity of the Mongolian livestock sector in an open economy
    Murakami, E.
    Economics Bulletin, 2013年, 査読有り, 通常論文
  • Agricultural Growth Linkages: A Social Accounting Matrix Analysis for Mongolia
    村上 エネレルテ
    Journal of Rural Economics, 2012年, 査読有り, 通常論文


  • Immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on household economic activities and food security in Tajikistan
    Economics Department Seminar, National University of Mongolia, 2022年03月, 招待有り
  • Immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on household economic activities and food security in Tajikistan
    Enerelt Murakami
    The Third Japanese Association for Development Economics (JADE) Conference, 2021年04月
  • Projection of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Welfare of Remittance-Dependent Households in the Philippines
    Enerelt Murakami
    COVID-19 and Developing Countries, 2020年06月, 招待有り
  • The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Labor Supply in Tajikistan
    Enerelt Murakami
    The First Japanese Association for Development Economics (JADE) Conference, 2019年08月
  • The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Labor Supply in Tajikistan
    村上 エネレルテ
    Society of Economics of the Household, 2019年05月, 通常論文
  • The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Labor Supply in Tajikistan
    村上 エネレルテ
    The Second Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and Higher School of Economics (HSE) Workshop: Ten Years after the Financial Crisis – Labor Market Adjustment in Emerging and Post-Transition Economies, 2018年10月, 通常論文
  • International Migration Effects on School Enrolment of Children Staying Behind: The Evidence from Tajikistan
    村上 エネレルテ
    The Asian Development Bank Institute and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Conference on “Human Capital Development for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity”, 2018年07月, 通常論文
  • Climate Change and International Migration: Evidence from Tajikistan
    村上 エネレルテ
    The Asian Development Bank Institute and World Economy Workshop on “Globalization and Environment”, 2017年09月, 通常論文
  • Desertification and Herding Household Production Efficiency: Evidence from Mongolia
    村上 エネレルテ
    The University of Tokyo’s Applied Economics Open Seminar, 2016年01月, 通常論文
  • Impact of Trade Liberalization on Growth and Poverty: The Case of Mongolia
    村上 エネレルテ
    Agricultural Economics Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2013, 2013年03月, 通常論文
  • Agricultural Growth Linkages: A Social Accounting Matrix Analysis for Mongolia
    村上 エネレルテ
    Agricultural Economics Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2012, 2012年03月, 通常論文


  • ミクロ経済学
  • ミクロ経済学
  • 開発経済学


  • 2022年05月 - 現在
  • 日本開発経済学会


  • トランスナショナルな家計における金融リテラシーの送金決定への影響に関する研究:在日モンゴル出身移民のケース
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究, 2019年 - 2023年
    村上 エネレルテ