SUN Defeng

College of EconomicsAssociate Professor

Research Keyword

  • 新興国市場戦略
  • 国際経営

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Business administration, Management


  • Apr. 2022 - Present
    Nihon University, College of Economics, 准教授
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2022
    Nihon University, College of Economics, 専任講師
  • Jan. 2015 - Mar. 2017
    Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management, 特定助教

Educational Background

  • Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics


  • 衆創空間における創業支援環境が新規事業創出に与える影響-中国省別パネルデータによる回帰分析-
    中国経済経営研究, Oct. 2023, Refereed
  • 海外子会社におけるトップの現地化がパフォーマンスに与える影響-モデレーターとしての海外駐在員の派遣-
    孫 德峰
    経済論叢, Aug. 2021
  • The Transfer of Parent Firm Resources and Subsidiary Local Adaptation
    Defeng Sun; Tatsuya Kikutani; and Yasuo Sugiyama
    Proceedings of Academy of International Business 2021 annual meeting, Jun. 2021
  • Location Choice of Product Development and Product Innovation: The Moderator Effect of Embeddedness
    Defeng Sun
    Proceedings of Academy of Management 80th Annual Meeting, Aug. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
  • Implementation location of product development and product local adaptation: The moderator effect of local embeddedness
    Defeng Sun; Tatsuya Kikutani; and Yasuo Sugiyama
    Proceedings of The EGOS and Organization Studies Kyoto Workshop 2019, Dec. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • The Utilization of Parent Firm Resources and Local Adaptation: Explorative Adaptation and General Adaptation
    Defeng Sun; Tatsuya Kikutani; and Yasuo Sugiyama
    Proceedings of Academy of International Business 2018 annual meeting, Jun. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
  • Do Institutional Voids Facilitate Explorative Adaptation?
    Defeng Sun; Yasuo Sugiyama; and Tatsuya Kikutani
    Proceedings of Academy of Management 76th Annual Meeting, Aug. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • 新興国市場戦略における現地での能力開発と本国資産の選択的利用-中国における日本アパレル企業AB社の事例分析-
    孫 德峰
    国際ビジネス研究, Jun. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • 海外製品開発拠点の能力構築における探索と活用の順序-日本分析計測機器メーカーの中国開発拠点の事例分析-
    孫 德峰,椙山 泰生
    国際ビジネス研究, Apr. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • 正当性と社会化が可能にする現地適応-多国籍企業における「古典的適応」と「探索的適応」の定量分析-
    孫 德峰,椙山 泰生,菊谷 達弥
    経済論叢, Mar. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Sequence of Exploration and Exploitation in Capability Building at Overseas Product Development Center:A Case Study of the Chinese Development Center of a Japanese Analytical, Testing and Measuring Instruments Company
    SUN Defeng; SUGIYAMA Yasuo
    Journal of International Business, 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • 多国籍企業の探索的適応-日本企業の新興国市場戦略に関する実証分析-
    孫 德峰
    京都大学, Dec. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 国際合弁企業における主力事業同一性がパフォーマンスに与える影響-中国における日中合弁企業の計量分析-
    孫 德峰
    経済論叢, Jan. 2014, Refereed, Not invited

Books and other publications

  • 越境協働の経営学-組織と国の境界を越えた事業プロセス-
    孫 德峰, Contributor
    白桃書房, Sep. 2023
  • 日系企業の知識と組織のマネジメント-境界線のマネジメントからとらえた知識移転メカニズム-
    孫 德峰, Contributor, 孫 德峰(共著)
    白桃書房, Feb. 2018, Not refereed

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • インキュベータによる創業支援環境とインキュベータ間の相互依存関係がイノベーション創出に与える影響-中国におけるインキュベータのパネルデータによる回帰分析-
    孫 德峰
    中国経済経営学会, Nov. 2023
  • 衆創空間が新規事業創出に与える影響-中国省別パネルデータによる回帰分析-
    中国経済経営学会, Nov. 2022
  • The Transfer of Parent Firm Resources and Subsidiary Local Adaptation
    Academy of International Business 2021 annual meeting, Jun. 2021
  • Location Choice of Product Development and Product Innovation: The Moderator Effect of Embeddedness
    Academy of Management 80th Annual Meeting, Aug. 2020
  • Location Choice of Product Development andProduct Innovation: The Moderator Effect of Embeddedness
    Academy of Management 80th Annual Meeting, Aug. 2020, Not invited
  • Location Choice of Product Development and Product Innovation: The Moderator Effect of Embeddedness
    Academy of International Business (AIB) 2020 Online Conference, Jul. 2020
  • Location Choice of Product Development andProduct Innovation: The Moderator Effect of Embeddedness
    Academy of International Business (AIB) 2020 Online Conference, Jul. 2020, Not invited
  • Implementation location of product development and product local adaptation: The moderator effect of local embeddedness
    The EGOS and Organization Studies Kyoto Workshop 2019, Dec. 2019, Not invited
  • The Utilization of Parent Firm Resources and Local Adaptation: Explorative Adaptation and General Adaptation
    Defeng Sun; Tatsuya Kikutani; and Yasuo Sugiyama
    Academy of International Business 2018 annual meeting, Jun. 2018, Not invited
  • Do Institutional Voids Facilitate Explorative Adaptation?
    Defeng Sun; Yasuo Sugiyama; and Tatsuya Kikutani
    Academy of Management 76th Annual Meeting, Aug. 2016, Not invited
  • Do Institutional Voids promote Local Adaptation? Explorative Adaptation and Classical Adaptation
    Defeng Sun; Yasuo Sugiyama; and Tatsuya Kikutani
    Academy of International Business 2016 annual meeting, Jun. 2016, Not invited
  • 制度のすきまによって促進される探索的適応-現地国の環境要因が製品の現地適応に与える影響の定量分析-
    孫 德峰,椙山 泰生,菊谷 達弥
    国際ビジネス研究学会第22回全国大会, Oct. 2015, Not invited
  • 海外製品開発拠点の能力構築における探索と活用の順序-日本分析計測機器メーカーの中国開発拠点の事例分析-
    孫 德峰,椙山 泰生
    国際ビジネス研究学会第21回全国大会, Nov. 2014, Not invited
  • 高級品志向戦略から低価格品戦略へ-中国における日本アパレル企業AB社のケース-
    孫 德峰
    国際ビジネス研究学会第20回全国大会, Oct. 2013, Not invited
  • The Effect of Product-Relatedness on the Performance of International Joint Ventures in China
    Defeng Sun
    Asia Academy of Management 2010 conference, Dec. 2010, Not invited
  • 製品関連性の国際合弁企業のパフォーマンスに与える影響-中国における日中合弁企業を例として-
    孫 德峰
    組織学会2010年度研究発表大会, Jun. 2010, Not invited