YASUDA Shizuka
Department of Liberal Arts and Science | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
- Humanities & social sciences, Aesthetic practices, Performing Arts Studies
- Humanities & social sciences, Aesthetic practices, Dance Studies/Dance History
- Humanities & social sciences, Aesthetics and art studies, Culture and Representation
- Humanities & social sciences, Aesthetics and art studies, Aesthetics
- Humanities & social sciences, Aesthetics and art studies, Skill Science
- Apr. 2009 - Present
University of Nihon - Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2009
Associate Professor, College of Economics, Nihon University - Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2003
Lecturer (Full-time), College of Economics, Nihon University - Apr. 1996 - Mar. 1999
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - Apr. 1994 - Mar. 1996
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research activity information
- Bold New Productions or Familiar Classics? : Rethinking Management of the Repertoire in Public Theaters
Shizuka YASUDA
Proceedings of International Conference on Business Management 2016, Aug. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Is Paris Opera still a Public Theater "for Every One"? — Ticket Price Transitions and the Management of This Theater from 2009 to Today
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Proceedings of International Conference on Business Management, Aug. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Management of Public Theater in France: Eminent Directors of Opera de Paris and its transition from the 19th Century until Today
Shizuka Thérèse YASUDA
ICBM2014: International Conference on Business Management 2014, Aug. 2014, Refereed, Invited
Lead - Management of Public Theatres in Germany: An Overview on Cultural Economics and Cultural Politics Studies in Japan
安田 靜
研究紀要, Jan. 2014, Refereed, Not invited - カトリック教会の性的虐待諸事件と芸術諸分野に見られるその表象について
YASUDA; Shizuka Therese
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Jul. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Recent Tendencies of Dance in Europe: "Tanzmesse" in Düsseldorf and New Theatre Season in Paris
安田 静
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Oct. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Nouvelle Danse en France
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Research Bulletin (Liberal Arts), Nihon University College of Economics, Jul. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - "Opera for Everyone":Dress Code Changes in the Paris Opera
安田 靜
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Oct. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 舞踊の稽古場における鏡とボディ・イメージ形成に関わる諸問題について —— パリ・オペラ座バレエ団レパートリーに見るコンテンポラリー作品を中心として ——
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Jan. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - パリ・オペラ座のダンサーとその観客: 19 世紀の特権的アボネの「踊り子」から20 世紀の「芸術家」へ
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Oct. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - ジョン・ノイマイヤーのバレエ『欲望という名の電車』に見る狂気と禁じられた恋の表象
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Jan. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - “La choregraphie est-elle un art ephemere? -- Angelin Preljocaj, militant de la notation choregraphique et sa reponse”
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Research Bulletin (Liberal Arts), Nihon University College of Economics, Jul. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - When a Dancer Learns Swimming: Swimming Skills Acquisition Referring Ballet Technique
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Proceedings of International Symposium on Skill Science 2007, ISSS Organizing Committee, Sep. 2007, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - パリジァンが見たアメリカン・バレエ・シアター(1940-1958)
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Jul. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 19世紀〜20世紀前半のバレエ作品と音(楽)
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Jan. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - セルジュ・リファール,ルドルフ・ヌレエフとパリ・オペラ座
日本放送出版協会『NHKスーパーバレエレッスン:パリオペラ座,永遠のエレガンス』, Dec. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - ヌレエフ版『白鳥の湖』の秘密
日本舞台芸術振興会『パリオペラ座バレエ団2006年日本公演プログラム』, Apr. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Problems of Dance Criticism in Japan: Comparative Studies with Dance Criticism in France
Research Bulletin (Liberal Arts), Nihon University College of Economics, Oct. 2005, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Travail de Jerome Robbins a l'Opera de Paris
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Research Bulletin (Liberal Arts), Nihon University College of Economics, Apr. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Problematiques de la mise en scene dans le domaine de la danse
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Research Bulletin (Liberal Arts), The Economic Association of Nihon University, Oct. 2004, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 振付家ルドルフ・ヌレエフの業績:パリ・オペラ座バレエ団舞踊監督時代(1983-1989年)の振付作品について
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Jan. 2004, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - La creation des oeuvres choregraphiques a l'aide de l'informatique
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Research Bulletin (Liberal Arts), The Economic Association of Nihon University, Jan. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 1980年代フランスの文化政策:ダンスの事例を中心とする日仏の文化観の比較・考察
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, Apr. 2002, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Possibilities of Contemporary Dance for the Japanese Choreographer and Dancer
Shizuka YASUDA
Japanese Society for Dance Research, 2002, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Encounter of Computer Tools and the Art of Dance
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
I.E.E.E. International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2001, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The encounter of computer tools and the art of dance: The development of the visual perception by Life Forms and Forsythe's CD-ROM
Shizuka Therese Yasuda
Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2001, Refereed, Not invited - The encounter of computer tools and the art of dance: The development of the visual perception by life forms and Forsythe's CD-ROM
ST Yasuda
ROBOT AND HUMAN COMMUNICATION, PROCEEDINGS, 2001, Refereed, Not invited - ピナ・バウシュの〈神経症的身体〉と〈みっともない身体〉
東横学園女子短期大学女性文化研究所研究紀要, 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - フランス〈ダンス・コンタンポレンヌ〉の20年
PTパブリックシアター(世田谷パブリックシアター), 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A study on Diverse Sexuality Represented in Contemporary Dance Choreography in France
Shizuka YASUDA
World Dance 2000 : Celebration of the Millennium, 2000, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 舞踊記譜の歴史
インターコミュニケーション(NTT出版), 1999, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 身体の記憶とテクスト : 舞台芸術作品の継承とそのメディアについて
日本大学経済学部研究紀要, 1998, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Invisible Turns visible : Forsythe's CD-ROM
Shizuka YASUDA
Proceedings of Society of Dance History Scholars, 1996, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 身体表現芸術とメディア・テクノロジー
インターコミュニケーション(NTT出版), 1995, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 振付とコンピュータ : カニンガムとフォーサイス
別冊太陽特集バレエ(平凡社), 1994, Not refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
- Comparative Case Studies on Cultural Politics and Management Concerning Public Cultural Institutions in Japan and Several Other Countries
Shizuka Therese YASUDA; Kazuhiko MURATA; Naoki MURATA; Jun SHIMIZU, Editor, p.17-39, p.41-68, p.133-137, Shizuka Therese YASUDA; Kazuhiko MURATA; Naoki MURATA; Jun SHIMIZU
日本大学経済学部 産業経営研究所, Mar. 2016, Not refereed - History of Ballet and Dance
Sho SUZUKI; Daisuke MUTOH; Tatsuko MORI, Joint work, 213-228, Sho SUZUKI; Daisuke MUTOH; Tatsuko MORI et ali.
Heibonsha, Mar. 2012, Not refereed - 全貌フレデリック・ワイズマン
鈴木一誌; 港千尋; 佐々木正人他, Joint work, 271-282, 鈴木一誌,港千尋,佐々木正人他
岩波書店, Aug. 2011, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- A Sample case of female Audience in Paris Opera: What we can know from abonnés' records
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
HKICEPS, Aug. 2024, Not invited - Nude or Naked: Body Representation on Stage in Contemporary Dance in Japan
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
ICSSH 2020 (The 10th International Conference on Social Science and Humanity), May 2022, Not invited - Serge Lifar: His excellent reform in Paris Opera and his sexuality
ICSHA(=International conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts), Jun. 2021, Not invited - How the Paris Opera was transformed from “the most wonderful seraglio” into a sanctuary of pure art: Jacques Rouché’s key steps to remove male subscribers from backstage
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
ICSSH 2020 (The 9th International Conference on Social Science and Humanity), Sep. 2020, Not invited - Until when did the Paris Opera remain “the most wonderful seraglio”? – Transition in the audience’s gender composition in the late 1930s
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
IMSS(Interdisciplinary practices in Management and Social Science), Jun. 2020, Not invited - Dr. Véron at the Paris Opera (1831-1835): Prominent Director or Leader of Decadence?
ASMSS (Annual Symposium on Management and Social Science), Jul. 2019, Not invited - Opéra de Paris and its Abonnés: The Transition of Privileged Theater-Goers and "their" ballerinas
Shizuka YASUDA
ICBASS (International Conference on Business and Social Science), Mar. 2019, Not invited - 〈研究トークイベント〉「ピナ・バウシュとフランス」
安田靜(日本大学教授)× 譲原晶子(千葉商科大学教授)
日仏演劇協会, Mar. 2017, 日仏演劇協会, Not invited - Bold New Productions or Familiar Classics? : Rethinking Management of the Repertoire in Public Theaters
Shizuka YASUDA
ICBM, Aug. 2016, ICBM, Not invited - Is Paris Opera still a Public Theater "for Every One"? — Ticket Price Transitions and the Management of This Theater from 2009 to Today
International Conference on Business Management, Aug. 2015, ICBM, Not invited - Management of Public Theater in France: Eminent Directors of Opera de Paris and its transition from the 19th Century until Today
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
ICBM, Aug. 2014, Not invited - 脳内ボディ・イメージと現実の身体動作との乖離をいかにして埋めるか ̶ 舞踊の稽古場における鏡の功罪
日本イメージ心理学会, Aug. 2010 - マスターズ・スイマー向けフォームのコーチングにおいて故障を極力回避するための解剖学的知見について
人工知能学会, Jun. 2010, Not invited - クラシック・バレエにおける 骨盤のアラインメントについて ――直立時のアラインメントと 重力情報に依拠せず行うコントロール――
舞踊学会, Dec. 2007, Not invited - When a Dancer Learns Swimming: Swimming Skills Acquisition Referring Ballet Technique
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Proseedings of International Symposium on Skill Science 2007, ISSS Organizing Committee, Sep. 2007, Not invited - To be Influential or not to be Influential: Criticism in Japan and in France
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
Asia Pacific International Dance Conference: "Global and Local: Dance in Performance", Jul. 2005, Not invited - ピナ・バウシュとフォーサイスの「作品」は継承可能か --ダンスの生成過程と「作品」を成立させるための諸要件について
舞踊学会, Dec. 2004, Not invited - Sur l'identite des oeuvres choregraphiques et le probleme de leur transmission
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
XVI International Congress of Aesthetics, Jul. 2004, Not invited - Nouvelle Version du Lac des Cygnes (1984) par Rudolf Noureev
Shizuka Therese YASUDA
IFTR / FIRT Annual Conference, May 2004, Not invited - Body as Medium : Mechanism of Memory and Perception in the Field of Dance
The International Meeting for Study of the Performing Arts, 1998, Not invited
Affiliated academic society
- La Société Franco-Japonaise du Théâtre
- Japanese Society for Dance Research
- The Japanese Society for Aesthetics
- 舞踊史学会(Society of Dance History Scholars)
- ヨーロッパダンス史学会(Association Europeenne des Historiens de la Danse)
- 舞踊学会
- 美学会
- International Association for Aesthetics
- International Federation for Theatre Research
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Research Themes
- 欧州における歌劇場文化の担い手の変遷と芸術作品受容の変化について
日本大学経済学部, グローバル社会文化研究センター 研究プロジェクト, Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2022
研究代表者:安田 靜; 研究分担者:森脇 優紀 - 舞踊の「芸術化」までの実証的検証:日仏伝統舞踊の性風俗からの分離
日本学術振興会, 基盤研究(B), Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2021
研究代表者:安田 靜; 研究分担者:武藤 大祐 - 文化政策と公共文化施設のマネージメントに関する国際比較
Nihon University College of Economics, 産業経営研究所 研究プロジェクト, Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2015
研究代表者:安田 靜; 研究分担者:村田 和彦、村田 直樹、清水 純 - 上演文化に関する「芸術化」の国際比較研究:商品及び労働者としての演者を巡る諸問題
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2026
安田 靜; 武藤 大祐; 吉田 寛; 古後 奈緒子; 山田 小夜歌; 垣沼 絢子 - 日本及び欧米諸国における舞台芸術の身体表象とその演出について
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2002 - 2004
安田 静 - Ballet History
日本学術振興会, 1996 - 1998 - Ballet History
日本学術振興会, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Apr. 1994 - Mar. 1996
- IRCAM ジャン・ロシャールによるコンピュータ音楽ワークショップ (仏→日,日→仏通訳)
Dec. 2019 - Dec. 2019 - Comuputer Music Workshops by Mikhail Malt / IRCAM
23 Apr. 2019 - 23 Apr. 2019 - Masterclass of Composition & CAC by Grégoire LorieuxInterpreter: Shizuka YASUDA (Day 1 - 3: Lecture)
30 Oct. 2017 - 30 Oct. 2017 - IRCAM/J.M.フェルナンデスによるコンピュータ音楽ワークショップ(仏→日,日→仏通訳)
11 Oct. 2016 - 11 Oct. 2016 - シアター・トーク(公開インタビュー)「振付家アンジュラン・プレルジョカージュを迎えて」
07 Nov. 2003 - 07 Nov. 2003