Department of International Liberal Arts | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- 教職課程における実践体験活動
国際関係学部研究年報, Feb. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 日本における洋紙産業の定着とお雇い外国人の貢献―蓬莱社と有恒社の事例を通して―
国際関係研究, Dec. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited - A Comparatibe Study of the Signficance of Socio-Cultural Influences on Teacher Education Programs in Australlia and Japan
David Gamage; Terry Lovat; Takeyuki Ueyama
World Studies in Education, Nov. 2006, Refereed, Not invited - The Cultural Influenceson Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs At Four-Year Colleges/Universities in Japan
永塚史孝 植山綱行
『国際関係研究』, 2005, Not refereed, Not invited - 19世紀のニューヨーク市におけるカトリックの教育とオートノミー
『国際関係研究』, 2001, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Influence of the Culture and Globalization on Teacher Preparation Programs in the United States and Japan: Phase 1
永塚史孝 植山綱行
『国際関係研究』, 2001, Not refereed, Not invited - 19世紀前半のニューヨーク市における教育とコントロール
「多元文化社会 アメリカの教育におけるオートノミーとコントロール」アメリカ教育史研究会刊, 2000, Not refereed, Not invited - Education and the unity of the people in New York in 19th century
Annual Report of the Researches, 1999, Not refereed, Not invited - 伊藤左千夫の歌
おうふう, 1999, Not refereed, Not invited - Board of Education and Catholic in the City of New York in the Early 19th Century
Studies in International Relations, 1998, Not refereed, Not invited - Common School System in the city of New York in the Eaely 19th Century
Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, 1996, Not refereed, Not invited - 19世紀前半のニューヨーク市におけるアイルランド系移民と公教育制度
「アメリカ多元文化社会における国民統合と教育に関する史的研究」アメリカ教育史研究会刊, 1996, Not refereed, Not invited - 19世紀前半のニューヨーク市における公立学校とカトリック教会
1994, Not refereed, Not invited - Common School System and Catholic Church in the City of New York in the Early 19th Century
1994, Not refereed, Not invited - Relation between Introducing Common School System and Catholic in the City of New York in the Early 19th Century
Nagatsuka Fumitaka
Journal of Educational Research, 1992, Not refereed, Not invited - Organizing of Free School Society of the City of New York
Journal of Educational Research, 1990, Not refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- A Comparative study of the significance of socio-cultural infuluences on teacher education programs in Australia and Japan
永塚史孝 植山綱行 David Gamage
World Congress of Comparative Education, 2004, Not invited - Factors Impacting Effective teacher Preparation Programs in the United States and Japan
永塚史孝 植山綱行 David Gamege
World Congress of Comparative Education, 2001, Not invited - 政治・経済・文化のポリフォニー:グローバル化とリージョナル化ー文化の自立ー
日米国際シンポジウム, 2001, Not invited