KANNO Naoyuki
Department of International Studies | Assistant Professor |
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- ★Combating Migrant Smuggling in the context of Illegal Migration in Europe:,Enforcement Measures against the Stateless Vessels on the High Seas
社会科学研究, Mar. 2022, Refereed, Not invited - ★海賊取締制度の歴史的展開ー制度の趣旨目的をめぐる理論の多元性ー
Jul. 2018, Refereed, Not invited - 小笠原周辺海域サンゴ漁業に関する海上法執行──国際法的側面
海上保安法制の現状と展開 -- 多様化する海上保安任務, Jun. 2023, Not refereed, Invited - Specifying the Obligation to Conduct Environmental Impact Assessment Under UNCLOS – The Case of Deep-Sea Mining in the Area
国際関係研究, Feb. 2021, Refereed, Not invited - Case Concerning the Detention of Three Ukrainian Naval Vessels (Ukraine v. Russian Federation) –International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Provisional Measures Order, May 25, 2019–
日本海洋政策学会誌, Nov. 2020, Refereed, Not invited - The Scope of the Suppressing System of Piracy : Control of Private Violence or the Significance of the Principle of Flag-State Jurisdiction
社會科學研究, Mar. 2017, Refereed, Not invited - A Study on Maritime Delimitation Agreements : Effects of Islands and Submarine Features
日本海洋政策学会誌, Nov. 2016, Refereed, Not invited - Piracy in International Law from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Early Twentieth Century : Difference between Insurgents and Pirates
国際関係論研究, Sep. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
- [Book Review] Gendai Kaiyoho no Choryu - Dai 4 Kan: Kokka Kankatsuken Gai Kuiki ni kansuru Kaiyoho no Shin Tenkai [Contemporary Law of the Sea Series, Vol. 4: New Development in the Law of the Sea on Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction], edited by Shigeki Sakamoto, Kimio Yakushiji, Toshiya Ueki, and Kentaro Nishimoto. Tokyo: Yushindo. 2021. Pp. xiv, 440.
Naoyuki Kanno
Japanese Yeabook of International Law, Feb. 2024, Refereed, Invited - International Law and Gender
日本大学国際関係学部生活科学研究所報告, 01 Mar. 2022, Not refereed, Invited - 海洋法(Ver. 1.0.)
菅野直之; 瀬田真
コモンズ国際法, Apr. 2021
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Introduction to UNCLOS
Naoyuki Kanno
Seminar on the Law of the Sea: Towards Peaceful Maritime Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Feb. 2024, Invited - 国際法とジェンダー
2030年SDGsゴールに向けてーNo.5 ジェンダー, Dec. 2021, 日本大学国際関係学部生活科学研究所, Invited - 南シナ海仲裁判断の意義とその海洋政策的示唆—海洋環境および航行安全等に関する裁定後の関係諸国における議論を中心として—
日本海洋政策学会, Dec. 2016, Not invited - Maritime Security: Contemporary Issues, Piracy, and International Cooperation
Naoyuki KANNO
International Workshop on Resolving the Complex Challenges of Ocean Governance and Security and Sustainable Oceans in the South Asian Region, Aug. 2016, Invited