Department of Risk Management | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
- Apr. 2016 - Present
Nihon University, College of Risk Management, Professor - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016
Nihon University, University Research Conter, Professor - Apr. 2013 - Apr. 2015
GSDF, GSDF Research & Development Command, Chief, Division for Strategy/Concept, Department of Research & Development - Dec. 2009 - Apr. 2013
National Defense Academy, School of Defense Sciences, Professor - Sep. 2007 - Dec. 2009
GSDF, Headquarters of 1st Surface to Ship Missile Regiment, Commander - Mar. 2005 - Sep. 2007
Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, Counsellor, Cabinet Secretariat - Mar. 2003 - Mar. 2005
GSDF, 1st Division in Intelligence Education Department in GSDF KODAIRA School, Chief of 1st Instructor's Office - Mar. 2002 - Mar. 2003
GSDF, Staff College, Student in Advanced General Staff Course - Aug. 2000 - Mar. 2002
GSDF, Headquarters 2nd Combined Brigade Artillery Battalion, Battalion Commander/Camp Commander of GSDF Camp Matsuyama - Mar. 1998 - Aug. 2000
Defense Agency, Defense Intelligence Headquarters, Intelligence Analyst - Aug. 1994 - Mar. 1998
GSDF, 2nd Intelligence Division in Intelligence Department in Ground Staff Office, Intelligence Planning/Mid-term Intelligence Estimate - Aug. 1992 - Aug. 1994
Defence Agency, International Intelligence Division in Bureau of Defense, Analyst on Russian Military - Aug. 1990 - Aug. 1992
GSDF, Sraff College, Student in Command & General Staff Cource - Oct. 1987 - Aug. 1990
GSDF, Headquarters/103 Battalion/1st Field Artillery Group, Operation/Training Officer - Sep. 1983 - Oct. 1987
GSDF, 3rd Battery/103 Battalion/1st Field Artillery Group, Vice Battery Commander - Mar. 1983 - Sep. 1983
Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF), Officer Candidate School, Officer Candidate
Educational Background
- Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2013
Takushoku University, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, International Security Studies Course - Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2006
Takushoku University, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, International Security Studies Course - Apr. 1979 - Mar. 1983
National Defense Academy, 人文・社会科学, International Relations
Research activity information
- ★武力攻撃下の離島における民間人の避難が抱える課題 -八重山地域に焦点を当てて-
吉富 望
危機管理学研究, Mar. 2023, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Issues on National Security of Japan
吉富 望
危機管理学研究 第4号, Mar. 2020, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Okinawa's New Posture for Disaster Relief in Okinawa and from Okinawa
Journal of World Affairs, Oct. 2016, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - The Role of the Ground Self-Defense Force in Maintaining Maritime Traffic Security: For Japan's National Interest as a Global Maritime Nation
Nozomu Yoshitomi
The Journal of International Security, Jun. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - International/Civil-Military Cooperation in Disaster Relief: Case Study on 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
防衛大学校紀要(社会科学分冊) 第105輯(24.9)別冊, Sep. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Relations between US Forces and USAID in Foreign Disaster Relief
Nozomu Yoshitomi
拓殖大学大学院国際協力学研究科紀要, Mar. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Taiwan's Procurement of P3-Cs from the US -Impact on Regional Security-
Nozomu Yoshitomi
JOURNAL OF WORLD AFFAIRS, Mar. 2008, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - United States Forces Korea's Changing Nature and its influence to the Asian Security
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Journal of world affairs, Sep. 2007, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 米国の対中国安全保障観とブッシュ政権
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Mar. 2006, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Projected Future Change of Rusiaan SSBN Posture
Nozomu Yoshitomi
The Journal of Ground Warfare, Sep. 1993, Refereed, Not invited
- 能登半島地震 海からの輸送で孤立した被災地を救え
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, Jan. 2024, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 離島住民の避難計画を「絵にかいた餅」にするな
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, Nov. 2023, Not refereed
Lead - 動き出した先島諸島での国民保護 必要となる視点とは
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, Aug. 2023, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 日米豪比の連携で対中国抑止の「空白」を埋めよ
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 01 May 2023, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 欧米諸国の〝花形戦車〟ウクライナ供与を巡る懸念
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 14 Feb. 2023, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 米海兵隊の新戦闘部隊は何をし、沖縄とどう向き合うか
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 23 Jan. 2023, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 安保3文書策定へ 「反撃能力」保有に日本が持つ課題
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 29 Nov. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 日本に必要な新たな国家総力戦の創造を
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 07 Oct. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 関東大震災から99年 防災と防衛との大きすぎるギャップ
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 01 Sep. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 防衛費を「自衛隊予算」に限定しては日本を守れない
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 06 Aug. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 日本よ、挑発繰り返す北朝鮮から目を離すな
吉富 望
Wedge ONLINE, 06 Jun. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 戦後から続く日本人の戦争観 変えるときは今しかない
吉富 望
月刊Wedge 2022年6月号, 20 May 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - ウクライナ戦争から見る沖縄 住民を守るためには
吉富 望
Wedge Infinity, 07 May 2022, Not refereed, Invited - 課題山積の自衛隊 このままでは2回目の敗戦を迎える
吉富 望
Wedge Infinity, 01 Apr. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Nozomu Yoshitomi
War on the Rocks, 23 Mar. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 自衛隊の新たな輸送船舶
吉富 望
世界の艦船 2022年1月号, 25 Nov. 2021, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 米海兵隊「遠征前方基地作戦」構想
吉冨 望
軍事研究 2021年8月号, 01 Aug. 2021, Not refereed, Invited - マスクの確保と活用
吉富 望
CHSニュース, 01 Dec. 2020, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 島嶼防衛と日の丸強襲揚陸艦
吉富 望
世界の艦船 2020年12月号, 24 Oct. 2020, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Shore-to-Shore Amphibious Assault
Nozomu Yoshitomi
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, 01 Jul. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 島嶼奪回を絶対成功させるための最低条件 敵前上陸!陸上自衛隊最大の見せ場
吉富 望
軍事研究 2019年6月号, 01 Jun. 2019, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - LSVとLCUの導入 新たな「海上輸送部隊」の青写真
吉富 望
世界の艦船 2019年4月号, 25 Feb. 2019, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 米海兵隊の組織と戦力
吉富 望
世界の艦船2019年3月号, 25 Jan. 2019, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - アジアにおける人道支援・災害救援(HA/DR)-沖縄の観点から-
吉富 望
平成29年度「災害・海外協力」に関するプロジェクト(P1)-「東南アジア」災害救援協力研究プロジェクト-, Mar. 2018, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 武装難民を「射殺するか」麻生発言のリアリティー
吉富 望
正論12月号, 01 Nov. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Japan's Disaster
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Disaster Response Regional Architectures; Assessing Future Possibilities, 11 Sep. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 北朝鮮有事は「想定内」 在留邦人退避のためにまずやるべきこと
iRONNA, 07 May 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 海上自衛隊最大の護衛艦「いずも」と陸自をコラボさせよ -南シナ海の平和と安定に寄与する陸上自衛隊-
吉富 望
Wedge Infinity, 05 Apr. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 熊本地震から見る支援物資供給上の課題-被災自治体の視点から-
地域防災データ総覧 平成28年熊本地震編, Feb. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 熊本地震から見る支援物資供給上の課題:被災自治体の視点から
吉富 望
季刊「消防防災の科学」, 31 Jan. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 南西諸島の島嶼争奪戦はこうなる:水陸両用作戦が直面する厳しい作戦環境を見据えて
吉富 望
世界の艦船2017年3月号, 25 Jan. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Challenges in JSDF's Maritime Transportation: New Landing Crafts are Necessary.
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Wedge Infinity, 06 Oct. 2016, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Amphibious operations in the Ryukyu Islands need new landing crafts for JSDF.
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Ships of the World Sept, 2016, 25 Jul. 2016, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - The JGSDF Has Answers to Questions From US PACOM Commander
Nozomu Yoshitomi
The Diplomat, 06 Jul. 2016, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Challenges on supplying relief materials
Nozomu Yoshitomi
The riskmanagement magazine for companies and communities, 25 May 2016, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Supplying emergency relief materials more effectively
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Wedge Infinity, 30 Apr. 2016, Not refereed, Not invited
Nozomu Yoshitomi
SHIPS OF THA WORLD, 25 Feb. 2016, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - PLAN in the Bering Sea: Implications for the Defense of Japan
Nozomu Yoshitomi
WEDGE Infinity, 22 Sep. 2015, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - How to Deter China Dual Mission of JGSDF: Islands Defense & Sea/Air Denial
Nozomu Yoshitomi
WEDGE Infinity, 07 Jul. 2015, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Japan’s Capacity Building for Vietnam: Cooperating with the United States for Maritime Security in the South China Sea
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Policy Perspectives, Feb. 2015, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - MegaDisasters Response and International Assistance: Lessons from Japan’s 2011 earthquake and tsunami
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Asia Pacific Defense Forum, 2015, Refereed, Invited
Lead - 「東日本大震災と国際人道支援研究会」提言書
人道研究ジャーナル, Mar. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited - Military-Military Cooperation on HA/DR in the Indo-Pacific Region: JSDF’s Perspective
Nozomu Yoshitomi
LIAISON, 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Military-public-private cooperation in disaster relief: Lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Nozomu Yoshitomi; Koichi Arie; Ritsuko Hirose; Daisaku Sakaguchi; Shunei Tamura; Eijiro Imamura; Daisuke Saito
LIAISON, Aug. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Enhancing Trilateral Disaster Preparedness and Relief Cooperation between Japan, U.S. and Australia: Approaches from Various Civil-Military Perspectives
平成24年度国際交流基金日米センター助成事業, Jul. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
- 国際平和協力入門 国際社会への貢献と日本の課題
Joint work, Column 14 フィリピンにおける国際緊急援助活動
ミネルヴァ書房, May 2018, Not refereed - 防災をめぐる国際協力のあり方 -グローバルスタンダードと現場との間で-
吉富望, Joint work, 第11章 自衛隊による災害救援・防災協力の今後, 吉富望
ミネルヴァ書房, Jul. 2017, Not refereed - 世界に向けたオールジャパン:平和構築・人道支援・災害救援の新しいかたち
Joint work, 第6章、第11章
内外出版, Apr. 2016, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 水陸機動団における Caimen 90揚陸艇 の有用性
吉富 望
水陸フェア, Sep. 2023, Invited - 台湾有事が南西地域にもたらすリスク
吉富 望
日本青年会議所沖縄地区大会, Jun. 2023, Invited - Survivable Sealift under Contested Environment in the East Asian Waters
DSEI Japan 2023, Mar. 2023, DSEI Japan 事務局, Invited - U.S.-Japan Amphibious Cooperation for Defending Key Strategic Archipelagos
Nozomu Yoshitomi
The U.S.-Japan Alliance's Amphibious Future, Nov. 2022, Yokosuka Council on Asia Pacific Studies, Invited - Securing the First Island Chain: Japan needs the amphibious operation for sea denial.
Nozomu Yoshitomi
A New Era of US-Japan Amphibious Capabilities, Jan. 2022, Yokosuka Council on Asia Pacific Studies, Invited - Ships and Crafts for Future Amphibious Operations
吉富 望
陸上自衛隊兵站フェア, Feb. 2020, 陸上自衛隊補給統制本部, Not invited - 自衛隊の海上輸送力強化に向けて(LSV、LCU)
吉富 望
富士調査研究会同, Sep. 2019, 陸上自衛隊富士学校, Not invited - 南西諸島防衛に関する提言
鹿島平和研究所外交研究会, Jul. 2019, Invited - Future of Maritime Transportation Ships of JSDF
Nozomu Yoshitomi
MAST Asia 2019, Jun. 2019, MAST, Not invited - 組織とリーダーシップ
吉富 望
平成29年度災害時保健活動研修会, Nov. 2018, 愛知県健康福祉課, Invited - 競技スポーツにおけるリスクマネジメントを考える
吉富 望
日本大学スポーツ科学部・危機管理学部合同シンポジウム, Nov. 2018, 日本大学スポーツ科学研究所、日本大学危機管理学研究所, Invited - 災害時に求められるリーダーシップをいかに獲得するか
吉富 望
第21回日本看護管理学会学術集会, Aug. 2017, 日本看護管理学会, Invited - How to Make International Cooperation for Disaster Response more Effective
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Disaster Response Regional Architectures: Assessing Future Possibilities, Jul. 2017, Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Invited - JSDF Needs New Amphibious Connectors
Nozomu Yoshitomi
MAST Asia 2017, Jun. 2017, MAST Technical Conference Committee, Not invited - 沖縄県と災害救援
トランプ政権下での同盟のあり方と沖縄の将来, Jan. 2017, 拓殖大学海外事情研究所, Invited - Influences of Coral Reefs in Amphibious Operations
Nozomu Yoshitomi
7th NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre Annual Conference, Jun. 2016, NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre, Invited - Command Relations in Disaster Relief by JSDF: From Traditional and Non-traditional Perspectives
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Japan Society of Defense Studies Spring Convention 2015, Jun. 2015, Japan Society of Defense Studies, Not invited - The Role of the Ground Self-Defense Force in Maintaining Maritime Traffic Security: For Japan's National Interests as Global Maritime Nation
Nozomu Yoshitomi
Japan Association for International Security Annual Convention 2014, Dec. 2014, Japan Association for International Security, Not invited - Exploitations of Lessons from Civil-Military Collaboration in 3.11 Responses -JSDF and Civil Society-
Nozomu Yoshitomi
18th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Jul. 2014, Invited - 東日本大震災における自衛隊と米軍の協力:日米共同調整の教訓
吉富 望
日本OR学会平成24年春季研究発表会, Mar. 2012, 日本OR学会, Not invited - 米国の新たな作戦構想の概要と注目点(AirSea Battle/Joint Air-Sea Battle構想)
吉富 望
日本防衛学会平成22年度研究大会, Nov. 2010, 日本防衛学会, Not invited