Department of Liberal Arts and Science | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Research activity information
- ★A Note on Embedding Inequalities for Weighted Sobolev and Besov Spaces
Hiroki Saito
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Apr. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★Dual of the Choquet spaces with general Hausdorff content
Hiroki Saito; Hitoshi Tanaka
Studia Mathematica, 2022, Refereed
Lead - Block decomposition and weighted Hausdorff content.
Hiroki Saito; Hitoshi Tanaka; Toshikazu Watanabe
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Mar. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Fractional maximal operators with weighted Hausdorff content
Saito; H. Tanaka; H. and Watanabe; T
Positivity, 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Boundedness of the strong maximal operator with the Hausdorff content
H. Saito
Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Fefferman-Stein type inequalities for strong fractional maximal operators
H. Saito; H. Tanaka
Results in Math., 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Fefferman-Stein type inequalities for the multilinear strong maximal functions
J. Zhang; H. Saito and Q. Xue
Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 2019, Refereed, Not invited - The Fefferman-Stein type inequalities for strong and directional maximal operators in the plane
H. Saito and H. Tanaka
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - A Conjecture Regarding Optimal Strichartz Estimates for the Wave Equation
Neal Bez; Chris Jeavons; Tohru Ozawa; Hiroki Saito
Trends in Mathematics (New Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary Applications), 2017, Refereed, Not invited - General maximal operators and the reverse H\"{o}lder classes
H.Saito and H.Tanaka
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 2017, Refereed, Not invited
Hiroki Saito; Yoshihiro Sawano
TOHOKU MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, Dec. 2016, Refereed, Not invited - Abstract dyadic cubes and the dyadic maximal operator with the Hausdorff content
H.Saito; H.Tanaka and T.Watanabe
Bull. Sci. Math., 2016, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Applications of the Funk--Hecke theorem to smoothing and trace estimates
B.Neal; H.Saito and M.Sugimoto
Adv. in Math., 2015, Refereed, Not invited - The Kakeya maximal operator on the variable Lebesgue spaces
Hiroki Saito; Hitoshi Tanaka
Hiroki Saito; Hitoshi Tanaka
BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Jun. 2014, Refereed, Not invited - Radon-Nikodym theorem with daniell scheme
Hiroki Saito
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2013, Refereed, Not invited - Characterization of the dual space of $L^1$ and Lebesgue Decomposition for non-$\sigma$-finite measure spaces
International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Some embedding inequalities for fractional Sobolev spaces
Hiroki Saito
日本数学会秋季大会, Sep. 2023, Not invited - Some embedding inequalities for weighted Sobolev and Besov spaces
Hiroki Saito
NCTS Conference on Fractional Integrals and related phenomena in Analysis, Dec. 2022, Invited - Weighted inequality for fractional Sobolev spaces and isoperimetric inequalities
実解析シンポジウム2022, Oct. 2022, Not invited - A note on embedding inequalities for weighted Sobolev and Besov spaces
日本数学会 秋季大会, Sep. 2022, Not invited - The strong maximal operators with Hausdorff content
H. Saito
NCTS Workshop on Harmonic Analysis, Mar. 2019, Invited - Hausdorff content and its applications
H. Saito
Real, Complex and Functional Analysis Seminar 2018, Nov. 2018, Not invited - Boundedness of the strong maximal operator with the Hausdorff content
H. Saito
実解析学シンポジウム2018, Oct. 2018, Not invited - Composition of maximal operators with weighted Hausdorff content
H. Saito
日本数学会, Sep. 2018, Not invited - Hausdorff 容量によるChoquet-Lorentz 空間上の極大関数の有界性について
RIMS 共同研究(公開型)関数空間の深化とその周辺, Feb. 2018, Not invited - A simply connected Kakeya set and its application
Real, Complex and Functional Analysis Seminar 2017, Dec. 2017, Not invited - 掛谷の針問題から見る図学と解析学とのつながり
日本図学会 秋季大会, Dec. 2017, Not invited - The Fefferman-Stein type inequalities for strong fractional maximal operators
実解析シンポジウム2017, Nov. 2017, Not invited - Maximal operators with the weighted Hausdorff content
日本数学会, Sep. 2017, Not invited - Maximal operators with the weighted Hausdorffcontent
日本数学会, Sep. 2017, Not invited - Maximal operators with the weighted Hausdorff content
5th East Asian Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Jun. 2017, Not invited - Weighted maximal operators and related topics
Interactions between harmonic and geometric analysis, Nov. 2016, Invited - The Fefferman-Stein type inequality for the directional maximal operator
実解析シンポジウム2016, Oct. 2016, Not invited - Abstract dyadic cubes, maximal operators and Hausdorff content
日本数学会, Sep. 2016, Not invited - The Fefferman-Stein type inequality for the directional maximal operator
4th East Asian Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Aug. 2016, Not invited - General maximal operators and the Reverse H\"{o}lder classes
Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Analysis and PDE Workshop, Mar. 2016, Invited - Some remarks on the Kakeya maximal operator and $A_{\infty}^{*}$ weights
日本数学会, Sep. 2015, Not invited - Kakeya maximal operator and radial weights
3rd East Asian Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Aug. 2015, Not invited - 荷重付掛谷極大関数の有界性について
第1回 工学院大学数理セミナー, May 2015, Not invited - Fourier制限問題と掛谷極大作用素について
調和解析セミナー, Dec. 2014, Invited - 掛谷極大関数による掛谷問題へのアプローチ
解析ゼミ, Nov. 2014, Invited - Boundedness of the Kakeya maximal operators on the variable Lebesgue spaces
実解析シンポジウム2014, Nov. 2014, Not invited - Kakeya maximal operator (no dilation) with radial weights on the plane
日本数学会, Sep. 2014, Not invited - 極大関数による掛谷問題の研究とその応用
第53回実関数論・関数解析学合同シンポジウム, Sep. 2014, Invited - Boundedness of the Kakeya maximal operators on the variable Lebesgue spaces
日本数学会, Mar. 2014, Not invited - Directional maximal operators and radial weights on the plane
実解析シンポジウム2013, Nov. 2013, Not invited - Directional maximal operators and radial weights on the plane
1st East Asian Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Oct. 2013, Not invited - Directional maximal operators and radial weights on the plane
日本数学会, Sep. 2013, Not invited - Radon-Nikodym Theorem with Daniell Scheme
確率論セミナー, Jul. 2013, Not invited - Directional maximal operators and radial weights on the plane
調和解析セミナー, Apr. 2013, Not invited - On Lusin's theorem for non-additive ordered vector space-valued measures
第21回関数空間セミナー, Dec. 2012, Not invited - Daniel schemeによる測度論の再考(測度の拡張と$\sigma$-有限性について)
実解析シンポジウム2012, Oct. 2012, Invited - Radon-Nikodym Theorem with Daniell Scheme
数理解析セミナー, Oct. 2012, Not invited - Characterization of the dual space $L^1$ with Daniell scheme
第20回関数空間セミナー, Dec. 2011, Not invited - Daniell積分によるLebesgue分解と測度論の再考
関数環研究集会, Dec. 2011, Not invited - Radon-Nikodym Theorem with Generalized Density
第19回関数空間セミナー, Dec. 2010, Not invited - Daniell 積分によるRadon-Nikodym の定理の新しい定式化とその応用
関数環研究集会, Nov. 2010, Not invited - Daniell 積分とその応用
確率解析とその周辺, Nov. 2007, Not invited