FUJINO Masafumi
College of Economics | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Research activity information
- ★Human Resource Development of Management Accountants
Masafumi Fujino
The Journal of Cost Accounting Research, Aug. 2020, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - ★Managers' use of Management Accounting in the Reciprocal Interactions
Masafumi Fujino; Yan Li
Melco Journal of Management Accounting Research, Apr. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 非営利組織の受益者に対する説明責任―質問票調査による規定要因の分析
尻無濱芳崇; 井上慶太; 藤野雅史
会計プログレス, Sep. 2024, Refereed - Kumamoto Airport: Post-quake recovery and concession
Masafumi Fujino
ていくおふ, Sep. 2023, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Report on a Questionnaire Survey of Environmental Management in Japanese Manufacturing Companies
Hiroshi Ozawa; Asako Kimura; Hiroyuki Suzuki; Tatsumasa Tennojiya; Masafumi Fujino
Economic Research, Oct. 2021, Not refereed, Not invited - 公的部門における組織間連携とコントロール―拡張的ネットワークを対象とする議論にむけて―
Keita Inoue; Yoshitaka Shirinashihama; Masafumi Fujino
成蹊大学経済学部論集, Jul. 2019, Not refereed, Not invited - アウトカム業績情報を利用するための制度的枠組み―米国連邦政府の業績測定フレームワーク―
産業経営プロジェクト報告書 一般研究, Mar. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Innovation Process of Management Accounting in the U.S. Federal Government
Masafumi Fujino
會計, Feb. 2014, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Performance and Financial Management in Social Infrastructure Maintenance and Updating
Masafumi Fujino
Transportation & Economy, Jul. 2013, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Design of Management Accounting Systems at Itoyokado
Akira Maeda; Hiroto Kataoka; Masafumi Fujino
産業経理, Jul. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited - Public Management Reform and New Perspective on Management Accounting Research
Masafumi Fujino
The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan, May 2012, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 複数の予算と複数の標準―管理会計生成プロセスの一断面―
Masafumi Fujino
経済集志, Oct. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 政府の管理会計(下)
会計人コース, Sep. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 公的部門における管理会計の統合プロセス
Masafumi Fujino
会計プログレス, Sep. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 政府の管理会計(上)
会計人コース, Aug. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 経営理念を実践する管理会計
会計人コース, Jul. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 米国連邦政府における原価計算の制度化
FUJINO Masafumi
原価計算研究, Mar. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 米国連邦政府における原価計算の制度と実践
藤野 雅史
会計検査研究, Sep. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 年金積立金の管理・運営主体におけるマネジメント問題
藤野 雅史
紀要(日本大学経済学部経済科学研究所), Mar. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - マネジメントプロセスにおける業績測定システムの利用
藤野 雅史
会計検査研究, Sep. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 自律的組織における管理会計とその進化
日本企業研究のフロンティア, Mar. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 政府管理会計論の再構築
『企業価値創造の管理会計』同文舘出版, Mar. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - ミクロ・マクロ・ループとしての管理会計システム
企業会計, Mar. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - ガバナンス改革における業績改善と管理会計
藤野 雅史
公会計研究, 2007, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - アメリカ政府の予算制度改革と管理会計論の展開
藤野 雅史
會計, Dec. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 公的部門における業績測定システムの設計と利用
藤野 雅史
公会計研究, May 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - キリンビールにおけるカンパニー制のもとでのEVAとBSC
企業会計, May 2004, Not refereed, Not invited
- 多様なステークホルダーの連携を組み込んだ戦略マップ―スマートシティ会津若松の事例―
南雲岳彦; 藤野雅史
京都大学経営管理大学院経営研究センター・ワーキングペーパー, 12 Jul. 2022, Not refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - Performance management systems in Japanese culture: Amoeba Management and Collectivity
Masafumi Fujino; Norio Sawabe
Controlling—Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 2019, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 定性的研究の改善に向けて
藤野雅史; 横田絵理
原価計算研究, Sep. 2018, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Effects of disaggregated performance measures among managers with interdependent self-construal
Masafumi Fujino; Yan Li; Norio Sawabe
Melco Management Accounting Research Discussion Paper Series, Sep. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Role of Management Accounting in the Process of Interactions among Organizational Members
Yan Li; Masafumi Fujino
産業経営研究所Working Paper Series, May 2018, Not refereed, Not invited - The role of multi-layered accounting departments in combining abstract accounting measures and local knowledge: A case study in a Japanese manufacturing company
Masafumi Fujino
10th ENROAC Conference, Jun. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Performance Measurement Systems for Managing Exploration/Exploitation Tensions within and between Organizational Levels
Masafumi Fujino; Yan Li; Norio Sawabe and Satoshi Horii
AAA 2015 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, 02 Dec. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 公的アカウンタビリティの意義
日本会計研究学会スタディグループ最終報告書, Sep. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - わが国における原価計算の導入と発展―文献史的研究―
最終報告書, Sep. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited - 業績管理と予算編成の統合プロセス―アメリカ連邦政府と州政府の取り組み―
平成19年海外行政実態調査報告書(会計検査院上席研究調査官), Mar. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 企業組織と管理会計の研究
最終報告書, Sep. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited - 公的組織におけるトータル・システムとしての管理会計
日本銀行金融研究所ディスカッション・ペーパー・シリーズ, Jul. 2007, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 管理会計が拓く公共経営の新時代 (学会ルポ 日本会計研究学会第64回大会)
藤野 雅史
企業会計, Dec. 2005
Books and other publications
- ★The Role of the Management Accountant: Local Variations and Global Influences
Masafumi Fujino, Contributor, Management Accountants in Japan, Masafumi Fujino
Routledge, 2018, Not refereed
9781138941359 - ★日本の管理会計研究
藤野雅史, Contributor, 第8章 戦間期の企業組織と予算管理の導入・利用, 藤野雅史
中央経済社, Aug. 2015, Not refereed
9784502154218 - ★自律的組織の経営システム
澤邉紀生; 中川優, Joint work, 185-233, 澤邉紀生,中川優
森山書店, Jul. 2009, Not refereed - SWOT分析&BSCを活用したKPI監査の実務と実例
藤野雅史; 嶋田利広; 若山恵佐雄; 斉藤恭明; 上月和彦; 小形実昇龍; 加藤かおり, Joint work, 第3章 シンプルBSC理論
マネジメント社, Mar. 2024
9784837805182 - Basis & Practice of Management Accounting in Public Sectors
Joint work, (独)統計センターにおける管理会計実践, 藤野雅史,柏木恵,大西淳也
同文舘出版, Sep. 2020, Not refereed - ケース 管理会計
藤野雅史; 大西淳也, Contributor, 第22章 行政管理会計, 藤野雅史・大西淳也
中央経済社, Nov. 2017, Not refereed
9784502246418 - 公共経営の変容と会計学の機能
Contributor, 第7章 公共経営における原価計算の機能と課題―コスト情報の計算と利用―
同文舘出版, Dec. 2016, Not refereed - 公共部門のマネジメント
Contributor, 1-17, 19-60, 127-168
同文舘出版, Jun. 2016, Not refereed
9784495204815 - インタンジブルズの管理会計
櫻井通晴, Joint work, 241-252, 櫻井通晴
中央経済社, Mar. 2012, Not refereed - 原価計算の導入と発展
山本浩二, Joint work, 31-48, 159-195, 211-235, 山本浩二
森山書店, Jun. 2010, Not refereed - バランスト・スコアカード
小松章編著, Single work, 175-198, 小松章編著
『現代の財務経営6 経営分析・企業評価』, Apr. 2009, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 非営利組織の受益者に対する説明責任―質問票調査による実態調査―
尻無濱芳崇; 井上慶太; 藤野雅史
日本会計研究学会第82回全国大会, Sep. 2023, Not invited - Performance measure in lateral relations: being aware of indebtedness and considerate of interdependent performance concerns
The 13th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Dec. 2022, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Not invited - Community capacity and accountability: A case of transportation service development for the elderly
Masafumi Fujino; Keita Inoue; Yoshitaka Shirinashihama
EAA 2021 Virtual Congress, May 2021, European Accounting Association, Not invited - Use of performance measures by managers with interdependent self-construal
Masafumi Fujino; Yan Li; Norio Sawabe
The 12th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Dec. 2020, Not invited - 管理会計「機能」の人材育成
Sep. 2019, Japanese Cost Accounting Association, Invited - Effects of disaggregated performance measures among managers with interdependent self-construal
Masafumi Fujino; Yan Li; Norio Sawabe
11th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Dec. 2018, Not invited - 福祉サービス開発における住民の巻き込みとコントロール:交通課題解決プロジェクトの事例
日本会計研究学会 第77回大会, Sep. 2018, Not invited - 管理会計担当者の業務経験と能力蓄積―A社の事例研究―
日本原価計算研究学会 第44回全国大会, Aug. 2018, Not invited - Disaggregated Performance Measures from a Collectivistic View
Masafumi Fujino; Yan Li; Norio Sawabe
European Accounting Association 2018 Annual Congress, Jun. 2018, Not invited - 組織メンバーの相互作用を促進する管理会計の役割
日本会計研究学会 第76回全国大会, Sep. 2017, 日本会計研究学会, Not invited - 定性的研究の改善に向けて
日本原価計算研究学会 第43回全国大会, Sep. 2017, 日本原価計算研究学会, Not invited - Incomplete Performance Indicators in the Process of Reciprocity
The 11th ENROAC Conference, Jun. 2017, Not invited - Performance Indicators in the Cultural Context
The 10th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Dec. 2016, Not invited - Performance measurement systems for lateral coordination among lower managers
Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting (APIRA) 8th Conference, Jul. 2016, Not invited - The role of multi-layered accounting departments in combining abstract accounting measures and local knowledge: A case study in a Japanese manufacturing company
10th European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting Change, Jun. 2015, Not invited - The role of multi-layered accounting departments incombining abstract accounting measures and local knowledge:A case study in a Japanese manufacturing company
10th European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting Change, Jun. 2015, Not invited - Performance Measurement Systemsfor Managing Exploration/Exploitation Tensionswithin and between Organizational Levels
AAA 2015 Management Accounting Section Meeting, Jan. 2015, American Accounting Association, Not invited - Performance measurement systems for managing exploration/exploitation tensions at multiple organizational levels
8th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting 2014, Dec. 2014, European Institute of, Not invited - Management control systems for exploration and exploitation: A case study of a manufacturing company
Global Management Accounting Research Symposium 2014, Jun. 2014, University of New South Wales, Not invited - Management control systems for exploration and exploitation: A case study of a manufacturing company
European Accounting Association 2014 37th Annual Congress, May 2014, European Accounting Association, Not invited - Management Control Systems for Flexibility and Efficiency: A Case Study of a Manufacturing Company
7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Sep. 2013, Not invited - Innovation Process of Management Accounting in the U.S. Federal Government
日本会計研究学会第72回全国大会, Sep. 2013, Not invited - Managing accounting implementation and engineers’ networking: Mitsubishi Electric, 1921-1932
7th Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting, Jul. 2013, Not invited - Managing accounting implementation and engineers’ networking: Mitsubishi Electric, 1921-1932
European Accounting Association 36th Annual Congress, May 2013, Not invited - Designing process of Management Accounting for Leaning and Innovation
日本原価計算研究学会2012年度産学連携コストフォーラム, Mar. 2013, Not invited - Management Accounting and Modernization of Technology and Organization
日本原価計算研究学会第38回全国大会, Sep. 2012, Not invited - 行政経営改革は管理会計研究に何をもたらしたのか
日本管理会計学会2011年度全国大会・統一論題, Oct. 2011, Not invited - 日本における管理会計の生成と変化
日本原価計算研究学会第37回全国大会・自由論題, Sep. 2011, Not invited - Management control systems, strategising and time: A case study of a Japanese Manufacturing company
Norio Sawabe
Global Management Accounting Symposium 2011, Jun. 2011, Not invited - Management control systems and strategising: A case study of a Japanese manufacturing company
European Accounting Association 2011: 34th Annual Congress, Apr. 2011, Not invited - Management control systems and strategising: A case study of Japanese manufacturing company
Norio Sawabe; Masaru Nakagawa
The 4th New Zealand Management Accounting Conference, Nov. 2010, Not invited - アメリカ州政府の業績管理
国際公会計学会第13回全国大会, Sep. 2010, Not invited - Multiple ontology of a strategic initiative: A case study of a Japanese manufacturing company
Norio Sawabe; Masaru Nakagawa
European Accounting Association 33rd Annual Congress 2010, May 2010, European Accounting Association, Not invited - 公的アカウンタビリティの意義
日本原価計算研究学会関東部会, Mar. 2010, 日本原価計算研究学会, Not invited - 米国連邦政府における原価計算の制度化
日本原価計算研究学会, Sep. 2008, Not invited - 公的部門における管理会計の統合プロセス
日本会計研究学会, Sep. 2008, Not invited - 業績管理と予算編成の統合プロセス〜アメリカ連邦政府と州政府の取り組み〜
会計検査院テクニカル・セミナー, Mar. 2008, Not invited - The Role of Performance Measurement Systems in Public Management Reforms
4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Sep. 2007, Not invited - The Conversion of Role Expectation about Cost/Management Accounting:The Expansion of Decision-Making
Kataoka Hiroto
European Accounting Association, Apr. 2007, Not invited - ガバナンス改革における業績改善と管理会計
国際公会計学会, Sep. 2006, Not invited - Implementation and Evolution of Management Accounting System
Fumiko Hiki/Katsuhiro Ito
European Accounting Association, Mar. 2006, Not invited - アメリカ政府の予算制度改革と管理会計論の展開
日本会計研究学会, Sep. 2005, Not invited
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Empirical research on the design and implementation of management control systems and their effects
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027
澤邉 紀生; 横田 絵理; 藤野 雅史; 飛田 努; 篠田 朝也; 木村 麻子; 岡田 幸彦; 青木 章通; 佐々木 郁子; 丸田 起大; 新改 敬英; 足立 洋; 吉川 晃史; 李 燕; 篠原 巨司馬; 浅田 拓史; 目時 壮浩; 市原 勇一; 尻無濱 芳崇; セルメス鈴木 寛之; 黒木 淳; 庄司 豊; 飯塚 隼光 - 関係性を構築するための管理会計の利用に関する研究
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020