Department of Risk Management | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
- Natural sciences, Human geoscience
- Humanities & social sciences, Science education, Environmental Education
- Natural sciences, Atmospheric and hydrospheric science, Climatology
- Humanities & social sciences, Geography, Physical Geography
- Humanities & social sciences, Geography, Geography
- Humanities & social sciences, Science education, Science Education
Research activity information
- ★A Proper Understanding of Climate and Climate Change in Japan
RISK MANAGEMENT STUDIES, Mar. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 全学FDワークショップ@三軒茶屋キャンパス報告書
山添 謙
日本大学FD研究, Mar. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 全学FDワークショップ2018実施報告および参加者評価の解析と改善に向けた取り組み
日本大学FD研究, Mar. 2020, Refereed, Not invited - 日本大学商学部におけるパイロットプログラム受講者の学修状況
山添 謙
研究紀要(日本大学通信教育部), Mar. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 日本大学商学部における初年次教育に関する一考察──入学試験形態と初年次前学期の学修活動との関係──
山添 謙
総合文化研究(日本大学商学部), Mar. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Recent change of amount of vapor according to time in Tokyo
Berichte des Meteorologischen Instituts der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Mar. 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Recent change of atmospheric environment in Tokyo - analysis about the amount of vapor in warm half year -
山添 謙
Annals of the Geography, Mar. 2004, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Utilization of Multimedia materials for Earth Science Education in Universities : View from Environmental education
山添 謙
Information Science Studies, Mar. 2002, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Practice of Environmental Education in Using Heat Island Phenomena
Field Studies Institute for Environmental Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, 2001, Not refereed, Not invited - Climate Variation in Japan by Climatic-Year Approach
Annals of the Geography, 1996, Not refereed, Not invited - Secular Change of Temperature in Tokyo -with Reference to the Removal of Station and Growth of Urban Area-
Annals of the Geography, 1995, Not refereed, Not invited - An Analysis of Urban Heat Islands in Tokyo and Its Environs : The Comparison of Cloudless Nights with Cloudy Nights in Autumn
Geographical Review of Japan, 1994, Not refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
- 気候変動の事典
山添 謙, Contributor, トピック④ 首都圏における異常高温現象
朝倉書店, Dec. 2017, Not refereed
9784254161298 - 自然地理学事典
山添謙, Contributor, B7-2 ヒートアイランドとクールアイランド
朝倉書店, Jan. 2017, Not refereed
9784254163537 - 『環境学への誘い』
山添謙, Contributor, 第4章 地域の気候変化-都市の温暖化と都市気候-, 山添謙
創成社, Sep. 2016, Not refereed
9784794431745 - 自然地理学概論
高橋日出男; 小泉武栄; 原 芳生; 柏木良明; 江口 卓; 山添 謙; 境田清隆; 青木賢人; 目代邦康; 久保純子; 佐藤芳徳; 八木浩司; 石川百合子, Joint work, 高橋日出男,小泉武栄,原 芳生,柏木良明,江口 卓,山添 謙,境田清隆,青木賢人,目代邦康,久保純子,佐藤芳徳,八木浩司,石川百合子
朝倉書店, Jan. 2008, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 地球と都市の気候変化
山添 謙
令和元年度 日本大学危機管理学部 公開講座 第3 回, Oct. 2019, 日本大学危機管理学部, Invited - Recent occurrence situation of hot night in Tokyo
Autumn workshop, Geographical Association of Nihon University, Nov. 2012, 日本大学地理学会, Not invited - The characteristic of diurnal variation of the amount of vapor in hot nights in Tokyo
Yamazoe Yuzuru
7th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul. 2009, Not invited - Recent change of amount of vapor according to time in Tokyo
5th Japanese – German Meeting on Urban Climatology, Oct. 2008, Not invited - Recent change of amount of vapor in Tokyo
6th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jun. 2006, Not invited - Recent change of temperature-humidity index in Tokyo
5th International Conference on Urban Climate, Sep. 2003, Not invited