SATO Tomohiko
Department of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
- Apr. 2023 - Present
Nihon University, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, 兼担講師 - Apr. 2019 - Present
Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019
Assistant Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University - Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015
Assistant Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University - Oct. 2011 - Mar. 2012
A part-time lecturer, Chiba University - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2012
A part-time lecturer, Seijo University - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2012
Research Fellow, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University - Oct. 2010 - Mar. 2011
A part-time lecturer, Chiba University - Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2010
Assistant Professor(Computer Centre, Computer System Support), Gakushuin University - Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2007
Research Assistant, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Educational Background
- Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2007
Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Department of Systems Innovation, Division of Mathematical Science - Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2004
Osaka University, Graduate School of Science, Department of Mathematics - Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2002
Ritsumeikan University, College of Science and Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Course of Mathematics
Research activity information
- ★Refinement of asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues for the linearized Liouville–Gel’fand problem
Hiroshi Ohtsuka; Tomohiko Sato
Nonlinear Analysis, Mar. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - ★Morse indices of the solutions to the inhomogeneous elliptic equation with exponentially dominated nonlinearities
Tomohiko Sato; Takashi Suzuki
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Apr. 2023, Refereed
Corresponding - ★Interface Regularity of the Solutions to Maxwell Systems on Riemannian Manifolds
Makoto Kanou; Tomohiko Sato; Kazuo Watanabe
TOKYO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Jun. 2016, Refereed, Not invited - ★Interface regularity of the solutions for the rotation free and the divergence free systems in Euclidian space
Makoto Kanou; Tomohiko Sato; Kazuo Watanabe
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, Dec. 2013, Refereed, Not invited - Morse indices of the solutions to the liouville-gel’fand problem with variable coefficients
Tomohiko Sato; Takashi Suzuki
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 2018, Refereed, Not invited - Asymptotic non-degeneracy of multiple blowup solutions to the Liouville-Gel'fand problem with an inhomogeneous coefficient
Hiroshi Ohtsuka; Tomohiko Sato; Takashi Suzuki
Tomohiko Sato; Takashi Suzuki; Futoshi Takahashi
ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, May 2011, Refereed, Not invited - 学習管理システムによる自己学習型マルチメディア教育支援体制
浦上大輔; 海老澤賢史; 佐藤友彦; 勝野弘康; 久保山哲二; 横山悦郎; 入澤寿美; 坂本孝治郎
学習院大学計算機センター年報, Dec. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited - A nondegeneracy result for least energy solutions to a biharmonic problem with nearly critical exponent
Tomohiko Sato; Futoshi Takahashi
RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B15: Mathematical analysis on the self-organization and self-similarity, Dec. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 多様化する情報・マルチメディア機器を用いた教育・研究に対する効率的な支援体制の検討
海老澤賢史; 佐藤友彦; 浦上大輔; 久保山哲二; 横山悦郎; 入澤寿美; 坂本孝治郎
学習院大学計算機センター年報, Dec. 2009, Not refereed, Not invited - Asymptotic Uniqueness for a Biharmonic Equation with Nearly Critical Growth on Symmetric Convex Domains
Tomohiko Sato; Futoshi Takahashi
FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ-SERIO INTERNACIA, Aug. 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Asymptotic uniqueness of solutions for an elliptic problem with nearly critical growth on symmetric domains
Tomohiko Sato; Futoshi Takahashi
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Jul. 2008, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 教育現場における情報・マルチメディア機器利用の実態と活用促進に関する研究
海老澤賢史; 佐藤友彦; 松岡東香; 横山悦郎; 入澤寿美
学習院大学計算機センター年報, 2008, Not refereed, Not invited - Asymptotic non-degeneracy of the solution to the Liouville-Gel'fand problem in two dimensions
Tomohiko Sato; Takashi Suzuki
COMMENTARII MATHEMATICI HELVETICI, 2007, Refereed, Not invited - Convexity and uniqueness of the solution to the Liouville equation
Tomohiko Sato; Takashi Suzuki
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Oct. 2005, Refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- ★Refinement of asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues for the linearized Liouville-Gel'fand Problem
Tomohiko SATO
第40回数理科学講演会, Sep. 2021, The Society for Mathematical Sciences, Not invited - 点渦系ハミルトニアンとリュービル・ゲルファント問題の解のモース指数対応
第37回数理科学講演会, Aug. 2018, Not invited - 平均場方程式の解の漸近的非退化性
佐藤 友彦
研究集会「第3回 量子渦と非線形波動」, Nov. 2016, Not invited - Morse indices of the solutions to the Liouville-Gel'fand problem with variable coefficients
Tomohiko SATO; Takashi SUZUKI
MSJ Spring Meeting 2016 at University of Tsukuba, Mar. 2016, The Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Asymptotic non-degeneracy of multiple blowup solutions to the Liouville-Gel'fand problem with a non-constant coefficient
佐藤友彦; 大塚浩史; 鈴木貴
日本数学会2012年度年会, Mar. 2012, Not invited - 関数係数を持つ Liouville-Gel'fand 問題に対する多点爆発解の漸近的非退化性
佐藤友彦; 大塚浩史; 鈴木貴
第61回理論応用力学講演会(NCTAM2012), Mar. 2012, 日本学術会議 機械工学委員会, 土木工学・建築学委員会合同IUTAM分科会, Not invited - Interface regularity of the solutions for the rotation free system
加納誠; 佐藤友彦; 渡辺一雄
日本数学会2011年度年会, Mar. 2011, Not invited - A nondegeneracy result for least energy solutions to a biharmonic problem with nearly critical exponent
佐藤友彦; 高橋太
日本数学会2009年度秋季総合分科会, Sep. 2009, Not invited - Asymptotic uniqueness of solutions for an elliptic problem with nearly critical growth on symmetric domains
佐藤友彦; 高橋太
日本数学会2008年度年会, Mar. 2008, Not invited - Asymptotic uniqueness for a biharmonic equation with nearly critical growth on symmetric convex domains
佐藤友彦; 高橋太
日本数学会2008年度年会, Mar. 2008, Not invited - Asymptotic non-degeneracy of the solution to the mean field equation
鈴木貴; 佐藤友彦
日本数学会2007年度年会, Mar. 2007, Not invited - P-capacity of singular set of singular p-harmonic function is zero
佐藤友彦; 鈴木貴; 高橋太
日本数学会2006年度秋季総合分科会, Sep. 2006, Not invited - Asymptotic uniqueness of the solution to the Liouville equation
佐藤友彦; 鈴木貴
日本数学会2005年度秋季総合分科会, Sep. 2005, Not invited - Asymptotic non-degeneracy of the solution to the Liouville-Gel'fand problem in two dimensions
佐藤友彦; 鈴木貴
日本数学会2005年度年会, Mar. 2005, Not invited
Research Themes
- 「多成分偏微分方程式系の解析的研究」
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
鈴木 貴; 高橋 亮; 三沢 正史; 佐藤 友彦; 宮西 吉久; 太田家 健佑 - Analysis for nonlinear critical phenomena described by mean field equations
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2008 - 2012
SUZUKI Takashi; MISAWA Masashi; TAKAHASHI Futoshi; NAITO Yuki; OHTSUKA Hiroshi; SUGIYAMA Yoshie; ISHIWATA Michinori; KOBAYASHI Takayuki; NAWA Hayato; WATANABE Kazuo; SATO Tomohiko; MATSUMURA Akitaka; YAGI Atsushi; MISAWA Masashi; TAKAHASHI Futoshi; NAITO Yuki; OHTSUKA Hiroshi; SUGIYAMA Yoshie; KOBAYASHI Takayuki; NAWA Hayato; WATANABE Kazuo; SATO Tomohiko; MATSUMURA Akitaka; YAGI Atsushi; YOSHIKAWA Shuji; KUROKIBA Masaki; FURIHATA Daisuke; KUWATA Kazuhiro; TANAKA Mieko; YAMADA Yoshio; SAITO Norikazu; TAKAHASHI Ryo; TASAKI Sohei; RICCIARDI Tonia; STEVENS Angela; KAVALLARIS Nikos; PAWLOW Irena; CHAPLAIN Mark; QUARANTA Vito; CHAVANIS Pierre-henri