General Education | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
- Humanities & social sciences, International relations, International Relationship Theory
- Humanities & social sciences, History - General, General History
- Humanities & social sciences, Local studies, Area Studies
- Humanities & social sciences, Foreign language education, Foreign Language Education
- Humanities & social sciences, History - Europe/America, Western History
- Apr. 2019
Professor, Nihon University, College of Commerce - Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2019
Associate professor, Nihon University, College of Commerce - Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2014
Assistant Professor, Nihon University College of Commerce - Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2014
Part-time Teacher, Kanagawa University - Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2014
Part-time Teacher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies - Sep. 2007 - Mar. 2010
Assistant Professor, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University - Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008
Part-time Teacher, Sophia University - Apr. 1992 - Mar. 1998
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Educational Background
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Master en Comunidades Europeas, Master en Comunidades Europeas
- Escuela Diplomática del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Escuela Diplomática, Estudios Internacionales
- Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Faculty of Foreign Language, Hispanic Philology
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamento de Historia Contemporánea
Research activity information
- González, Bush y Gorbachov el fin de la Guerra Fría y la formación de un nuevo orden mundial
Haruko Hosoda
Miradas al pasado, miradas al presente. Nuevos horizontes de la historiografía contemporánea actas del XVI Congreso de Historia Contemporánea. Logroño, 7 a 9 de septiembre de 2023, 2024
Lead - Unas olimpiadas para el pasado, el presente y el futuro La historia de los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona 1992
Haruko Hosoda
Istor: Revista de Historia Internacional, 2016, Refereed, Invited
Lead - "¿Convidados de piedra o Promotores del cambio?" Actividades del Sindicalismo Anglo-Estadounidense en España, 1971-77
Alcores, Nov. 2015, Refereed, Not invited - La diplomacia pública de Japón hacia el mundo y hacia España
Haruko Hosoda
Lead - El europeísmo en España: entre el catolicismo y la socialdemocracia
Haruko Hosoda
Actas del II Congreso Ibero-Asiatico de Hispanistas (Kioto, 2013), Dec. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - La Spagna franchista e Cuba
(Translation: Andrea Virga)
Eurasia: Rivista di Studi Geopolitici, Mar. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The American and British Labor Unions'Policies Toward the Spanish Democratic Transition 1962-1977
Nihon University Journal of Humanities and Sciences, Mar. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Influence of Spanish Domestic Issues on U.S. Base Politics during the Late Franco Regime (1960-1975)
細田 晴子
Waseda Global Forum, Mar. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Spanish transition to democracy: King Juan Carlos I and the U.S. (1969-1977)
細田 晴子
Society of Humanities, Sep. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Franco regime’s influence on Cuba (1959-1975)
The International Journal of Cuban Studies, Sep. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - La política comerical de España hacia Cuba bajo el régimen franquista (1959-75)
細田 晴子
Anales de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Jun. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The End of the Cold War in Europe and the Transformation of Spanish Foreign Policy: The Case of Changing Spanish-American Relations
Hosoda Haruko
International Relations, Sep. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Franco regime’s contradiction: Its foreign policy toward Cuba
Hosoda Haruko
Waseda Global Forum, Mar. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - La política exterior de la Administración Ford hacia España durante la Transición (1973-1977)
Cuadernos de Historia Cotemporánea, Feb. 2005, Refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
- Cold War: Houbun World History
Haruko Hosoda, Contributor
Horitu bunkasha, Feb. 2024 - 「スペイン:東からの脅威、南からの脅威」(『NATOを知るための71章』
明石書店, Mar. 2023 - 「スペインのNATO加盟: 民主化推進のための加盟」(『NATOを知るための71章』
明石書店, Mar. 2023 - "The policy toward the Panama Canal by the Carter administration: the human rights diplomacy and the Anti-Americanism" (From Détente to the New Cold War: The unraveling of the International Order in a Globalizing)
Single work, Haruko Hosoda
Horitsu Bunka Sha, Apr. 2022 - 「スペイン内戦(1936~39年)――第二次世界大戦、冷戦への前哨戦」(『ハンドブックヨーロッパ外交史 :ウェストファリアからブレグジットまで』)
Single work, Haruko Hosoda
Minerva, Mar. 2022 - 「スペイン:デモクラシーと人権、欧州主義と多国間主義」(『世界変動と脱EU/超EU ポスト・コロナ、米中覇権競争下の国際関係』)
Single work
日本経済評論社, Feb. 2022 - 「グローバルとローカル―佐渡から見るソフトパワーとしての「鼓童」―」(『政治と音楽――国際関係を動かす”ソフトパワー”』)
Single work, Haruko Hosoda
晃洋書房, 2022 - Prólogo: Nuevos viajes de enlance en la época de post Covid 19
Single work, Haruko Hosoda
Mediatres Estudio, Dec. 2020 - 'Sado: La séptima isla' en "DESCUBRE JAPÓN - EXPERIENCIAS DE AUTOR
Contributor, Haruko Hosoda
Mediatres Estudio, Dec. 2020 - 'Geopolítica: Diplomacia Pública de Japón para un futuro común' en "DESCUBRE JAPÓN - HISTORIA"
Haruko Hosoda, Contributor, Haruko Hosoda
Mediatres Estudio, Dec. 2020 - 「フランコ独裁とサッカーという磁場――現在に繫がるローカルでグローバルなサッカー」(『グローバル関係学 第5巻 「みえない関係性」をみせる』)
Haruko Hosoda, Contributor, Haruko Hosoda
Iwanami Shoten, Nov. 2020 - España, América Latina
Haruko Hosoda, Joint work, Spain, Latin America, Haruko Hosoda
Minerva, 2020 - España
Haruko Hosoda, Joint work, Spain, Haruko Hosoda
Minerva Shobo, May 2019, Not refereed - Castro and Franco: The Backstage of Cold War Diplomacy
Haruko Hosoda, Single work, Haruko Hosoda
Routledge, 2019, Not refereed - The Politics and the Monarchy in Spain
Haruko Hosoda, Contributor, Haruko Hosoda
Minerva Shobo, Sep. 2018, Not refereed - La historia de la diplomacia española
Haruko Hosoda, Joint work, Haruko Hosoda
Akashi Shoten, Dec. 2016, Not refereed - Castro and Franco: The Backstage of Diplomacy during the Cold War
Haruko Hosoda, Single work, Haruko Hosoda
Chikuma, Mar. 2016, Not refereed - "The Spanish Civil War, the Cold War and the Democratization" in Re-examining the Cold War History: Cold Wars and Other Historical Trends
Haruko Hosoda, Contributor, The Spanish Civil War, the Cold War and the democratization, Haruko Hosoda
Minerva, Dec. 2015, Not refereed - "La diplomacia pública de Japón: de la reconstrucción de postguerra a la actualidad" in ESTRATEGIAS DE DIPLOMACIA CULTURAL EN UN MUNDO INTERPOLAR
Haruko Hosoda, Joint work, La diplomacia pública de Japón: de la reconstrucción de postguerra a la actualidad, Haruko Hosoda
Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, Jan. 2015, Not refereed
9788499611228 - Pablo Casals: Un musicien, une conscience
Jean-Jacques Bedu, Supervisor, Jean-Jacques Bedu
Sogensha, Jul. 2014, Not refereed - Pablo Casals and International Politics: From Catalonia to the World
Haruko Hosoda, Single work, Haruko Hosoda
Yoshida Shoten, Aug. 2013, Not refereed - "La politica exterior hacia Estados Unidos: entre el atlantismo y el europeismo"
Haruko Hosoda, Joint work, 77-81, Haruko Hosoda
Akashi Shoten, Mar. 2013, Not refereed - Spain in the International Arena of the 20th century Between Atlanticism and Europeanism
Haruko Hosoda, Single work, Haruko Hosoda
Chikura Shobo, Sep. 2012, Not refereed - "Spanish Affiliation to the EEC and Interrelationship of its NATO Membership as seen from the United States" in Spain in the European Union: the First Twenty-Five Years (1986-2011)
Single work, Spanish Affiliation to the EEC and Interrelationship of its NATO Membership as seen from the United States, Haruko Hosoda
Jean Monnet Chair, EU Center University of Miami, May 2011 - Lula va al mar
Javier Mariscal, Single translation, Javier Mariscal
Hachette Fujingaho, May 2006, Not refereed - Solas
Carnen Alborch, Single translation, Carnen Alborch
Suiseisha, Dec. 2001, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Cooperation and Coordination: Solana's Approach to Transatlantic Relations
Haruko Hosoda
The Seventh Global International Studies Conference, Jul. 2024 - Torrijos y su tiempo: El Canal de Panamá en la encrucijada
Haruko Hosoda
The Japan Association for Latin American Studies, Dec. 2023 - González, Bush y Gorbachov: el fin de la Guerra Fría y la formación de un nuevo orden mundial
Haruko Hosoda
El XVI Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Sep. 2023 - 「NATO加盟40年~岐路に立つスペイン」
『米・中・ロシア鼎立にみる国際構造変動とEU』, Jul. 2022, 上智大学国際関係研究所, Invited - Torrijos’ Panama and Carter’s U.S.: A challenge from the Global South in the Cold War
Haruko Hosoda
The Sixth Global International Studies Conference, Jul. 2022, World International Studies Committee - The Mediterranean Policy of Spain (Migration Policy)
日本国際政治学会 2019年度研究大会, Oct. 2019, Not invited - La política de inmigración y refugiados de España
Haruko Hosoda
欧州難民危機の検証-EUの連帯はどこでつまずいたのか?, Jan. 2019, Sophia Institute of International Relations, Invited - European Integration and Catalonia
日本政治学会, Oct. 2018, Not invited - Omar Torrijos, the Panama Canal, and Jimmy Carter's Human Rights Diplomacy
56 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Jul. 2018, Not invited - Soccer for the Imagined Communities (Spain)
サッカーとグローバル関係学, Oct. 2017, 科学研究費助成事業(新学術領域研究)『グローバル関係学』, Invited - The EU policy of immigration and refugees in the Mediterranean and Spain
Japan-Asia-Europe Comparative symposium on migration, multiculturalization and welfare in Naples, Sep. 2017, Seminar for JSPS COre-To-Core Program, Not invited - The Relations between Spain and Cuba during the Cold War
The 60th Anniversary Convention 2016 Japan Association of International Relations, Oct. 2016, Not invited - EEUU, la Transición y la industria militar: desde las relaciones bilaterales hasta las multilaterales
La Historia, Lost in Translation?. XIII Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Sep. 2016, Not invited - El legado del régimen franquista y la diplomacia de España en el siglo XXI: el period de transición de la política hacia Europa
Sociedad Japonesa de Historia de España 2015, Oct. 2015, Invited - Casals y la política internacional : de la tierra de Cataluña al mundo
El Seminario del GEXEL en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Mar. 2015, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (El GEXEL), Invited - La diplomacia pública de Japón hacia el mundo y hacia España
Pensar con la Historia desde el Siglo XXI:XII Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Sep. 2014, Not invited - El europeísmo, el catolicismo y los movimentos obreros
Seminario en la Universidad de Navarra, Sep. 2014, Universidad de Navarra, Invited - Possibility of Music from Cuba
Japan Association for Latin American Studies, Jun. 2014, Not invited - "Salsa no tiene frontera": The physicality of the Cuban Music
The American Mosaic: Immigration, Expatriation, Exile, May 2014, Institute Franklin, La Universidad de Alcalá, Not invited - Peace and Cultural Diplomacy: Cultural Internationalist, Pau Casals
Commission of History of International Relations, Mar. 2014, Not invited - Estudio comparativo del régimen franquista y el régimen japonés post Segunda Guerra Mundial frente a EE.UU. en la Guerra Fría
VIII Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores del Franquismo, Nov. 2013, Not invited - El europeísmo en España: entre el catolicismo y la socialdemocracia
II CONGRESO IBERO-ASIÁTICO DE HISPANISTAS, Sep. 2013, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Universidad de Navarra-Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro, Instituto de Estudios Auriseculares, Not invited - Spain in the International Arena of the 20th Century: Between Atlanticism and Europeanism
School of Low, Tohoku University, Sep. 2012, School of Low, Tohoku University, Invited - Casals and International Politics: conflict between the Catalan identity and American soft power during the Cold War
Studies on International Relations, Jan. 2012, Not invited - Pablo Casals and International Relations
The 2011 Annual Convention Japan Association of International Relations, Nov. 2011, Not invited - The Communicative Processes of Music in Foreign Policy: Formation of Identity and International Politics under Pablo Casals
International Studies Association-South 2011 Meeting, Oct. 2011, ISA-South, Not invited - Pablo Casals and International Politics
第二回政治と音楽研究会, Jul. 2011 - Spanish affiliation of the EEC and the interrelationship of its NATO membership as seen from the U.S.
25 years of Spain’s membership in the European Union (1986-2011), Feb. 2011, European Union Center/Jean Monnet Chair, University of Miamiin, Not invited - 英米労働組合のスペイン民主化支援政策
La Sociedad Japonesa de Historia de España, Dec. 2010, Not invited - The Process of Spanish Affiliation to NATO: in Relation to the Middle East Conflicts and the Mediterranean Situation (1953-1982)
The 2010 Annual Convention Japan Association of International Relations, Oct. 2010, Not invited - The influence of Spanish domestic issues on United States’base politics during the late Franco regime, 1960-1975
The British International History Group ,TWENTY SECOND ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Sep. 2010, The British International History Group, Not invited - Spanish Influence in Central America: Spain's Foreign Policy toward Cuba
The 2009 Annual Convention Japan Association of International Relations, Nov. 2009, Not invited - The Politics of the Franco Regime toward Cuba
La Sociedad Japonesa de Historia de España, Sep. 2008, Not invited - Kissinger's foreign policy toward Spain (1973-1977)
La Sociedad Japonesa de Historia de España, Feb. 2005, Not invited - Kissinger’s Foreign Policy Toward Spain During its Transition to Democracy
Complutense Fellows Conferences - Spring Series, Mar. 2003, Real Colegio Complutense (Harvard University), Not invited
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- International Structural Change and Europe
Sophia Institute of International Relations, 2024 - 2028 - Various endings of the Cold War: resolution of global conflicts and transformation of local orders
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2025
益田 実; 細田 晴子; 齋藤 嘉臣; 青野 利彦; 三宅 康之; 妹尾 哲志; 清水 聡; 小川 浩之; 池田 亮; 鳥潟 優子; 三須 拓也; 山本 健; 橋口 豊; 岡本 宜高 - 「ポスト・コロナ時代の個人・組織・社会の在り方に関する学際的研究」
日本大学商学部, 商学部共同研究費, 2021 - 2023 - Globalization of the world and the transformation of the Cold War international order
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2021
MASUDA Minoru - Migration Issues in the Mediterranean and Governance Formation by the EU: From Viewpoint of Southern European Countries
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2020
Sakai Kazunari - Alliance politics, decolonization and cultural transformation - a new history of the Cold War through three perspectives
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017
MASUDA Minoru; SHIBASAKI Yusuke - Comparative Studies on the Structural Transformations of Politics in the Southe European Countries during the Sovereign Debt Crisis of Euro Zone
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2017
Nogami Kazuhiro - ユーロ危機下における南欧諸国のガヴァナンス変容―東欧諸国との地域間比較の視点から
京都大学地域研究統合情報センター, 2013 - 2015
横田正顕 - 出版助成(「戦後スペインと国際安全保障」)
- 「上英明『外交と移民ー冷戦下の米・キューバ関係』」
Mar. 2020 - Present - Archivo General de La Administracion
2018 - Present - Simposio "Cuba en la Nueva Era"
Nov. 2017 - Present - 揺れ続けるスペイン内戦への評価 歴史とは何なのか
Dec. 2022 - 「バルセロナ都市計画...
Feb. 2016 - Feb. 2016 - Video clas...
09 Sep. 2015 - 09 Sep. 2015 - La histori...
07 Jul. 2015 - 07 Jul. 2015 - Conference Casals and the International Politics in the 20th century
15 Mar. 2014 - 15 Mar. 2014 - Lazos entr...
29 Jan. 2014 - 29 Jan. 2014 - 「サッカーを通じた日...
11 Jul. 2013 - 11 Jul. 2013 - 「変革期の人材育成:...
22 Feb. 2013 - 22 Feb. 2013 - 著・訳者の周辺「戦後...
15 Jan. 2013 - 15 Jan. 2013 - 「日本の公務員は国際...
27 Sep. 2012 - 27 Sep. 2012 - El Sistema...
21 Sep. 2012 - 21 Sep. 2012 - “Ukiyo-e” ...
18 May 2012 - 18 May 2012 - The Meetin...
31 Jan. 2012 - 31 Jan. 2012 - Conferenci...
14 Dec. 2011 - 14 Dec. 2011 - Samurai Sp...
24 Nov. 2011 - 24 Nov. 2011 - Spanish ar...
May 2011 - May 2011 - De Japón a...
23 Feb. 2011 - 23 Feb. 2011