KATO Kyoko
College of Economics | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Educational Background
Member History
- Apr. 2022 - Present
Director, Japan Industrial and Organizational Psychology - 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
- Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022
常任理事(国際担当、編集委員)、2019年度全国大会実行委員長, 産業・組織心理学会 - Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019
理事(編集委員), 産業・組織心理学会 - Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2019
ビジネス・キャリア試験、人事・人材開発部門作門委員, 中央職業能力開発協会 - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2016
監事, 産業・組織心理学会
Research activity information
- ★The Development of ASTD's and McLagan's Competency Models for Trainers: The Influence of Teacher Competence and Adult Educator Competency Research on them
Kyoko Kato
Journal of Business Research, Mar. 2023, Not refereed
Lead - ★A study of the relationship between teacher competence research and competency research in management with a focus on teacher competence research from 1900 to the 1960s.
Kato; Kyoko
経済集志, Sep. 2022
Lead - A Study on Competency Modeling: The Issues with Competency Modeling in Japan.
Kyoko Kato
The Nihon University Economic Review, May 2020, Not refereed, Not invited - A Note on Studies of Competency Models Outside Japan: Focusing on the Articles Published After the Year 2000.
Kyoko Kato
The Nihon University Economic Review, Apr. 2016, Not refereed, Not invited - A Study on Communication Competency of Air Traffic Controllers: Comparison between the Result of the Behavioral Interviews for Air Traffic Contorollers and that for Trainees in Aeronautical Safety College
Kyoko Kato
The Nihon University Economic Review, Apr. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Job Satisfaction
Kyoko Kato
産業経営動向調査報告書, Mar. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Competency
Kyoko Kato
産業経営動向調査報告書, Mar. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Study of Developing a Competency Model for Air Traffic Controllers with Behavior Event Interviews
Kyoko Kato
KEIZAI SHUSHI, Oct. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Trends in Business Process Outsourcing and Case Studies on BPO Providers
加藤 恭子
経済集志, Jan. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Changes of Definitions of Competencies in the Past 50 years: Separation of Emotional Intelligence and Competency Models in the 1990's
加藤 恭子
The Nihon University Economic Review, Jul. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Redefinition of the Competency in HRM of Japanese Companies: Proper Use of the Concept and the Model of the Competency
加藤 恭子
Japan Journal of Human Resource Management, Jun. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Improvement and Confusion of the Idea of "Competency" in Japan and U.S.
Survey Reports on Business Administration Trends, Institute of Business Research, College of Economics, Nihon University, Mar. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Case Study on Human Resource Development and Management in a Japanese-Style Hotel, Ryokan
The Nihon University Economic Review, Jul. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited - The Possibilities of Competency-Based Model: New Criteria of HR Practices in Japanese Organizations
Journal of Global Business & Trade, Nov. 2008, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 現代日本企業における人的資源開発の新たな展開―バブル崩壊以降の特色とその問題点
経済集志, Feb. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 戦略的人的資源開発と戦略的ニーズ・アセスメント
加藤 恭子
経済集志, Oct. 2004, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Study of Research Regarding Posttraining Process in the U.S: Evaluation of Training Effectiveness and Transfer of Training
加藤 恭子
経済集志, Oct. 2003, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - アメリカにおけるコンピテンシー・ベースHRMの展開
加藤 恭子
経済集志, Jul. 2002, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 転職者の意識と行動:転職者・非転職者の比較分析
産業経営動向調査報告書, Mar. 2002, Not refereed, Not invited - Trends in HRM and SHRM studies in the United States and Japan
加藤 恭子
Japanese Association of Industrial/Organizational Psychology Journal, 2001, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Study on Theoretical Aspects of HRM -American HRM on the 1990s-
KEISEIRONSHU, 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
- Handbook of Applied Psychology
応用心理学ハンドブック編集委員会; 藤田 主一; 古屋 健; 角山 剛; 谷口 泰富; 深澤 伸幸; 日本応用心理学会, Contributor, 第13章 Topic2人事評価・コンピテンシー
福村出版, Sep. 2022, Not refereed
4571200870 - 従業員満足のための人的資源管理
岩出博; 加藤恭子; 渡辺泰宏; 関口和代; 谷内篤博; 高橋哲也; 洪聖協, Joint work, 第Ⅰ部概要、第6章人事評価、第11章やりがい搾取, 岩出博、加藤恭子、渡辺泰宏、関口和代、谷内篤博、高橋哲也、洪聖協
中央経済社, Sep. 2020
9784502354816 - Psychology for Decent Work: Understanding Meaningful Approaches to Work.
Japanese Association of Industrial; Organizational Psychology; Koichi Ono(edi, Joint work, Chapter4 Performance Appraisal, Japanese Association of Industrial / Organizational Psychology; Koichi Ono(edit.)
Kitaooji Shobo, Nov. 2019
9784762830853 - Industry and Organization Psychology (2nd edition)
Masao Baba; Fusako Baba, Joint work, Chapter7 Performance Appraisal, Masao Baba; Fusako Baba; et al.
Hakuto Chobo, Jan. 2017, Not refereed
9784561266839 - ゼロから学ぶ経営心理学
岡村一成; 藤田主一; 佐藤恵美; 喜岡恵子; 伊藤令枝; 太田さつき; 山浦一保; 伊波和恵; 深澤伸幸; 花尾由香里, Joint work, 27-30, 72-80, 岡村一成、藤田主一、佐藤恵美、喜岡恵子、伊藤令枝、太田さつき、山浦一保、伊波和恵、深澤伸幸、花尾由香里
学文社, Jan. 2012, Not refereed
9784762022296 - 産業・組織心理学ハンドブック
産業; 組織心理学会, Joint work, 32-35, 産業・組織心理学会
丸善, Jul. 2009, Not refereed
9784621081181 - 経営用語・キーワード
経営学検定試験協議会監修, Joint work, 275, 277, 経営学検定試験協議会監修
中央経済社, Jun. 2007, Not refereed - 産業・組織心理学
馬場昌雄; 馬場房子, Joint work, 119-135, 馬場昌雄、馬場房子
白桃書房, Sep. 2005, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- ★“The exploitation of self-actualization needs” by Japanese firms
Kyoko Kato
International Congress of Psychology, Jul. 2021, International Congress of Psychology - Performance Appraisal and Treatment in Japanese Organizations.
Kyoko Kato
Jaiop, Sep. 2018, Not invited - 人的資源管理研究のフロンティア
産業・組織心理学会, Dec. 2009, Not invited - Possibilities of Competency-Based Human Resource Systems in Japanese Organizations
International Academy for Global Business and Trade, Jun. 2008, Not invited - The Effects of Family and Homemaking on the Career Development of Japanese RNs
the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Jul. 2006, Not invited - 看護師のコンピテンシーと仕事の成果との関連性
産業・組織心理学会, Sep. 2005, Not invited - HRDの動向とその施策に関する一考察
産業・組織心理学会, Sep. 2004, Not invited - アメリカにおける教育訓練効果の評価研究の動向
産業・組織心理学会, Sep. 2003, Not invited - Job satisfaction and life satisfaction of female graduates of a Japanese university
the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Jul. 2003, Not invited - The succession of mentor role and experience of protégés among Japanese wo
the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Jul. 2003, Not invited - Women in management: A tale of two nations
Kyoko Kato/ William Sauser and Lane Sauser
the Society for Advancement of Management, Apr. 2003, Not invited - コンピテンシー・モデルと能力開発
日本労務学会, May 2002, Not invited - 人的資源管理の理論的側面についての一考察―1990年代アメリカを中心に
産業・組織心理学会, Aug. 2000, Not invited