OMORI Hirofumi

College of EconomicsProfessor


  • Ph.D, Saitama University
  • Master of Agriculture, Hokkaido University

Research Keyword

  • marketing
  • consumer behavior
  • place-based brand
  • place-based branding
  • Value Co-creation
  • Business data analysis

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Commerce, Marketing
  • Humanities & social sciences, Business administration


  • Apr. 2024 - Present
    Nihon University, College of Economics, Professor
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2024
    Meisei University, School of Business Adminstration, Professor
  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2018
    Mieisei University, School of Business Adminstration, Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016
    Seisen Jogakuin College, International Communication, Associate Professor
  • Apr. 1992 - Mar. 2015
    Nomura Research Institute,Ltd., コンサルティング事業本部, Senior Consultant

Educational Background

  • Mar. 2014
    Saitama University, Graduate School of Economic Science, Doctor's Program
  • Mar. 1992
    Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Agriculture, Master's Program of Agricultural Economics
  • Mar. 1990
    Hokkaido University, Scoool of Agriculture, Agricultural Economics


  • Jan. 2014
    IEICE Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication, Best Paper Award
    Discovery of knowledge about the recognition structure of corporate issues and actual behavior in the electronics industry : combination of theory of structuring knowledge and text mining
    大森 寛文


  • Consideration of clues and strategies for mobilizing young people to participate in satoyama conservation activities: Focusing on the “fun” feelings that arose in participants in satoyama exploration activities and their factors.
    Hirofumi Omori
    明星大学経営学研究紀要, Mar. 2024, Not refereed
  • Why does that satoyama community attract people?-The "Kurasawa Satoyama Lover's Group": Focusing on the Ingenuity of the Secretariat and the Positive Emotions of the Participants.
    Hirofumi Omori
    日本マーケティング学会カンファレンス・プロシーディングス, Nov. 2023, Refereed
  • Marketing strategy to pursue well-being of Satoyama user
    Hirofumi Omori
    明星大学『経営学研究紀要』, Mar. 2023
  • The process of forming relationships between Satoyama and people : Expectations for regional revitalization through Satoyama experience
    Hirofumi Omori
    明星大学経営学研究紀要, Mar. 2022
  • Transforming customer experience through the customer journey: How can we generate interest in craft beer among young people?
    Hirofumi Omori
    明星大学経営学研究紀要, Mar. 2022
  • Analysis of marketing trends in the Japanese craft beer industry: Quantitative text analysis of newspaper articles from 1992 to 2021
    Hirofumi Omori
    日本マーケティング学会ワーキングペーパー, Dec. 2021, Not refereed
  • Location factors of Japanese Craft Breweries and issues for growth
    Hirofumi Omori
    Journal of The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization, Oct. 2021, Refereed
  • Quantitative analysis of place-based branding by Japanese craft breweries
    Hirofumi Omori
    Japan Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings, Oct. 2021, Refereed
  • The evolving concept of place-based branding and future research topics: Focusing on the growth of the US craft beer industry
    The Bulletin of Management Science, Mar. 2021
  • Building Place Brand Community and fostering Social ties among residents -A study on branding a local beer-
    Hirofumi Omori
    Departmental Bulletin Paper, Mar. 2020, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Inbound value co-creation and its issues- To attract Foreign Tourists to the Tokyo Tama area -
    Hirofumi Omori
    The Bulletin of Management Science, Mar. 2019, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Regional Co-creation and Social Capital- Analysis of Social Capital in Yamato Takada City-
    Hirofumi Omori
    The Bulletin of Management Science, Mar. 2019, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Knowledge exploration by combining machine learning and text mining-Content analysis of newspaper articles on Regional Branding-
    Hirofumi Omori
    IEICE Technical Report, Sep. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Theoretical consideration and validation of Process Model of Place Branding
    Hirofumi Omori
    The Bulletin of Management Science, Mar. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Theoretical consideration on Process Model of Regional Branding
    Hirofumi Omori
    The Bulletin of Management Science, Mar. 2018, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Co-creation Process of product Idea in Customer Community -Emotional Changes of Members and Role of Coordinator-
    Hirofumi Omori
    Japan Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings 2017 Full Paper, Oct. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
  • Consideration on the future direction of Value Co-creation Marketing
    Hirofumi Omori
    The Bulletin of Management Science, Mar. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Consideration on the concept and analysis view of Service Process in Value Co-creation Marketing
    Hirofumi Omori
    The Bulletin of Management Science, Mar. 2017, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Discourse analysis of product idea creation process: Approach from the perspective of practice-turn
    大森 寛文
    日本ベンチャー学会第18回全国大会報告要旨集, Oct. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Discovery of knowledge about the recognition structure of corporate issues and actual behavior in the electronics industry : combination of theory of structuring knowledge and text mining
    OMORI Hirofumi
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, Sep. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Ethnographical analisys of business process trasnformation
    Knowledge Creation and Integration, Feb. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
  • New stage of business process transformation and utilization of overseas BPO services
    Hirofumi Omori
    NRI Management Review, 2011, Refereed, Not invited
  • The retirement of baby boomers and a paradigm shift in corporate society
    Hirofumi Omori
    Knowledge Creation and Integration,, Jun. 2005, Refereed, Not invited
  • Trandforming R & D functions of global companies and required product development processes
    Hirofumi Omori
    NRI Public Management Review, 2004, Refereed, Not invited
  • Challenges for expanding public venture support measures
    Hirofumi Omori
    Knowledge Creation and Integration, 2000, Refereed, Not invited
  • Suggestion from growth industries in U.S.A.. Social system of U.S.A. with appearing growth enterprise after another in large numbers.
    知的資産創造, Oct. 1998, Refereed, Not invited
  • US social system that produces growing companies
    Hirofumi Omori
    Knowledge Creation and Integration, 1998, Refereed, Not invited
  • Development of the regional measures for science and technology are required.
    知的資産創造, Jul. 1997, Refereed, Not invited
  • Creation and upbringing of new industries in a new high-tech industry region in the U.S.A.
    Nomura Search, Jul. 1995, Refereed, Not invited
  • Hollowing-out of Japanese industries and required industrial policies.
    Nomura Search, Oct. 1994, Refereed, Not invited


  • Knowledge finding by contrast of narrow margin data in the Long-tail : Why did only Hitachi excel among the electronics companies?
    大森 寛文
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 10 Sep. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Discovery of knowledge about the recognition structure of corporate issues and actual behavior in the electronics industry-combination of theory of structuring knowledge and text mining-
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 05 Sep. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
  • エスノグラフィを活用した業務プロセス改革 (特集 全社型業務改革で切り開く新たな経営スタイル(2))
    大森 寛文
    知的資産創造, Mar. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
  • NAVIGATION & SOLUTION 団塊世代のリタイアメントが迫る企業社会のパラダイム転換
    大森 寛文
    知的資産創造, Jul. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 定年退職人材の再活用と人材ポートフォリオ調整を円滑化するための仕組み革新
    大森 寛文
    NRIパブリックマネジメントレビュー, Jan. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
  • グローバル企業のR&D機能と求められる製品開発プロセスの改革--わが国の対日投資促進の論理と外資系企業のR&D拠点オペレーションの現状
    大森 寛文
    NRIパブリックマネジメントレビュー, May 2004, Not refereed, Not invited
  • ベンチャー支援本格化への課題
    大森 寛文
    知的資産創造, May 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 成長企業を輩出する米国の社会システム (特集 米国の成長産業からの示唆)
    大森 寛文
    知的資産創造, 1998, Not refereed, Not invited
  • The Recent Situation and Direction of Organic Farming, A Case Study of the Rice Culture of Hokuryu town in Hokkaido
    大森 寛文; 三島 徳三
    農経論叢, Mar. 1991, Not refereed, Not invited

Books and other publications

  • 地方創生: デジタルで救う地域社会・経済
    安岡寛道; 大森寛文; 宇都正哲; 鷹取功; 原洋一; 伊藤智久; 谷口麻由子; 田原洋樹; 寺田知太; 広瀬安彦; 金森剛, Joint work
    中央経済社, May 2023
  • Experience and Place Branding
    Omori,H.,Katano,K.& Tahara,H., Joint work
    Chikura Shobo Co.,Ltd., Mar. 2020
  • Text mining as a management strategy : utilizing artificial intelligence
    Omori,H; Komoda,F; Sugiura; M; Ohtsu,R, Joint work
    Chuokeizai-sha holding, inc., Aug. 2019, Not refereed
  • Development of marketing theory and practice
    マーケティングと知識経営学研究会; 薄井, 和夫; 白鳥, 和彦; 木村, 達郎; 石﨑, 琢也; 川口, 高弘; 大森, 寛文; 柴田, 仁夫; 野村, 尚司; 平出, 美栄子; 鈴木, 嘉彦; 遠藤, 道政; 村田, 雅弘, Joint work, 第6章 システムインテグレーター業界にみる情報技術の革新がもたらす価値共創への影響
    Soseisha Co.,Ltd., Apr. 2018, Not refereed
  • Creation of innovation ideas based on on-site observation
    Hirofumi Omori, Single work
    Sankeisha Co.,Ltd., Oct. 2015, Not refereed
  • Knowledge-searching thinking and practical theory of business data analysis : How to discover useful knowledge propositions for management decision-making
    Hirofumi Omori, Single work
    Sankeisha Co.,Ltd., Jul. 2015, Not refereed
  • Text mining as a technology strategy:utilizing big data
    大森 寛文, Joint work, 第2章 知識創出・共有のための知識の構造化論とテキストマイニングの融合
    Chuokeizai-sha holding, inc., May 2014, Not refereed
  • Basic Keywords of Management (Third Edition)
    Dyamond Inc., 2008, Not refereed
  • Basic Keywords of Management (Second Edition)
    Dyamond Inc., 2004, Not refereed
  • Basic Keywords of Management
    Joint work
    Dyamond Inc., Oct. 2001, Not refereed
  • A Detonator for the creation of new industries : Small Business Innovation Research
    Joint work
    NRI, Dec. 1998, Not refereed

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Why does that satoyama community attract people? -Focusing on the ingenuity of the secretariat and the positive emotions of the participants in the "Kurasawa Satoyama Lover's Group".
    Hirofumi Omori
    第12回マーケティングカンファレンス2023, Oct. 2023, Not invited
  • How can we mobilize more people for community activities ? : Suggestions from environmental and social psychology and expectations for digital technology
    Hirofumi Omori
    経営情報学会2022年全国研究発表大会, Nov. 2022
  • Transformation of philosophies of national land and regional policies and characteristics of institutional frameworks for regional revitalization
    Hirofumi Omori
    経営情報学会2022年全国研究発表大会, Nov. 2022
  • Quantitative analysis of place-based branding by Japanese craft breweries
    Hirofumi Omori
    Japan Marketing Conference 2021, Oct. 2021
  • Issues of COVID-19 measures in Japan from the viewpoint of social marketing principles, concepts and techniques
    Japan Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings vol.9(2020), Oct. 2020
  • 地域コミュニティの社会関係資本とソーシャル・メディアの融合効果
    大森 寛文
    日本マーケティング学会,第5回 ユーザー・コミュニティとオープン・メディア研究会, Mar. 2019, Not invited
  • 顧客コミュニティにおける商品アイデア共創プロセス ―成員の感情変化とコーディネーターの役割―
    大森 寛文
    日本マーケティング学会,第6回マーケティングカンファレンス2017, Oct. 2017, Not invited
  • 「商品アイデア創出プロセスにおける言説行為の分析―産学連携プロジェクトを事例とした「実践論的転回」の視座からの接近―」
    大森 寛文
    日本ベンチャー学会 第18回全国大会, Nov. 2015, Not invited
  • ロングテール領域における僅差データとその連想によるピンポイント知識の探索(第7回 テキストマイニング・シンポジウム)
    大森 寛文
    Sep. 2015, Not invited
  • The present situation and problems of internship in Seisen Jogakuin College-Focusing on student's reports for the past 8 years by text mining-
    akeda,Ruiko; Omori,Hirofumi; Katase,Takuya
    WACE 19th World Conference on Cooperative & Work-Integrated Education, Aug. 2015, Not invited
  • 電機業界における経営課題の認識構造と実行動に関する知識の発見
    大森 寛文
    電子情報通信学会第3回 テキストマイニング・シンポジウム, Sep. 2013, Not invited


  • Apr. 2024 - Present
  • Apr. 2023 - Present
  • Apr. 2017 - Present
  • Marketing
    Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2023
    Bunkyo Gakuin University
  • Service Management
    Sep. 2016 - Mar. 2023
    Meisei University
  • Consumer Behavior
    Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2023
    Meisei University
  • Marketing Research
    Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2023
    Meisei University
  • Service Marketing
    Apr. 2018 - Sep. 2018
    Bunkyo Gakuin University
  • Apr. 2016 - Sep. 2017
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016

Research Themes

  • マーケティング、消費者行動、経営管理、地域経済