Department of Global Coexistence StudiesProfessor


  • Ph.D, University of East Asia, Mar. 2008

Research Keyword

  • 観光情報学
  • カリキュラム・教授法開発
  • 脳型情報処理
  • あいまいと感性
  • 感性計測評価
  • 感性情報処理
  • Educational technology
  • Biological/living body informatics
  • Sensitivity informatics/soft computing

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Tourism studies
  • Humanities & social sciences, Educational technology
  • Informatics, Sensitivity (kansei) informatics
  • Informatics, Soft computing


  • Apr. 2023 - Present
    Nihon University, College of Bioresource Sciences Department of Global Coexistence Studies, Professor
  • Sep. 2020 - Mar. 2023
    国際医療福祉大学大学院, 准教授
  • Oct. 2019 - Mar. 2023
    The Open University of Japan, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2023
    International University of Health and Welfare, Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2018
    The Open University of Japan, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016
    Shizuoka Sangyo University, Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2015
    The Open University of Japan, Visiting Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2014
    Shizuoka Sangyo University, Lecturer
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2014
    University of Shizuoka, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2013 - Sep. 2013
    Shizuoka University, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2011 - Sep. 2011
    Junior College, Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin University, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2011 - Sep. 2011
    Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin University, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2011
    Graduate School, University of Shizuoka, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2010
    Shizuoka Sangyo University, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2010
    Kogakuin University, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2010
    Salesian Polytechnic, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2009 - Sep. 2009
    Aichi Institute of Technology, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2009
    Tokyo University of Sciense, Part-time Lecturer
  • Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2008
    Kinki University Technical College, Assistant Professor
  • Apr. 1993 - Mar. 2007
    Shizuoka Prefectural High School, Teacher

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2008
    University of East Asia, Graduate School of Integrated Science and Art, Graduate School of Integrated Science and Art
  • Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2004
    University of East Asia, Graduate School of Integrated Science and Art, 情報処理工学専攻 修士課程
  • Apr. 1991 - Mar. 1993
    Chiba University, Faculty of Engineering, 工業化学科
  • Apr. 1986 - Mar. 1991
    Numazu National College of Technology, Department of Industrial Chemistry

Member History

  • Apr. 2023 - Present
    Adviser, the 17th President, Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association
  • Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2023
    President, Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2021
  • May 2016 - Mar. 2018
  • Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2017
  • Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016


  • Sep. 2024
    産業応用工学会, 貢献賞
    ★ICISIP2024 Special Session "Bioinstrumentation, Affective Computing and Humanware Engineering"のオーガナイズと座長担当, International society
  • Dec. 2023
    Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Distinguished Service Award
    ★His contribution to the management of the academic society, Japan society
    Satoshi Watanabe
  • Aug. 2023
    ICIC International, Certificate of Contribution
    ★In recognition of chairing session, "Bioinstrumentation, Affective Computing and Humanware Engineering", International society
    渡邉 志
  • Feb. 2023
    国際医療福祉大学, 2022年度学生が選ぶグッドティーチング賞
    ★「統計学」の教育, Others
    渡邉 志
  • Sep. 2021
    The 8th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2021, Best Presentation Award
    ★Effects of Listening of “Dengaku” Music (One of Japanese Traditional Music) to the Changes of Heart Rate Variability, International society
    Watanabe, S;Sugiyama, T;Nakaya, N;Shirahama, N
  • Nov. 2020
    Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, The Best Paper Award
    ★An Expression of the Impression of Three Pieces of Sounds Based on Visual Analog Scale Analysis, Official journal
    Watanabe, S;Shirahama, N;Nakaya N;Matsumoto, Y;Mori, Y
    This paper discusses the expressions of the impression of three pieces of sounds using box-and-whisker plot, univariate scatter plot and cluster analysis based on visual analog scale (VAS) by small samples. Eight healthy people are invited as the experiment participants, two piec-es of music (minor music and major music) and natural sound (babbling of a stream) are employed as the test pieces. All participants are asked to listen to the test pieces individually. In order to an-alyze their impression of music or sound, they are asked to answer the questionnaire on VAS (7 questions; “Bright-Dark”, “Happy-Sad”, and so on) individually. The results show that subjective evaluation values based on the impression (ex. “happy”, “sad”, “bright”, “dark”, and so on) of test pieces have been obtained and visualized by a combination of box-and-whisker plot and uni-variate scatter plot. In addition, this work has discovered that the difference of the impression by the different sounds can be expressed, and also discovered that the questions based on the similar impression belong to the same cluster. And as the results of minor music, the distribution of the impression of minor music and clustering of questions is consistent with our previous study (more, the participants of this study are not the same as that participants).
  • Nov. 2014
    Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association (BMFSA), The Best Paper Award
    ★Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRV) and the Subjective Evaluation by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Subjects Listening to 1/f Fluctuation Music and Bubbling of a Stream, Official journal
    S. Watanabe;H. Tsukamoto;Y. Matsumoto;M. Nakagawa;N. Shirahama;K. Miyamoto;N. Nakaya;M. Tomita;Y. Mori
    The experiment employed 8 healthy subjects. HRVs of the subjects when they listen to the 1/f fluctuation music, bubbling of a stream, "Shirakami-Sanchi", and when they do not, are recorded separately. Furthermore, in order to investigate the psychological state change, the subjects are required to answer VAS questionnaire for both cases (listening to the 1/f music or "Shirakami-Sanchi", and not). When the subjects listen to the 1/f fluctuation music, their LF/HF values are decreased. On the other hand, when the subjects listen to "Shirakami-Sanchi", their LF/HF values are increased. And the experiment result shows that there exists relationship between VAS data ("Like or Dislike") and HRV data. Therefore, the proposed method is very useful.
  • Mar. 2024
    観光情報学会, 研究発表会優秀賞
  • Mar. 2024
    International Conference on Tourism Sciences (ICTS2024), Best Oral Presentation Award
    Development of a Tourism Information Dissemination Support System Using Generative AI for Local Tourism Associations,
    Nabeta, S;Ito, S;Sugiyama, T;Watanabe, S;Yuze, H
  • Mar. 2023
    観光情報学会第23回研究発表会, 研究発表会奨励賞
    観光におけるChatGPT活用の可能性, Japan society
  • Sep. 2022
    産業応用工学会, 貢献賞
    ICISIP2022 Special Sessionの企画と運営, International society
    渡邉 志
  • Nov. 2020
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会, 貢献賞
    BMFSA2019年度大会役員, Japan society
    渡邉 志
  • Nov. 2018
    Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Contribution Award
    学会の活性化に努めた会員(学会創立30周年記念), Japan society
    WATANABE Satoshi
  • Sep. 2018
    The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Certificate
    Certificate for the planning and operation of Special Session for ICISIP2018, International society
    WATANABE Satoshi
  • Nov. 2017
    Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Certificate of Appreciation
    Planning of panel discussion for 30th anniversary of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Japan society
    Satoshi Watanabe
  • Sep. 2017
    The 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017, Best Presentation Award
    A Study on the Impression Received from the Response of a Communication Robot, International society
    Shirahama, N;Watanabe, S;Ikegami, F;Nakaya N;Mori, Y
  • Jun. 2016
    公益社団法人日本吹奏楽指導者協会, 特別表彰
    永年にわたり日本吹奏楽界発展のため貢献, Publisher
    渡邉 志
  • Nov. 2015
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会, 会員奨励賞
    静電結合を用いた抜針検知システムに関する検討, Japan society
  • Dec. 2012
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会, ポスター奨励賞
    快音および不快音の対比聴取における被験者の嗜好評価と生体情報解析との相関, Japan society


  • ★口コミ情報を利用した生成AIによる宿泊施設のスコアリング
    鍋田真一; 杉山岳弘; 渡邉志; 湯瀬裕昭
    観光情報学会誌「観光と情報」, Jul. 2024, Refereed
  • ★A Comparison of Visual Analog Scale and Likert Scale by Visualization of Their Distributions
    Watanabe, S; Nakaya, N; Koshi, K; Matsumoto, K; Moriya, K; Shirahama, N
    ICIC Express Letters (ICIC-EL), Mar. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
  • ★Impressions of ”Nishi-ure Dengaku" Music (One of Japanese Traditional Music) When Using the Same Evaluation Scale as Western Music Based on a Visual Analog Scale
    Watanabe, S; Sugiyama, T; Nakaya, N; Shirahama, N
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Oct. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
  • ★メディア・リテラシー獲得を目指す教育実践において実施したこと・考えてきたこと
    学習情報研究, Mar. 2023, Refereed, Invited
  • ★A New Method of Subjective Evaluation Using Visual Analog Scale for Small Sample Data Analysis
    Shirahama, N; Watanabe, S; Moriya, K; Koshi, K; Matsumoto, K
    Journal of Information Processing, May 2021, Refereed
  • ★An Expression of the Impression of Three Pieces of Sounds Based on Visual Analog Scale Analysis
    Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Nakaya N; Matsumoto, Y; Mori, Y
    International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, Dec. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • ★Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRV) and the Subjective Evaluation by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Subjects Listening to 1/f Fluctuation Music and Bubbling of a Stream
    WATANABE Satoshi; TSUKAMOTO Hiroyuki; MATSUMOTO Yuji; NAKAGAWA Masafumi; SHIRAHAMA Naruki; MIYAMOTO Kazunori; NAKAYA Naofumi; TOMITA Masashi; MORI Yukio
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Apr. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
  • Automatic Detection System for Needle Dislodgement During Blood Purification Therapy
    Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Abe, T; Aoki, K
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Apr. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
  • Electrical Characteristics of Improved Needle Dislodgement Detection Electrodes for Dialysis Therapy
    Nakaya, N; Koizumi, M; Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Abe, T
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications (ICIC-ELB), Mar. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
  • Proposal for Quantification and Analysis Method of Nuances in Conversation Responses Using Visual Analog Scale
    Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Koshi, K; Matsumoto, K; Moriya K; Watanabe, S
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications (ICIC-ELB),, Jan. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects of Background Music on Work Efficiency: Cerebral Blood Flow and Subjective Evaluation
    Shirahama, N; Matsumoto, K; Moriya, K; Koshi, K; Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Oct. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
  • Sensory Amount Measurement Experiment to Validate the Accuracy ofthe VAS Measurement Method
    Shirahama, N; Matsumoto, K; Moriya, K; Koshi, K; Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Oct. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
  • An Attempt to Pulse Wave Analysis to Listening of “Nishi-ure Dengaku” Music (One of Japanese Traditional Music)
    Watanabe, S; Sugiyama, T; Nakaya, N; Shirahama, N
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Oct. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects of RST with Different Linguistic Working Memory on Cerebral Blood Flow in Forehead
    Shirahama, N; Ueno, K; Watanabe, S; Moriya, K; Koshi, K; Matsumoto, K
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications (ICIC-ELB), Jan. 2022, Refereed
  • A Study of Impressions of One Minor Music
    Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Nakaya N; Matsumoto, Y
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Oct. 2021, Refereed
  • Expression of Subjective Evaluation for the Participation Attitude to the Internet of Male College Students Based on Visual Analog Scale
    Watanabe, S; Tsuruta, T; Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Matsumoto, Y; Tsukamoto, H; Mori, Y
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Jan. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
  • Proposal of Applying Visual Analog Scale to the Internet Addiction Tendency Scale for High-school Students
    Tsuruta, T; Shirahama, N; MORI, Y; Nakaya, N; Tsukamoto, H; Matsumoto Y; Watanabe, S
    Jounal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, May 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects of 1/f Fluctuation Music Listening on Autonomic Nervous System Activity
    Watanabe, S; Takaue, R; Yao, F; Matsumoto, Y; Tsukamoto, H; Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Mori, Y.
    Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Apr. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
  • Subjective Evaluation for the Impression of Music Based on Visual Analog Scale and Cluster Analysis
    Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Matsumoto, Y; Tsukamoto, H; Nakaya, N; Mori, Y
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Dec. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects of listening to Ultrasonic Sounds with 1/f Fluctuation for the Autonomic Nervous Activity
    Mori, Y; Samaki, Y; Tada, H; Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Tomita, M
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Asociation, Jun. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
  • Development of VAS App to Improve Youth Mental Health Research Environment
    Shirahama, N; Watanabe, S; Ikegami, F; Mori, Y
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications (ICIC-ELB), Sep. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • Distribution Trend of the Information Skills for Students Based on Visual Analog Scale and Likert Scale
    Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Tsukamoto, H; Matsumoto, Y; Nakagawa, M; Miyamoto, K; Nakaya, N; Tomita, M; Mori, Y
    International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, Feb. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • Trend of the Subjective Evaluation based on Visual Analog Scale and Likert Scale
    Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Tsukamoto, H; Matsumoto, Y; Nakagawa, M; Miyamoto, K; Nakaya, N; Tomita, M; Mori, Y
    ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications (ICIC-ELB), Jan. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • Development of a Remote Height-Monitoring System for Electric Beds in Hospitals and Nursing Care Facilities
    Nakaya, N; Aoki, T; Ishihara, M; Taniai, M; Yasu, M; Miyashita, H; Watanabe, S; Tomita, M; Mori, Y; Shirahama, N; Miyamoto, K; Abe, T; Okajima, T; Takizawa, A; Tanigishi, E
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Dec. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Distribution of the Subjective Evaluation based on Visual Analog Scale and Likert Scale
    Satoshi WATANABE; Naruki SHIRAHAMA; Hiroyuki TSUKAMOTO; Yuji MATSUMOTO; Masafumi NAKAGAWA; Kazunori MIYAMOTO; Naofumi NAKAYA; Masashi TOMITA; Yukio MORI
    Jounal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Relationship between the Change of Vital Signs and the Subjective Evaluation for the Effects of Viewing to the Pleasant and the Unpleasant Images
    MORI Yukio; KINOSHITA Naoto; SHIMIZU Mitsuhiro; TAKAKI Shun; NIITSUMA Shin; TOMITA Masashi; NAKAGAWA Masafumi; SHIRAHAMA Naruki; MIYAMOTO Kazunori; NAKAYA Naofumi; TSUKAMOTO Hiroyuki; MATSUMOTO Yuji; WATANABE Satoshi
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Apr. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
  • Heart Rate Variability Analysis and the Subjective Evaluation by Visual Analog Scale for Subjects Listening 1/f Fluctuation Music
    WATANABE Satoshi; MATSUMOTO Yuji; TOMITA Masashi; MORI Yukio
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Oct. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
  • Correlation between the Subjective Evaluation by using Visual Analog Scale and Heart Rate Variability Analysis for the Effects of the Unpleasant Sound
    WATANABE Satoshi; AGATA Masashi; AKITAYA Kento; OGAWA Yuto; MATSUMOTO Yuji; TOMITA Masashi; KONDOU Yuuki; TAKEUCHI Yuudai; MORI Yukio
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, May 2012, Refereed, Not invited
  • An Analysis of Information Skills for Students Based on a Visual Analog Scale
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Jun. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
  • Music Recognition Attempts Using the Symbolized Particles Store Type Neuron Model
    WATANABE Satoshi; KAGEYAMA Itsuki; YANARU Torao
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Oct. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
  • An Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability Effects from the Repearted Listening to the Same Wind Band Music
    WATANABE Satoshi; TAKAUE Ryouichi
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Jun. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
  • The Heart Rate Variability Effects from the Repeated Listening to the Same Wind Band Composition by a Healthy Woman who was Educated in Music
    WATANABE Satoshi; TAKAUE Ryouichi
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Jan. 2008, Refereed, Not invited
  • Fundamental Study on Effects of Listening of Wind Band Music to the Changes of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Daily Living Environment
    WATANABE Satoshi; YAO Fenghui; TAKAUE Ryouichi
    Biomedical fuzzy and human sciences : the official journal of the Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Mar. 2007, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effect of the Simultaneous Listening to Wind Band Music for Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Human
    WATANABE Satoshi; TAKAUE Ryouichi
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Oct. 2006, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effect of the Repeated Listening to One Wind Band Music for Heart Rate in Healthy Human
    WATANABE Satoshi; TAKAUE Ryouichi
    Journal of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association, Oct. 2006, Refereed, Not invited
  • 中学校クラブ活動における環境教育 -ゲンジボタルの人工飼育-
    渡辺志; 柴田哲雄; 落合孟郎
    合成洗剤研究会誌, 1993, Refereed, Not invited
  • 静岡県焼津地区中小河川における水棲生物の分布
    渡辺志; 落合孟郎; 柴田哲雄
    合成洗剤研究会誌, 1992, Refereed, Not invited
  • 水棲生物による静岡県黒石川の水質調査
    渡辺志; 柴田哲雄; 落合孟郎
    合成洗剤研究会誌, 1991, Refereed, Not invited
  • モノアルキルリン酸ナトリウムのヒメダカ致死濃度
    合成洗剤研究会誌, 1989, Refereed, Not invited


  • 対話型生成AIの登場と観光(特集記事 「AI革命による観光の変革」)
    鍋田真一; 杉山岳弘; 渡邉志; 湯瀬裕昭
    観光情報学会誌「観光と情報」, Jul. 2024, Not refereed, Invited
  • Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRV) and the Subjective Evaluation for Subjects Listening to the Natural Sounds
    Watanabe, S; Ota, T; Omi, S; Kawashima, T; Sugimoto, Y; Yamamoto, Y; Tsukamoto, H; Matsumoto, Y
    Journal of Shizuoka Sangyo University, Feb. 2016, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 健康相談活動支援システムの開発を目指したVisual Analog Scaleによる主観評価測定のための携帯端末向けソフトウェア開発
    渡邉志; 池上郁子; 塚本博之; 松本有二; 冨田雅史; 森幸男; 白濱成希
    静岡産業大学情報学部研究紀要, Feb. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Fundamental Studies of Health Consultation Systems in University
    渡邉 志; 塚本 博之; 松本 有二
    Journal of Shizuoka Sangyo University, Feb. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Promotion Character Design Estimation Using Fuzzy Inference
    SHIRAHAMA Naruki; TAKANO Shota; MIYAMOTO Kazunori; WATANABE Satoshi
    Research Report of Kitakyushu National College of Technology, Jan. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Text Input Support Interface on Mobile Device for Crippled Person
    Research Report of Kitakyushu National College of Technology, Jan. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Correlation between the Classified Subjective Evaluation based on Visual Analog Scale and the Vital Signs for the Effects of Listening to the Pleasant Sounds and the Unpleasant Sounds
    Yukio Mori; Keita Kobayashi; Hiroki Mori; Masashi Tomita; Masafumi Nakagawa; Yuji Matsumoto; Satoshi Watanabe
    Bulletin of Salesian Polytechnic, 01 Nov. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Studies of Subjective Evaluation Based on a Visual Analog Scale
    Bulletin of Shizuoka Sangyo University, Feb. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 住環境での脈波解析による自律神経活動の推定
    渡邉志; 安形将史; 秋田谷研人; 小川勇人
    静岡産業大学情報学部研究紀要, Feb. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Information Literacy Classes aimed at Promoting Volumtory responses from students
    NAGATA Naomi; WATANABE Satoshi; OISHI Tadashi
    Bulletin of Shizuoka Sangyo University, Feb. 2012, Not refereed, Not invited
  • What is education?: in high school, technical college and university
    渡邉 志
    Journal of Shizuoka Sangyo University, Feb. 2011, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Planning and Teaching of lesson for "Information Technology Passport Examination"
    WATANABE Satoshi
    Bulletin of Shizuoka Sangyo University, Feb. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Effects of Listening to Wind Band Music for Heart Rate Variability
    WATANABE Satoshi; TAKAUE Ryouichi
    Research reports Kinki University Technical College, 2007, Not refereed, Not invited

Books and other publications

  • ストレス・疲労の センシングとその評価技術
    渡邉 志他, Contributor
    技術情報協会, Oct. 2019, Not refereed
  • BMFSA25周年記念 バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会の歴史
    渡邉 志他, Contributor
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会, Dec. 2013, Not refereed
  • まなびのとびら
    渡邉 志他, Joint editor
    羽衣出版, Mar. 2013, Not refereed
  • ソフトなサイエンスで学ぶ先端科学―基礎と楽しい応用
    渡邉 志他; BMFS学会編集委員会, Contributor
    日本理工社出版会, Apr. 2009, Not refereed

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ★Comparative Study of Visual Analogue Scale and Likert Scale Using Chat Generation AI
    Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S
    Proceedings of the 11th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2024 (ICISIP2024), Sep. 2024, Not invited
  • ★Development of a Tourism Information Dissemination Support System Using Generative AI for Local Tourism Associations
    Nabeta, S; Ito, S; Sugiyama, T; Watanabe, S; Yuze, H
    International Conference on Tourism Sciences (ICTS2024), Mar. 2024, Not invited
  • ★「統計学(PT)」の教育
    学生が選ぶグッドティーチング賞・受賞者報告会, Mar. 2023, Invited
  • ★データこそ,我がパワー ー今こそスモールデータ解析ー
    第17回日本リハビリテーション教育学会学術大会 特別講演, Jan. 2023, Invited
  • ★An Attempt to Evaluate the Impression of “Dengaku” music (One of Japanese Traditional Music) Based on Visual Analog Scale
    Watanabe, S; Sugiyama, T; Nakaya, N; Shirahama, N
    Proceedings of the 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2022 (ICISIP2022), Sep. 2022, Not invited
  • ★データを集めて,その後どうしよう?
    第9回日本リハビリテーション教育学会 講演会, Aug. 2020, Invited
  • ★Visual Analog Scaleを応用した主観評価について
    第6回スマートエーイー研究会, Sep. 2017, Invited
  • ★脈波計測における解析とVisual Analog Scaleによる主観評価
    渡邉 志
    技術情報協会セミナー「脈波計測における解析とノイズ低減技術」, Jan. 2017, Invited
  • ★音資料に見る1/f ゆらぎ
    渡邉 志
    臨床神経生理とオージオロジーのワークショップ2014(千葉), Jul. 2014, Invited
  • ★音響解析からみた快・不快音の特徴 ~楽曲聴取時の心拍変動解析と主観評価との相関~
    渡邉 志
    那須耳鼻咽喉科臨床セミナー(那須), Jun. 2013, Invited
  • Comparison of Subjective Evaluation Measurements in Trend Questions Based on Likert Scale and Visual Analog Scale
    Watanabe, S; Nakaya, N.; Matsumoto, Y.; Shirahama, N.
    Proceedings of the 11th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2024 (ICISIP2024), Sep. 2024, Not invited
  • 観光案内所の観光客応対データ活用のための生成AIによる分析
    鍋田真一; 杉山岳弘; 渡邉志; 湯瀬裕昭
    観光情報学会第19回全国大会, Jul. 2024, Not invited
  • A Study on Generation of Spectrogram for Detection of Venous Needle Dislodgement by Image Recognition Using Machine Learning
    Nakaya, N; Koizumi, M; Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Takayuki Abe, T; Akihiro Watanabe, A
    22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2024), May 2024, Not invited
  • A Study of the Distribution Between Visual Analog Scale and Likert Scale for Subjective Evaluation of “Like-Dislike”
    Watanabe, S; Nakaya, N; Matsumoto, Y; Shirahama, N
    22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2024), May 2024, Not invited
  • Quantitative Analysis of Conversational Response Nuances Using Visual Analog Scale, Data Visualization, and Cluster
    Shirahama, N; Kondo, S; Matsumoto, K; Moriya, K; Nakaya, N; Koshi K; Watanabe, S
    22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2024), May 2024, Not invited
  • SNS情報発信支援に向けた生成AIによる写真へのタグ付けの試行
    観光情報学会第25回研究発表会, Mar. 2024
  • 生成AIを活用した浜名湖かんざんじ温泉観光協会におけるSNSによる情報発信の仕組みづくり
    伊藤咲耶; 鍋田真一; 湯瀬裕昭; 渡邉志; 白井靖人; 杉山岳弘
    観光情報学会第24回研究発表会, Oct. 2023, Not invited
  • An Analysis of the Effects of Background Music on Work Efficiency: Using Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement and Subjective Evaluation
    Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S
    Proceedings of the 10th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2023 (ICISIP2023), Sep. 2023, Not invited
  • A Consideration of the Distribution Bias Between Visual Analog Scale and Two Types of Likert Scale (5 and 7-Step Likert Scale)
    Watanabe, S; Nakaya, N; Shirahama, N; Matsumoto, Y
    Proceedings of the 10th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2023 (ICISIP2023), Sep. 2023, Not invited
  • Proposal for Quantification and Analysis Method of Nuances in Conversation Responses Using Visual Analog Scale
    Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Koshi, K; Matsumoto, K; Moriya, K; Watanabe, S
    Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2023), Aug. 2023
  • Electrical Characteristics of Improved Needle Dislodgement Detection Electrodesfor Dialysis Therapy
    Nakaya, N; Koizumi, M; Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Abe, T
    Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2023),, Aug. 2023
  • Comparison of the Distribution of Visual Analog Scale and Likert Scale: An Example of Self-evaluation of Proficiency in Information Devices Operating
    Watanabe, S; Nakaya, N; Koshi, K; Matsumoto, K; Moriya K; Shirahama, S
    Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2023), Aug. 2023
  • 生成系 AI による口コミ情報を使った宿泊施設のレーティング
    鍋田真一; 杉山岳弘; 渡邉志; 湯瀬裕昭
    観光情報学会第19回全国大会, Jul. 2023
  • Development of an Improved Electrode for Venous Needle Dislodgement Detection in Dialysis
    Nakaya, N; Koizumi, M; Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Abe, T
    Proceedings of 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Conference (IEEE EMBC), Jul. 2023, Not invited
  • A Consideration on Temporal Changes of Cerebral Blood Flow in State of Concentration
    Koshi, K; Tanoue, T; Shintani, H; Moriya, K; Matsumoto, K; Shirahama N; Watanabe S
    The 1st KOSEN Research International Symposium (KRIS2023), Mar. 2023, Not invited
  • 観光におけるChatGPT活用の可能性
    鍋田真一; 杉山岳弘; 渡邉志; 湯瀬裕昭
    観光情報学会第23回研究発表会, Mar. 2023
  • 心拍センサと感情入力ツールを用いた長時間記録映像の視聴者が受ける印象の分析~西浦田楽を題材として~
    神谷和志; 渡邉志; 彦坂和里; 西尾典洋; 杉山岳弘
    第9回とうかい観光情報学研究会, Feb. 2023
  • A Proposal of an Experimental Method for Quantifying Impressions Using Visual Analog Scale
    Chan, S; Imanishi, N; Watanabe, S; Shirahama,N
    Proceedings of the 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2022 (ICISIP2022), Sep. 2022, Not invited
  • SWEMWBS へのVisual Analog Scaleの応用
    松本有二; 白濱成希; 中谷直史; 渡邉志
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第34回年次大会, Dec. 2021
  • 周囲環境が快適性に及ぼす影響の脳血流による調査
    花田渉; 白濵成希; 渡邉志; 森谷健二; 合志和洋; 松本圭司
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第34回年次大会, Dec. 2021, Not invited
  • Effects of Listening of “Dengaku” Music (One of Japanese Traditional Music) to the Changes of Heart Rate Variability
    Watanabe, S; Sugiyama T; Nakaya N; Shirahama, N
    Proceedings of the 8th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2021 (ICISIP2021), Sep. 2021, The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, Not invited
  • Effects of RST with Different Linguistic Working Memory on Cerebral Blood Flow in the Prefrontal Cortex
    Naruki Shirahama; Kouki Ueno; Satoshi Watanabe; Kenji Moriya; Kazuhiro Koshi; Keiji Matsumoto
    Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2021), Sep. 2021
  • Effects of Verbal Information in Background Music on Mental Task and its Relation to Cerebral Blood Flow
    Shirahama. N; Higashi, T; Watanabe, S
    Proceedings of the 8th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2021 (ICISIP2021), Sep. 2021, Not invited
  • What kind of medical staff are you looking for? What kind of colleagues would you like to work with? A questionnaire survey
    Kurosawa, K; Horimoto, Y; Yokojima, K; Matsushima, Y; Uchino, K; Suzuki, K; Saito, T; Fujimoto, M; Tominaga, W; Deguchi, G; Ushiki, A; Watanabe, S; Tsuruta, T
    Abstracts of the 31st International Meeting of Physical Therapy Science in Korea, Nov. 2020, Not invited
  • 就職先アンケ-ト調査 -3学科卒業生からの意見-
    黒澤和生; 堀本ゆかり; 横島啓子; 藤本幹; 松嶋弥生; 蔵谷範子; 内野恵子; 松村香; 鈴木啓介; 齋藤孝義; 冨永渉; 出口弦舞; 牛木彩子; 植田優子; 渡邉志; 鶴田利郎
    第10回国際医療福祉大学学会学術大会, Nov. 2020, Not invited
  • BGMに含まれる言語情報が精神作業に及ぼす影響と脳血流との関連性
    東隆弘; 白濵成希; 松本圭司; 渡邉志; 森谷健二; 合志和洋
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第33回年次大会, Oct. 2020, Not invited
  • グレースケール画像の視覚感度試験におけるVisual Analog Scale評価と直接数値評価の比較
    白濵成希; 渡邉志; 森谷健二; 合志和洋; 松本圭司
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第33回年次大会, Oct. 2020, Not invited
  • 一つの短調の楽曲のVisual Analog Scaleを応用した印象評価
    渡邉志; 白濵成希; 中谷直史; 松本有二; 森幸男
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第33回年次大会, Oct. 2020, Not invited
  • 脳卒中急性期におけるUUMNディサースリアの発話分析
    第21回日本言語聴覚学会, Jun. 2020, Not invited
  • 心拍と同期した刺激による自律神経活動について
    村上慶仁; 中谷直史; 白濵成希; 渡邉志; 森幸男
    日本人間工学会関東支部第49回大会(第25回卒業研究発表会), Dec. 2019, Not invited
  • 透析留置針の抜針検知における静脈圧測定の有効性に関する検討
    中谷直史; 岡島友樹; 安部貴之; 渡邉志; 森幸男; 白濱成希; 青木和夫
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第32回年次大会, Nov. 2019, Not invited
  • Visual Analog Scaleに基づく3つの音源の印象測定
    渡邉志; 白濵成希; 中谷直史; 森幸男; 松本有二
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第32回年次大会, Nov. 2019, Not invited
  • Visual Analog Scaleを活用したグレースケール主観評価実験
    白濵成希; 松本圭司; 森谷健二; 合志和洋; 渡邉志
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第32回年次大会, Nov. 2019, Not invited
  • 「西浦田楽」見学の動機付け向上のための内在情報の提示順の違いによる印象変化の分析
    彦坂和里; 渡邉志; 杉山岳弘
    観光情報学会第20回研究発表会, Nov. 2019, Not invited
  • Subjective Evaluation Experiment of Grayscale Color to Examine VAS Measurement Method
    Shirahama, N; Murakami, K; Watanabe, S; Nakaya N; Mori, Y
    Proceedings of the 7th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2019 (ICISIP2019),, Sep. 2019, Not invited
  • Impressions of One Minor Music Based on Visual Analog Scale by Two Groups of Participants
    Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Matsumoto, Y; Mori, Y
    Proceedings of the 7th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2019 (ICISIP2019), Sep. 2019, Not invited
  • 卒業後アンケート調査―3学科卒業生の卒後2~4年目の外部評価―
    黒澤和生; 蔵谷範子; 堀本ゆかり; 冨永渉; 内野恵子; 鈴木啓介; 植田優子; 渡邉志
    第9回国際医療福祉大学学会学術大会, Sep. 2019, Not invited
  • A Proposal for Subjective Evaluation Method in Small Sample using Visual Analog Scale
    Shirahama, N; Watanabe, S; Nakaya, N; Mori, Y
    Proceedings of 7th ACIS International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT2019, ACM Digital Library), Jun. 2019, ACM Digital Library, Not invited
  • Measurement of Dynamic Vein Pressure During Venous Needle Dislodgement
    Nakaya, N; Okajima, T; Abe, T; Watanabe, S; Mori, Y; Shirahama, N; Aoki, K
    Proceedings of 7th ACIS International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT2019, ACM Digital Library), Jun. 2019, ACM Digital Library, Not invited
  • Measurements of the Impression of Three Pieces of Sounds Based on Visual Analog Scale by Small Samples
    Watanabe, S.; Shirahama, N.; Nakaya, N.; Matsumoto, Y.; Tsukamoto H.; Mori, Y.
    Proceedings of 7th ACIS International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT2019, ACM Digital Library), May 2019, ACM Digital Library, Not invited
  • 保健センター活動へのメンタルコミットロボット「パロ」の導入の試み
    渡邉志; 白濱成希; 池上郁子; 塚本博之; 松本有二; 中谷直史; 森幸男
    日本福祉工学会第22回学術講演会, Nov. 2018, Not invited
  • 生体リズムに同期した刺激音による自律神経活動の治療システム
    多田大希; 中島竜馬; 渡邉志; 白濱成希; 中谷直史; 冨田雅史; 森幸男
    日本福祉工学会第22回学術講演会, Nov. 2018, Not invited
  • インターネット依存傾向測定尺度に対するVisual Analog Scaleの応用
    鶴田利郎; 白濱成希; 森幸男; 中谷直史; 塚本博之; 松本有二; 渡邉志
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第31回年次大会, Nov. 2018, Not invited
  • 主観評価測定に対するVisual Analog Scaleの精度
    渡邉志; 白濱成希; 松本有二; 塚本博之; 中谷直史; 森幸男
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第31回年次大会, Nov. 2018, Not invited
  • 単変量散布図と箱ひげ図の組み合わせによる視覚化およびクラスタリングによるVisual Analog Scaleを応用した主観評価解析
    渡邉志; 白濱成希
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第31回年次大会, Nov. 2018, Not invited
  • A Proposal for New Subjective Evaluation Analysis Method using the Visual Analog Scale
    Shirahama, N; Watanabe, S; Nakaya, N; Mori, Y
    Proceedings of the 6th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2018 (ICISIP2018), Sep. 2018, Not invited
  • Experimental Study on Unintended Needle Dislodgement Detection Circuit Using a Non-invasive-type Sensor
    Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S; Mori, Y; Shirahama, N; Abe, T; Aoki, K
    Proceedings of the 6th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2018 (ICISIP2018), Sep. 2018, The Institute of Industrial Application Engineers, Not invited
  • Visualizations of Subjective Evaluation for the Participation Attitude to the Internet of Male College Students Based on Visual Analog Scale
    Watanabe, S; Tsuruta, T; Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Matsumoto, Y; Tsukamoto, H; Mori, Y
    Proceedings of the 6th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2018 (ICISIP2018), Sep. 2018, Not invited
  • Study on Characteristics of Unintended Indwelling Needle Dislodgement Detection Circuit
    Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S; Mori, Y; Shirahama, N; Abe, T; Aoki, K
    40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC2018), Aug. 2018, Not invited
  • 観光資源「西浦の田楽」の印象についてのVisual Analog Scaleの応用による主観評価視覚化解析
    渡邉志; 杉山岳弘; 白濵成希; 中谷直史; 冨田雅史; 森幸男
    観光情報学会第15回全国大会, Jul. 2018, Not invited
  • 生体信号計測のアプローチからの観光資源「西浦の田楽」におけるリズムの効果と理解
    渡邉志; 杉山岳弘; 白濵成希; 中谷直史; 冨田雅史; 森幸男
    第4回とうかい観光情報学研究会, Feb. 2018, Not invited
  • QOL 向上のための超音波ゆらぎのパラメータ
    多田大希; 佐巻優太; 渡邉志; 白濱成希; 中谷直史; 冨田雅史; 森幸男
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第30回年次大会, Nov. 2017, Not invited
  • 生体リズムを考慮した1/f ゆらぎがもたらす自律神経活動
    佐巻優太; 多田大希; 渡邉志; 白濱成希; 中谷直史; 冨田雅史; 森幸男
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第30回年次大会, Nov. 2017, Not invited
  • Visual Analog Scaleを利用した新しい主観評価測定法の提案
    渡邉志; 白濱成希; 松本有二; 塚本博之; 中谷直史; 森幸男
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第30回年次大会, Nov. 2017, Not invited
  • コミュニケーションロボットに対するユーザの主観評価方法に関する研究
    山本裕貴; 渡邉志; 白濱成希
    日本福祉工学会九州支部大会2017, Nov. 2017, Not invited
  • メンタルコミットロボット「パロ」の健康相談支援活動への導入の試み
    渡邉志; 白濱成希; 池上郁子; 塚本博之; 松本有二; 中谷直史; 森幸男
    日本福祉工学会九州支部大会2017, Nov. 2017, Not invited
  • A Study on the Impression Received from the Response of a Communication Robot
    Shirahama, N; Watanabe, S; Ikegami, F; Nakaya N; Mori, Y
    Proceedings of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017 (ICISIP2017), Sep. 2017, The Institute of Industrial Application Engineers, Not invited
  • Behavior of Autonomic Nervous System Derived from 1/f Fluctuation Sound Sources in Ultrasonic Range
    Tada, H; Samaki, Y; Shirahama, N; Watanabe, S; Mori, Y
    Proceedings of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017 (ICISIP2017), Sep. 2017, Not invited
  • Automatic Detection of Unintended Indwelling Needle Dislodgement
    Nakaya, N; Watanabe, S; Mori, Y; Shirahama, N; Abe, T; Aoki, K
    Proceedings of the 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017 (ICISIP2017), Sep. 2017, The Institute of Industrial Application Engineers, Not invited
  • Effects of Listening of 1/f Fluctuation Music to the Changes of Heart Rate Variability in Daily Living Environment
    Watanabe, S; Takaue, R; Yao, F; Matsumoto, Y; Tsukamoto, H; Shirahama, N; Nakaya, N; Mori, Y
    The 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017 (ICISIP2017), Sep. 2017, Not invited
  • 健康相談支援活動に対するコミュニケーションロボット導入の試み
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第29回年次大会(高知), Nov. 2016, Not invited
  • 超音波領域における1/fゆらぎ音がもたらす心身ストレス緩和効果の一検討
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第29回年次大会(高知), Nov. 2016, Not invited
  • 交流式電気磁気治療による自律神経活動について
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第29回年次大会(高知), Nov. 2016, Not invited
  • Development of an Unintended Needle Dislodgement Detection System Using Electrodes Without Contacting Blood
    Nakaya, N; Suzuki, E; Yoshida, A; Sekikawa, S; Nakamura, M; Sato, K; Matsumae, K; Watanabe, S; Tomita, M; Mori, Y; Shirahama, N; Miyamoto, K; Abe, T; Okajima, T; Takizawa, A; Aoki, K
    Proceedings of 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC 2016)(Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.), Aug. 2016, Not invited
  • Development of VAS App to Improve Youth Mental Health Research Environment
    Shirahama, N; Watanabe, S; Ikegami, F; Mori, Y
    11th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2016)(Harbin, China), Aug. 2016, Not invited
  • 1/fゆらぎ音聴取時の加速度脈波解析およびVisual Analog Scaleによる1/fゆらぎ音についての主観評価
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第28回年次大会(熊本), Nov. 2015, Not invited
  • 静電結合を用いた抜針検知システムに関する検討
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第28回年次大会(熊本), Nov. 2015, Not invited
  • 情報スキル主観評価へのVisual Analog Scaleの応用
    Nov. 2015, Not invited
  • 1/fゆらぎ音のリラックス効果に関する一検討
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第28回年次大会(熊本), Nov. 2015, Not invited
  • 介護サービス施設における音環境の課題とわれわれの行っている音バリアフリーへの取り組み
    日本音響学会2015年秋季研究発表会(会津), Sep. 2015, Not invited
  • Trend of the Subjective Evaluation based on Visual Analog Scale and Likert Scale
    Watanabe, S; Shirahama, N; Tsukamoto, H; Matsumoto, Y; Nakagawa, M; Miyamoto, K; Nakaya, N; Tomita, M; Mori, Y
    10th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2015) (Dalian, China), Aug. 2015, Not invited
  • 耳鳴診療のガイドラインから見えてきた新しい戦略 ―音響療法への期待―
    日本音響学会2015年春季研究発表会(東京), Mar. 2015, Not invited
  • 情動計測のための動的簡易脳波計の開発
    電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会第20回研究発表会(東京), Mar. 2015, Not invited
  • 情動測定のための脈波計の開発
    電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会第20回研究発表会(東京), Mar. 2015, Not invited
  • 快・不快刺激の対比提示における生体信号変化と主観評価の傾向分析について
    電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会第20回研究発表会(東京), Mar. 2015, Not invited
  • Visual Analog ScaleおよびLikert Scaleによる主観評価分布の傾向について
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第27回年次大会(東京), Nov. 2014, Not invited
  • 快・不快刺激における主観評価と生体信号変化の多変量統計解析
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第27回年次大会(東京), Nov. 2014, Not invited
  • Development of Visual Analog Scale Applications and its Future Plans
    N.Shirahama; S. Watanabe; H.Tsukamoto; Y. Matsumoto; M. Nakagawa; N. Nakaya; K. Miyamoto; M. Tomita; Y. Mori
    The 27th Annual Conference of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association (Tokyo, Japan), Nov. 2014, Not invited
  • 健康相談活動支援システムへの応用を目指した主観評価測定アプリの開発
    第52回全国大学保健管理研究集会(東京), Sep. 2014, Not invited
  • Is Gentle Skin Stimulation Modulating Tinnitus Distress Among Tinnitus Patients?
    8th International Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting(Auckland, New Zealand), Mar. 2014, Not invited
  • Gentle Skin Stimulation Modulates the Balance Between the Sympathetic Nerve the Vagal Nerve Among Normal Adult
    8th International Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting (Auckland, New Zealand), Mar. 2014, Not invited
  • ゆらぎパルス音が人の心理に与える影響について
    電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会第19回研究発表会(東京), Mar. 2014, Not invited
  • 快画像および不快画像の対比提示における生体信号変化と主観評価について
    電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会第19回研究発表会(東京), Mar. 2014, Not invited
  • 人の生体信号から情動を測定するための装置開発
    電子情報通信学会東京支部学生会第19回研究発表会(東京), Mar. 2014, Not invited
  • 意識のモデル化と学習支援への応用に関する提案
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第26回年次大会(札幌), Oct. 2013, Not invited
  • 快画像および不快画像の対比提示における生体信号変化について
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第26回年次大会(札幌), Oct. 2013, Not invited
  • 1/fゆらぎを持つ楽曲および環境音聴取時の脈波解析とVisual Analog Scaleによる主観評価
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第26回年次大会(札幌), Oct. 2013, Not invited
  • 学生の情報スキル主観評価に対するVisual Analog Scaleの応用(2010年~2013年における経年測定)
    日本教育工学会第29回全国大会(秋田), Sep. 2013, Not invited
  • 快音及び不快音の対比聴取における生体信号変化と主観評価
    日本人間工学会第54回大会(千葉), Jun. 2013, Not invited
  • 1/fゆらぎ楽曲聴取時の加速度脈波解析およびVisual Analog Scaleによる主観評価
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第25回年次大会(東京), Dec. 2012, Not invited
  • 感覚刺激による加速度脈波解析および主観評価
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第25回年次大会(東京), Dec. 2012, Not invited
  • 快音および不快音の対比聴取における被験者の嗜好評価と生体信号解析との相関
    Dec. 2012, Not invited
  • 住環境における1/fゆらぎ楽曲聴取時の加速度脈波解析とVisual Analog Scaleによる主観評価との相関
    第9回日本加速度脈波・複雑系研究会(大阪), Nov. 2012, Not invited
  • 快音および不快音の対比聴取における主観評価と生体信号解析との相関
    日本音響学会2012年秋季研究発表会(長野), Sep. 2012, Not invited
  • 住環境での健康人に対する加速度脈波解析による自律神経活動の推定
    第150回ファジイ科学シンポジウム(東京), May 2012, Not invited
  • 静岡産業大学情報学部における情報スキル教育実践
    第149回ファジイ科学シンポジウム(静岡), Mar. 2012, Not invited
  • 自主的発言力促進を意識した情報リテラシ授業の実践
    大学ICT協議会2011年度年次大会(福岡), Dec. 2011, Not invited
  • Visual Analog Scaleによる情報スキルの主観評価と打鍵テスト評価との相関
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第24回年次大会(山口), Oct. 2011, Not invited
  • 虚言発言時の心拍変動解析とVisual Analog Scaleによる主観評価との相関
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第24回年次大会(山口), Oct. 2011, Not invited
  • Visual Analog Scaleによる不快音聴取時の主観評価と心拍変動解析との相関
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第24回年次大会(山口), Oct. 2011, Not invited
  • 不快音提示時の心拍変動(HRV)解析と視覚的アナログ尺度による心理評価との相関
    平成23年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会(富山), Sep. 2011, Not invited
  • 言葉の理解を意識した情報教育の試み
    平成22年度情報処理研究集会(京都), Dec. 2010, Not invited
  • 心拍変動に対する「気泡緩衝材つぶし」の影響
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第23回年次大会(北九州), Oct. 2010, Not invited
  • Visual Analog Scaleによる情報スキルの定量的解析
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第23回年次大会(北九州), Oct. 2010, Not invited
  • ICT と従来型教育との融合によるハイブリッド情報教育の実践
    第26回ファジイシステムシンポジウム(広島), Sep. 2010, Not invited
  • 同一吹奏楽曲の反復聴取における心拍変動の比較
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第21回年次大会(高知), 2008, Not invited
  • 記号粒子蓄積型ニューロンモデルによる楽音認識の試み
    電気学会関西支部平成19年度高専卒業研究発表会(大阪), 2008, Not invited
  • 音楽教育を受けた被験者に同一吹奏楽曲を反復聴取させた場合の心拍変動
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第20回年次大会(北九州), 2007, Not invited
  • 住環境における吹奏楽曲の反復聴取による心拍数の変動傾向
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会第18回年次大会(大阪), 2005, Not invited
  • 生活環境での吹奏楽曲聴取が血圧および心拍数の変動に及ぼす影響について
    バイオメディカル・ファジイ・システム学会九州・山口支部学術会議(北九州), 2005, Not invited
  • 教科「情報」現職教員等講習会の所感と浜松工業高校繊維システム科における情報教育について
    しずおか高校情報教育研究会第2回例会(静岡), 2001, Not invited
  • 鉄イオン交換リチウムテニオライトによる層間固体酸の調整とアルコール脱水反応
    日本化学会第65春季年会(東京), 1993, Not invited
  • モノアルキルフォスフェイトのヒメダカ魚毒性に及ぼすアルミニウムイオンの影響
    合成洗剤研究会第16回年会(三重), 1992, Not invited

Affiliated academic society

  • Apr. 2020
    Community for Innovation of Education and learning through Computers and communication networks
  • The Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers
  • Japan society for welfare engineering


  • 第2回理学療法士作業療法士専任教員養成講習会 「研究法」・「統計学」・「研究法演習」講師
    Dec. 2022 - Feb. 2023, Others
  • 第1回理学療法士作業療法士専任教員養成講習会 「研究法」・「統計学」・「研究法演習」講師
    Jan. 2022 - Mar. 2022, Others
  • 小論文・レポートの書き方講座(静岡県看護協会一般研修)
    Feb. 2015, Others
  • だまされる脳~感覚情報処理入門~(三島市中央婦人学級全体学習)
    Nov. 2014, Others
  • カラダとキモチからの情報学~生体信号処理と主観評価測定~(放送大学浜松サテライトスペース特別講演会)
    Aug. 2014, Others
  • 「システムデザイン基礎」(静岡産業大学情報学部システムデザインコーステキスト)著作
    Apr. 2014, Educational materials
  • 「遠隔学習のためのパソコン活用」(放送大学)Web補助教材作成協力
    Apr. 2014, Educational materials
  • プログラミング言語「ドリトル」(静岡県西部地区高等学校教科「情報」教育研究会研修会)
    Jul. 2013, Others
  • コンピュータリテラシ(Mac版)(日本データパシフィック・e-learning教材)
    高橋等; 永田奈央美; 渡邉志
    Aug. 2012, Educational materials
  • パソコンがなくなる? IT技術の発展と活用について(藤枝シニアパソコンクラブIT技術講演会)
    Sep. 2011, Others
  • 念ずれば花開く(浜松市立丸塚中学校「講話の日」講師)
    Jun. 2011, Others
  • 学校が変れば授業も変わる? ~高校・高専・大学の授業比較~(静岡県高等学校視聴覚教育研究会西部支部講演会)
    Jun. 2008, Others
  • 人間の感情を科学する ~自律神経と脳~(みえアカデミックセミナー講師)
    Jul. 2007, Others
  • PICの制作にチャレンジしよう!(熊野サイエンススクール講師)
    Jun. 2007, Others
  • 文部科学省ネットワーク提供型コンテンツ「今日から使えるデジタルコンテンツ」(教育用コンテンツの改善・普及に係る研究事業)のうち、「高校「情報」教材・素材集」(分担制作)
    Apr. 2004, Web service

Research Themes

  • AI技術を用いた血液透析治療中の非観血的留置針抜針検知システムの開発
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2028
    中谷 直史; 白濵成希; 渡邉志; 安部貴之
  • Fundamental Studies for the Development of Systems to Support Health Consultation Activities Focused on Human Communications in Japanese Schools
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019
    WATANABE Satoshi; IKEGAMI Fumiko; NAKAYA Naofumi; TSURUTA Toshiro
  • Fundamentals Studies for the Development of a System to Support Health Consultation Activities in Japanese Schools
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016