Department of Physics | Professor |
Researcher Information
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Research activity information
- Nebular nitrogen line emission in stripped-envelope supernovae –a new progenitor mass diagnostic
Stan Barmentloo; Anders Jerkstrand; Koichi Iwamoto; Izumi Hachisu; Ken'ichi Nomoto; Jesper Sollerman; Stan Woosley
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Sep. 2024, Refereed - Laboratory Astrophysics Experiments of Collisionless Shock by Supersonic Collision of Plasmoids
Tomohiko Asai; Daichi Kobayashi; Taishi Seki; Takamasa Kikuchi; Hiroshi Hasebe; Koichi Iwamoto; Shinichiro Onuki; Seiya Kishimoto; Tsutomu Takahashi
Journal of Research Institute of Science and Technology, College of Science and Technology,, Feb. 2024, Refereed, Not invited - Impact of New Gamow-Teller Strengths on Explosive Type Ia Supernova Nucleosynthesis
Mori; Kanji; Famiano; Michael; A.; Kajino; Toshitaka; Suzuki; Toshio; Hidaka; Jun; Honma; M.; Iwamoto; Koichi; Nomoto; Ken'ichi; Otsuka; Takaharu
The Astrophysical Journal, Dec. 2016, Refereed, Not invited - Gravitational-Wave Memory from the Relativistic Jet of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Shota Akiba; Megumi Nakada; Chiyo Yamaguchi; Koichi Iwamoto
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan,, Jun. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - Observational Characteristics and Asphericity of Overluminous Type Ia Supernovae
Keiichi Maeda; Koichi Iwamoto
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Mar. 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Neutrino Emission from Type Ia Supernovae
Takashi Kunugise; Koichi Iwamoto
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Dec. 2007, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - SN1998bw and Hypernovae
in "Lecture Notes in Physics 598, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts", 2003, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - The Type Ic Hypernova SN 2002ap
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2002, Refereed, Not invited - Effects of relativistic expansion on late-time supernova 5 light curves
K Iwamoto
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2002, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Can differences in the nickel abundance in Chandrasekhar-mass models explain the relation be1 tween the brightness and decline rate of normal Type Ia supernovae?
PA Mazzali; K Nomoto; E Cappellaro; T Nakamura; H Umeda; K Iwamoto
The Astrophysical Journal, 2001, Refereed, Not invited - Light Curve and spectral models for the hypernova SN 2 1998bw associated with GRB980425
T Nakamura; PA Mazzali; K Nomoto; K Iwamoto
The Astrophysical Journal, 2001, Refereed, Not invited - Explosive nucleosynthesis in hypernovae
T Nakamura; H Umeda; K Iwamoto; K Nomoto; MA Hashimoto; WR Hix; FK Thielemann
The Astrophysical Journal, 2001, Refereed, Not invited - Radiation hydrodynamics of SN 1987A. I. Global analysis of the light curve for the first 4 months
S Blinnikov; P Lundqvist; O Bartunov; K Nomoto; K Iwamoto
ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Apr. 2000, Refereed, Not invited - The peculiar type Ic supernova 1997ef : another hypernova
K Iwamoto; T Nakamura; K Nomoto; PA Mazzali; IJ Danziger; P Garnavich; R Kirshner; S Jha; D Balam; J Thorstensen
The Astrophysical Journal, 2000, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The role of electron captures in Chandrasekhar-mass models for type Ia supernovae
F Brachwitz; DJ Dean; WR Hix; K Iwamoto; K Langanke; G Martinez-Pinedo; K Nomoto; MR Strayer; FK Thielemann; H Umeda
The Astrophysical Journal, 2000, Refereed, Not invited - A Spectroscopic Analysis of the Energetic Type Ic Hypernova SN 1997ef
Paolo A. Mazzali; Koichi Iwamoto; Ken'ichi Nomoto
The Astrophysical Journal, 2000, Refereed, Not invited - Nucleosynthesis in Chandrasekhar mass models for type IA supernovae and constraints on progenitor systems and burning-front propagation
K Iwamoto; F Brachwitz; K Nomoto; N Kishimoto; H Umeda; WR Hix; FK Thielemann
Lead - On the radio-to-X-ray light curves of SN 1998bw and GRB980425
K Iwamoto
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1999, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Hypernova Model for the Supernova 1998bw Possibly Associated with GRB980415
T.Nakamura; P.A.Mazzali; K.Nomoto; K.Iwamoto; H.Umeda
Astronomische Nachrichten, 1999, Refereed, Not invited - A hypernova model for the peculiar type Ic supernova 1997ef
K Nomoto; K Iwamoto; PA Mazzali; T Nakamura
ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 1999, Refereed, Not invited - A hypernova model for the supernova associated with the gamma-ray burst of 25 April 1998(共著)
K Iwamoto; PA Mazzali; K Nomoto; H Umeda; T Nakamura; F Patat; IJ Danziger; TR Young; T Suzuki; T Shigeyama; T Augusteijn; Doublier, V; JF Gonzalez; H Boehnhardt; J Brewer; OR Hainaut; C Lidman; B Leibundgut; E Cappellaro; M Turatto; TJ Galama; PN Vreeswijk; C Kouveliotou; J van Paradijs; E Pian; E Palazzi; F Frontera
Nature, 1998, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - An unusual supernova in the error box of the gamma-ray burst of 25 April 1998(共著)
TJ Galama; PM Vreeswijk; J van Paradijs; C Kouveliotou; T Augusteijn; H Bohnhardt; JP Brewer; Doublier, V; JF Gonzalez; B Leibundgut; C Lidman; OR Hainaut; F Patat; J Heise; J in't Zand; K Hurley; PJ Groot; RG Strom; PA Mazzali; K Iwamoto; K Nomoto; H Umeda; T Nakamura; TR Young; T Suzuki; T Shigeyama; T Koshut; M Kippen; C Robinson; P de Wildt; RAMJ Wijers; N Tanvir; J Greiner; E Pian; E Palazzi; F Frontera; N Masetti; L Nicastro; M Feroci; E Costa; L Piro; BA Peterson; C Tinney; B Boyle; R Cannon; R Stathakis; E Sadler; MC Begam; P Ianna
Nature, 1998, Refereed, Not invited - The peculiar type (]G0002[) supernova 1997D : a case for a very low 56Ni mass
M Turatto; PA Mazzali; TR Young; K Nomoto; K Iwamoto; S Benetti; E Cappellaro; IJ Danziger; DF de Mello; MM Phillips; NB Suntzeff; A Clocchiatti; A Piemonte; B Leibundgut; R Covarrubias; J Maza; J Sollerman
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1998, Refereed, Not invited - Type Ia Supernovae : their origin and possible applications in cosmology(共著)
K Nomoto; K Iwamoto; N Kishimoto
Science, 1997, Refereed, Not invited - Nucleosynthesis in Type Ia Supernovae
K Nomoto; K Iwamoto; N Nakasato; FK Thielemann; F Brachwitz; T Tsujimoto; Y Kubo; N Kishimoto
Nuclear Physics A, 1997, Not refereed, Not invited - Nucleosynthesis in SNe Ia as a function of the burning front propagation
FK Thielemann; F Brachwitz; K Nomoto; K Iwamoto
Nuclear Physics A, 1997, Not refereed, Not invited - Instabilities and mixing in SN 1993J(共著)
Kohichi Iwamoto; Tlmothy R. Young; Naohito Nakasato; Toshlkazu Shlgeyama; KeN'Ichi Nomoto; Izumi Hachisu; Hldeyuki Said
The Astrophysical Journal, 1996, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The evolution and explosion of massive binary stars and type Ib-Ic-IIb-IIL supernovae
Physics Report, 1995, Refereed, Not invited - Theoretical Light Curves for the Thpe Ic Supernova 1994(]G0001[)(共著)
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1994, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A carbon-oxygen star as progenitor of the Type Ic Supernova 1994(]G0001[)(共著)
Nature, 1994, Refereed, Not invited - Type (]G0002[) Supernovae from 8-10 Mo asymptotic giant branch stars(共著)
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1993, Refereed, Not invited
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 無限高階微分を含む場の理論のハミルトン形式の構築
日本大学理工学部学術講演会, Nov. 2023, Not invited - Wheeler-DeWitt equation with quantum corrections and minisuperspace model
Koichi Iwamoto
日本物理学会第77回年次大会, Mar. 2022, 日本物理学会, Not invited - Steady Solutions of Relativistic Radiation Hydrodynamics
Koichi Iwamoto
日本物理学会2021年秋季大会, Sep. 2021, 日本物理学会, Not invited - 相対論的な平行平板状輻射流体の定常解
日本天文学会2017年秋季年会, Sep. 2017, 日本天文学会, Not invited - The Structure and Radition Spectrum of AGN Jets
日本天文学会2015年秋季年会, Sep. 2015, Not invited - 相対論的アウトフローの放射流体モデルIII
日本天文学会2015年春季年会, Mar. 2015, 日本天文学会, Not invited - 'Ia型超新星における原子核・原子物理過程, 理研研究会「原子核の構造と反応:21世紀への課題と展望」'
理化学研究所核理論グループ, Apr. 2000, Not invited - '*Deflagration-to-detonation transition *DDT and Variation in SN Ia Brightness, Cosmology with Type Ia Supernovae'
シカゴ大学フェルミ研究所(アメリカ), Oct. 1998, Not invited - 'Supernovae and Gamma-ray Bursts, Workshop of Japan-Geramny, High-Energy Astrophysics'
日本学術振興会, Oct. 1998, Not invited - 'Light Curre Modelling of the Type Ib/c Supernova 1997ef, Nuclear Astrophysics'
マックスプランク天体物理学研究所(ドイツ), Mar. 1998, Not invited - 'Instabilities of Nuclear Flames in Thermonuclear Supernovae, supernovae'
カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校(UCSB)、理論物理学研究所(ITP) (アメリカ), Aug. 1997, Not invited - 'Ia型超新星の爆発メカニズム, 第7回理論天文学懇談会'
国立天文台, Dec. 1994, Not invited
Research Themes
- Experimental research of collisionless shock in an extremely high-beta magnetized plasma
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2025
浅井 朋彦; 井 通暁; 長山 好夫; 高橋 俊樹; 岩本 弘一; 阿部 新助; 高橋 努 - 超新星によるニュートリノ放射
日本大学, 日本大学学術研究助成金・一般研究(個人), 2004 - 2004 - 相対論的輻射流体コードの開発とそれを用いた相対論的ジェットの研究
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2003 - 2004
岩本 弘一 - 日震学に基づく太陽モデルの構築と太陽ニュートリノ絶対強度の決定
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2000 - 2003
柴橋 博資; 斎尾 英行; 高田 将郎; 野本 憲一; 関井 隆; 尾崎 洋二; 鈴木 知治; 岩本 弘一 - Ia型超新星による宇宙パラメータの決定およびハイパーノバとガンマ線バースト
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2000 - 2001
岩本 弘一 - Ia型超新星の爆発メカニズムと放射スペクトルの研究
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 1998 - 1998
岩本 弘一