TEZUKA Koichiro
College of Economics | Professor |
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
Research activity information
- 日本海運経済学会, 日本海運経済学会第22回学会賞・論文の部(石井昌宏氏・石坂元一氏と共同受賞)
受賞対象論文:”An equilibrium price model of spot and forward shipping freight markets,”Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, International academic award
手塚広一郎;石井昌宏;石坂元一 - 日本海運経済学会第21回学会賞・論文の部(石井昌宏氏,石坂元一氏との共同受賞)
受賞対象論文:“A Relationship between CAPM-β and market changes in the Japanese liner shipping industry”, Maritime Policy and Transport Management, Vol.39, 2012 - 公益事業学会「論文奨励賞」(石井昌宏氏と共同受賞)
「非協力ゲームの枠組みを用いた電力取引市場における市場支配力の分析」 - 日本海運経済学会「ベストペーパー賞(現・国際交流賞)」(石坂元一氏と共同受賞)
「不定期船市場におけるスポット運賃と先物価格の形成-数値計算によるバイアスの検証を中心として-」 - 財団法人東日本鉄道文化財団 平成14年度研究助成奨励賞(釜江廣志氏と共同受賞)
規制緩和の交通産業への影響の分析 - 日本交通学会「日本交通学会賞(論文の部)」
「株式投資に見る経済的規制緩和による影響-航空産業を事例として-」 - 財団法人高速道路調査会「道路と交通論文賞(社会経済部門)」
- 「空港業務の持続的な発展」に関する若干の覚書
ていくおふ(ANA総合研究所), May 2024, Not refereed, Invited - Market structure and Policy Issues in the Costal Shipping Market in Japan
K. Tezuka
Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science, College of Economics Nihon University, Mar. 2024 - Port capacity-sharing decisions in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era
Gang Dong; Masahiro Ishii; Shiyuan Zheng; Koichiro Tezuka; Paul Tae-Woo Lee
Transport Policy, Mar. 2024, Refereed, Not invited - Analysis of Stochastic Fluctuations in Shipping Freight Rate
Tezuka,K; Ishii, M; Ishizaka,M
Journal of Logistics and Shipping Economics, Oct. 2023, Refereed
Lead - 空港間の競争と統合がもたらす効果 ~福岡空港と北九州空港への応用~
公益事業研究, Mar. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Port Integration and Airport Management by Port Districts in the United States
Journal of Logistics and Shipping Economics, Oct. 2020, Refereed, Not invited - An analysis of spot pricing and market monitoring in wholesale electricity markets
K. Tezuka
Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science, Mar. 2020, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - ガスパイプライン・ネットワークへの投資
Nextcom, Jun. 2019, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - コンセッション運営事業者の破綻とその後―インディアナ有料道路のケース
ていくおふ(ANA総合研究所), Jan. 2019, Not refereed, Invited - Evaluation of risk attitude in the shipping freight market under uncertainty
Koichiro Tezuka
Maritime Policy and Management, Apr. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - Market Design for Goods Supplied on the Network
中央大学経済研究所年報, Oct. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 海運産業における規模の経済性の検証とその解釈 - 内航海運業を事例として -
交通学研究, Mar. 2017, Refereed, Not invited - 都市圏の有料道路に対する戦略的活用 -若干の覚書ー
経済学論纂, Mar. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 内航海運業の市場構造と政策課題
運輸と経済, Feb. 2017, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 有料道路事業と「民営化」 -再確認の試み―
手塚 広一郎
成城大学・社会イノベーション研究, Mar. 2016, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 不確実性下の海運市場の価格形成に関する研究動向とその課題
海事交通研究, Dec. 2015, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 都市圏の環状道路の活用と課題 : 整理の試み
高速道路と自動車, Jul. 2015, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 海運市場の価格形成 -不定期船の事例から見る海運経済学
経済セミナー, Jan. 2015, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 港湾の運営と民営化に関する経済モデルとその適用に関する覚書 -政策的な解釈に対するいくつかの留意点―
手塚 広一郎
ECO-FORUM, Oct. 2014, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - PFIとコンセッション方式-交通インフラへの適用可能性
手塚 広一郎
ていくおふ, Mar. 2014, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 有料道路におけるネットワークに対する課金とその論点
手塚 広一郎
Nextcom(KDDI総研), Mar. 2013, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - A game theoretical analysis of port competition
Masahiro Ishii; Paul Tae-Woo Lee; Koichiro Tezuka; Young-Tae Chang
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, Jan. 2013, Refereed, Not invited - An equilibrium price model of spot and forward shipping freight markets
Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii; Motokazu Ishizaka
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, Jul. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - 新たな航空ネットワークの形成と「航空機保有組織」の可能性
西藤 真一; 西藤真一; 水島治; 手塚広一郎; 加藤一誠; 田村亨
日本大学経済学部産業経営研究所Working Paper Series, 2012, Not refereed, Not invited - Relationship between CAPM-beta and market changes in the Japanese liner shipping industry
Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii; Motokazu Ishizaka
MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, 2012, Refereed, Not invited - Rationale for utilizing 3PL in supply chain management: A shippers' economic perspective
Koichiro Tezuka
IATSS Research, Jul. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
- 鉄道の設備投資とコミットメント
JR経営情報, 03 May 2024, Not refereed, Invited - 空港業務にかかる人材確保とその対応
KANSAI空港レビュー, May 2024, Not refereed, Invited - 論説:接点としての物流不動産
手塚 広一郎
高速道路と自動車, Mar. 2024, Not refereed, Invited - 第22章 交通・運輸
手塚 広一郎
統計でみる日本, Jan. 2024, Not refereed, Invited - 巻頭言:交通系ICカードにかかる課題と今後の展開
手塚 広一郎
運輸と経済, Nov. 2023, Not refereed, Invited - 鼎談:交通系ICカードの可能性
小古井 章; 冨田 勝己; 手塚 広一郎
運輸と経済, Nov. 2023, Not refereed, Invited - 座談会・都市は災害にどう立ち向かうべきか
佐藤義昭; 目黒公郎; 生方伸幸; 手塚広一郎
Sep. 2023, Invited - 巻頭言:都市災害にいかに備え、対応するか
手塚 広一郎
運輸と経済, Sep. 2023, Not refereed, Invited - 高速道路の料金徴収期間延長に見る「競争」と「協調」
JR経営情報, 07 Apr. 2023, Not refereed, Invited - 交通分野のロイヤルティマーケティングといくつかの論点
運輸と経済, 01 Feb. 2023, Not refereed, Invited - 座談会・沿線というプラットフォームから価値を創出するマーケティング
中村彰宏,松井剛,上村正美,手塚 広一郎
運輸と経済, 01 Feb. 2023, Not refereed, Invited - 鉄道におけるダイナミック・プライシング,~近年の傾向と今後の展望~
JRガゼット, 01 Jan. 2023, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - ICTから見た将来の鉄道交通
運輸と経済, 01 Oct. 2022, Not refereed, Invited - 航空・空港分野におけるコロナ禍の影響と政府関与のあり方
KANSAI空港レビュー, Jun. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 鉄道需要の変化と変動運賃制導入に向けた課題
汎交通, 31 Mar. 2022, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - アフターコロナと旅客需要のシナリオビルディング
JR経営情報, 04 Mar. 2022, Not refereed, Invited - 第22章 交通・運輸
手塚 広一郎
統計でみる日本 2022, Jan. 2022, Not refereed, Invited - 負担の公平性・理解得る必要
日本経済新聞・7月20日朝刊, 20 Jul. 2021, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 新型コロナウイルス感染症の航空旅客市場への影響
ていくおふ(ANA総合研究所), Apr. 2021, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - コロナ禍の下での鉄道事業と交通経済学の視点
JR経営情報, 05 Mar. 2021, Not refereed, Invited - 書評:公益事業学会編『公益事業の変容-持続可能性を超えて』
公益事業研究, Mar. 2021, Not refereed, Invited - 国内旅客船事業の運賃・料金に関する制度の現状
運輸と経済, 01 Mar. 2021, Not refereed, Invited - NAAの役割とは何か?
GREEN PORT REPORT, Jan. 2021, Not refereed, Invited - 書評・太田和博著『日本の道路政策』
経済セミナー 2020-2021 12・1月号, Dec. 2020, Not refereed, Invited - 書評・西藤真一著『交通インフラの運営と地域政策』
手塚 広一郎
高速道路と自動車, 01 Aug. 2020, Not refereed, Invited - 価格規制下の事業報酬の設定に関する覚書
手塚 広一郎
KANSAI 空港レビュー, May 2020, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 鉄道施設整備の促進と投資についての覚書
JR経営情報, 01 Mar. 2020, Not refereed, Invited - 第22章 交通・運輸
統計で見る日本2020, Jan. 2020, Not refereed, Invited - 高速道路会社はだれが持っているのですか?高速道路会社は高速道路を作れないのですか?
運輸と経済, 01 May 2019, Not refereed, Invited - 鉄道事業のアウトプットは何か?
JR経営情報, 01 Mar. 2019, Not refereed, Invited - 内航海運政策と港湾の中長期政策~「内航未来創造プラン」と「Port2030」の関連付けの試み~
手塚 広一郎
運輸と経済, 01 Nov. 2018, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - 交通経済学で扱う問題と現実のニーズとの接点
JR経営情報, 02 Mar. 2018, Not refereed, Invited - 「海運」はどのような市場ですか?
運輸と経済, 01 Apr. 2016, Not refereed, Invited
Books and other publications
- 「みなと」のインフラ学
手塚 広一郎, Contributor, 第6章「PORT2030の連携と補完(山本涼平氏と共著)」および第12章「資源・エネルギー輸送の政策的な位置づけ」を執筆, 手塚 広一郎
成山堂書店, Aug. 2020
9784425395019 - 自由化時代のネットワークと社会資本
塩見英治監修; 鳥居昭夫; 岡田啓; 小熊仁編, Joint work, 第3章『ガス事業』を石井昌宏氏と担当, 塩見英治監修 鳥居昭夫・岡田啓・小熊仁編
八千代出版, Jun. 2017, Not refereed
9784842917009 - 交通インフラの多様性
手塚広一郎; 加藤一誠編, Joint editor, 編集および第4章「東アジアにおける港湾投資と港湾間競争(松田琢磨氏と共著)」を執筆, 手塚広一郎・加藤一誠編
日本評論社, Mar. 2017, Not refereed
9784535558588 - コンテナ港湾の運営と競争
川崎芳一; 寺田一薫; 手塚広一郎編, Joint editor, 第5章港湾の競争力とその評価体系, 川崎芳一・寺田一薫・手塚広一郎編
成山堂書店, Dec. 2015, Not refereed
9784425394616 - Paul T-W Lee and Kevin Cullinane eds. DYNAMIC SHIPPING AND PORT DEVELOPMENT IN THE GLOBALIZED ECONOMY, Volume 1
K.Tezuka; M.Ishii, Chapter 5 Applying Game Theoretic Models to Port Policies, pp. 92-121., K.Tezuka and M.Ishii
Palgrave Macmillan, Oct. 2015, Not refereed
9781137514219 - 交通インフラ・ファイナンス
加藤一誠; 手塚広一郎編, Joint editor, 第4章「交通インフラの民間参画に関する論点」を執筆, 加藤一誠・手塚広一郎編
成山堂書店, Mar. 2014, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- インフラの維持管理・更新の資金需要とその調達
徳島勝幸; 正田雄二; 田村幸士; 穴山悌三; 手塚広一郎(モデレーター)
公益事業学会・統一論題シンポジウム, Jun. 2024, Invited - The Determinants of Freight Rate Changes
M.Ishizaka; K. Tezuka; M. Ishii
IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists) 2023 conference, Sep. 2023, Not invited - 空港のグランドハンドリング、保安検査業務の現状と展望
手塚広一郎; 山下 隆道
航空政策研究会 7月 月例会, Jul. 2023, Invited - Port Capacity-Sharing Decisions in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era
Gang Dong; Masahiro Ishii; Shiyuan Zheng; Koichiro Tezuka; Paul Tae-Woo Lee
IAME(International Association of Maritime Eonomists) 2022 conference, Busan, Korea, Sep. 2022, IAME, Not invited - Factors Influencing Stochastic Fluctuation in Shipping Freight Rate
M.Ishizaka; M.Ishii; and K. Tezuka
IAME 2022 conference, Busan, Korea, Sep. 2022, IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists), Not invited - コメント:小林渉「働き方の多様化を考慮した新たな都市鉄道運賃に関する基礎的研究~柔軟な定期券サービスに着目して~」
運輸総合研究所・研究報告会 2022年夏, Jul. 2022, Invited - An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Freight Rate Fluctuation
K.Tezuka,M.Ishii; M.Ishizaka
IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists) 2021 conference, Rotterdam, Online, Nov. 2021, IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists), Not invited - 空港統合がもたらすモデル分析
公益事業学会・第51回全国大会, Jun. 2021, 公益事業学会 - Effects of risk attitude and forward freight agreement on shipping freight rate
M.Ishizaka; M.Ishii; and K.Tezuka
IAME(International association of Maritime Economists) 2019 conference, Jun. 2019, IAME(International Association of Maritime Economists) - 発電容量確保を目的とするコールオプションの効果
公益事業学会第49回全国大会, Jun. 2019, 公益事業学会, Not invited - The Effect of unbundling regulation on pipeline investment strategy in Japan
S.Hashimoto; M.Ishii; and K.Tezuka
IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics) 2019 Conference, Jun. 2019, IAEE(International Association for Energy Economics), Not invited - A game theoretic model for shipping freight markets under uncertainty
K.Tezuka and M.Ishii
SMU(Shanghai Maritime University) International workshop on Transportation and Logistics, Apr. 2019, Invited - AI・ビッグデータ時代の不定期船分野における新たなデータ・分析手法の活用に向けて
日本海運集会所・日本海運経済学会関東部会・共催シンポジウム, Mar. 2019, 日本海運集会所・日本海運経済学会関東部会, Not invited - Investment and risk appraisal in transportation infrastructure projects
Koichiro Tezuka
ADBI, EASTS-Japan, JICA共催セミナー, Nov. 2018, ADBI, EASTS-Japan, JICA, Invited - A Study on Relation among Shipping Freight Rate Volatility, Risk Attitude and Forward Freight Agreement
K.Tezuka; M.Ishizaka; M.Ishii
Asian Logistics Round Table 2018, Jun. 2018, Not invited - A Study on Relation among Shipping Freight Rate Volatility,Risk Attitude and Forward Freight Agreement
K.Tezuka; M.Ishizaka; M.Ishii
Asian Logistics Round Table 2018, Jun. 2018, Not invited - An economic analysis of the coastal shipping market in Japan
Satoru Hashimoto; Koichiro Tezuka
WCTRS Special Interest Group 2, May 2018, Not invited - An Analysis on Attitudes toward Risk in Shipping Freight Markets
M. Ishii and K. Tezuka
IAME 2017, Jun. 2017 - An Analysis on Attitudes toward Risk in ShippingFreight Markets
M. Ishii; K. Tezuka
IAME 2017, Jun. 2017, Not invited - An economic analysis of the costal shipping market in Japan
Satoru Hashimoto; Koichiro Tezuka
IAME 2017, Jun. 2017, Not invited - Regulatory Reform in the Japanese Electricity Industry:An Event Study Analysis
Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii; Satoru Hashimoto
40th IAEE International Conference, Jun. 2017, Not invited - Game Theoretical Analysis on Shipping Freight Markets under Uncertainty
Koichiro Tezuka
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research Seminar, Apr. 2017, Not invited - Economic Linkage Between Shipping Freight Rate and Commodity Markets
Masahiro Ishii; Motokazu Ishizaka; Koichiro Tezuka
Asian Logistics Round Table 2016, Dec. 2016, Not invited - An Analysis on the Relationship between Risk Attitudes and Shipping Freight Markets
Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii
IAME 2016, Aug. 2016, Not invited - The Relationship Between Regulatory Reform and Pipeline Investment: The Case of the Japanese Natural Gas Industry
Satoru Hashimoto; Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii
39th IAEE International Conference, Jun. 2016, Not invited - Regulatory Reform and Network Expansion:The Case of the Japanese Natural Gas Industry
Masahiro Ishii; Koichiro Tezuka; Satoru Hashimoto
33rd USAEE/IAEE NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCE, Oct. 2015, Not invited - A Study on the Effects of Port Integration and Competition under Uncertainty
Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii
Asian Logistics Round Table 2015, Sep. 2015, Not invited - An Equilibrium Freight Rate with Capacity Constraint under Uncertainty
Koiciro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii
Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii; Motokazu Ishizaka
14th IAEE European Energy Conference, Oct. 2014, Not invited - A study on the structural relationship between FFA and commodity futures from the point of risk attitude
Koichiro Tezuka; Motokazu Ishizuka; Masahiro Ishii
IAME 2014, Jul. 2014, Not invited - Market Power versus Risk Premium:The Cases of PJM and JEPX
Masahiro Ishii; Motokazu Ishizaka; Koichiro Tezuka
37th IAEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Jun. 2014, Not invited - Recent Port Polices in Japan and Their Implications for Port Competition
Koichiro Tezuka; Masahiro Ishii; Motokazu Ishizaka
Asian Logistics Round Table 2014, Apr. 2014, Not invited - Current status of coastal shipping in Japan
SEMINAR FOR PROMOTING RIVER TRANSPORT IN MYANMAR, Mar. 2014, 運輸政策研究機構, Invited - A study on the relationship between port charges and capacity investment under uncertain demand
Masahiro Ishii; Koichiro Tezuka
3rd International Workshop on Port Economics and Policy, Dec. 2013, Not invited - A study on the relationship between port charges and capacity investment under uncertain demand
3rd International Work shop on Port and Policy, Dec. 2013, Singapole National University, Invited - An empirical analysis on risk attitudes in a shipping freight market
ICASL 2013 Conference, Kobe, Japan, Aug. 2013, Not invited - An analysis on credit ratings and ownership for transportation infrastructure
WCTR 2013 Conference, Rio de janeiro,Brasil, Jul. 2013, Not invited - Relationship between port charges and capacity investments under uncertain demand: A game theoretical approach
WCTR 2013 Conference, Rio de janeiro,Brasil, Jul. 2013, Not invited - Analysis of Market Conduct and Performance in Electricity Markets
IAEE 2014 Conference Deagu, Korea, Jun. 2013, Not invited - ガス体エネルギーにおけるインフラ・ネットワークの特徴について
公益事業学会・ガス制度研究会・シンポジウム, Mar. 2013, 公益事業学会, Invited - Assessing the risk attitudes in shipping freight markets
Ishizaka; M.; Ishii; M.
2012 IAME Conference, Taipei, Sep. 2012, International Association of Maritime Economists, Not invited - The impacts of economic changes on market risks in the Japanese liner shipping industry
The 5th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics, Jul. 2012, The Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, Not invited - Systematic risks and market changes in the Japanese electricity industry
Ishizaka; M.; and Ishii; M.
The 35th IAEE Conference, Perth, Australia, Jun. 2012, International Association for Enegy Economics, Not invited
Research Themes
- Research on development of strategic logistics in the ASEAN era
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2023
寺田 英子; 川崎 智也; 根本 敏則; 手塚 広一郎 - An analysis on port competition and market performance in container shipping markets
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2022
TEZUKA Koichiro - The Research on Management and Risk Sharing of Transportation Infrastructure
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019
KATO Kazusei; NAKAMURA Tomoaki - Evaluation of market performance from the point of mark-ups and risk-premium in shipping freight markets
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
TEZUKA Koichiro - Firm Behavior in Japan Shown by Dynamic Conjectual Variations
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017
TAKENAKA Koji - A Study on How to Strengthen the Competitiveness of Japanese Port in Structurally Changing Container Cargo Movements
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
KAWASAKI Yoshikazu; TERADA Kazushige; KAWASAKI Tomoya; WATANABE Hisao; TEZUKA Koichiro; TERADA Hideko; MATSUDA Takuma; WATANABE Toshihiro - A study on the market performance of maritime- and port industries in East Asia region
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2011 - 2013
TEZUKA Koichiro - International Perspective on the Construction and Maintenance of Transport Infrastructure
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2009 - 2011
SHINOHARA Soichi; NISHIMURA Osamu; SHIKANO Yoshiaki; ABE Shigeyuki; NOMA Toshikatsu; JINUSHI Toshiki; KAZUSEI Kato; KOMAKI Yasuyuki; FUJINO Masafumi; TEZUKA Kouichirou; YOHSIDA Yuichiro; KOJIMA Katsumi; KAMINOYAMA Kenichi - A study on market structure and pricing behavior in the maritime shipping industry
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2007 - 2009
TEZUKA Koichiro - Realignment of Airline Network and Improvement in Airport Management
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 - 2008
TAKENAKA Koji; KATO Kazusei; INUI Tomohiko; IJIRI Naohiko; GO Itsuryo; TODOROKI Tomoyuki; MURAKAMI Hideki; MATSUMOTO Hidenobu; TEZUKA Koichiro; YOSHIDA Yuichiro; TSUJIMOTO Katsuhisa; URANISHI Shuji; SAEGUSA Madoka - Studies on Effects of the Local Railway on the Region and the Evaluation of Discussion Points and Process regarding the Railway Continuation/Abolishment Issues
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2002 - 2003
Media Coverage
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フジテレビ, Live Newsイット!, コメントの掲載, 05 Jun. 2024, Media report - 時間軸分けて取り組み主体明確化
日本海事新聞社, 日本海事新聞, 19 Jul. 2023 - 県内路線 岐路に 予讃線海回り線 人気観光列車 沿線が支援 首長や住民から存続切望
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日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞, コメントの掲載, 19 Jun. 2023, Paper - 不確実性と向き合う
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共同通信社, 京都新聞他(共同通信配信記事), コメントの掲載, 23 Oct. 2022, Paper - 代えられないもの
一般財団法人 日本海運集会所, KAIUN 2022.8 (No. 1139), 波濤 第270回, Aug. 2022, Paper - JR東日本、「1000人未満」民営化後3倍 ドル箱も苦戦
日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞, コメントの掲載, 28 Jul. 2022, Paper - 鉄道運賃設定多様に
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日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞・大阪版, コメントの掲載, 14 Jul. 2022, Paper - 積極的な投稿が研究の発展に
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読売新聞社, 読売新聞, コメントの掲載, 27 Feb. 2022, Paper