Department of International Studies | Professor |
Researcher Information
Educational Background
Research activity information
- A Study of Brand Recall in Thailand
Seiji Kakei
ABAC Journal Vol.39, No.3(2019), Jun. 2019, Refereed, Invited
Lead - A study of Brand Recall in Thailand
Seiji Kakei
ABAC Jouranal, Jun. 2019, Refereed, Invited - High Concern for the FDI under even Devaluated Yen
Seiji Kakei
国際関係研究, Oct. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A comparison study of motivation in workers at international corporations
筧 正治
国際関係学部研究年報第35集, Feb. 2014, Refereed, Invited
Lead - Lifestyle Gap Analysis
AU-GSB e-Journal, Jun. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The rapid increase of the middle class in China
Reitaku Economic Journal, Mar. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 国際観光の比較研究
kakei seiji
日本大学国際関係学部研究年報, Feb. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 中国企業とタイ国企業管理者のモティベーション比較
筧 正治
国際関係研究, Dec. 2008, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - インターネットにみられる中国自動車産業の経営思想
実践経営, Jul. 2007, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 中国企業の経営思想
国際関係研究, Mar. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 中・美・日企業経営理念比較
筧 正治
国際関係研究, Feb. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 日本人、タイ人、マレーシア人の組織行動意欲の比較
国際関係研究, Jul. 2002, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - コンピュータ会計用語辞典
日刊工業新聞社, 2001, Not refereed, Not invited - Information Systems for Management
The Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun, 1999, Not refereed, Not invited - Business Computing
技術評論社, 1998, Not refereed, Not invited - The Impact on Corporate Governance in Japanese Companies -The Proposals of CalPERS to Japanese Companies-
The Society of Economics, Nihon Fukushi University, 1998, Not refereed, Not invited - デモグラフィックスからサイコグラフィックスへ(共著)
麗澤経済研究, 1998, Not refereed, Not invited - 中国観光マーケティングへの試案(旅遊市場)
中(]G0506[)文化出版有限公司, 1998, Not refereed, Not invited - Correlation among Sales of Beer, Temperature and Holidays(共著)
JOSAI INFORMATION SCIENCES RESEARCHES., 1996, Not refereed, Not invited - 企業の国際化に伴なう経営組織の変遷
実践経営, 1996, Not refereed, Not invited - The Introduction, Management and Business
Chuo Keizaisha Inc., 1996, Not refereed, Not invited - Current Management Issues
EGL Wilkins
Sohseisha, 1996, Not refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 急増するASEAN向け投資とその背景
日本大学国際関係学部公開講座, Jun. 2016, 日本大学国際関係学部, Invited - 中国自動車産業の経営思想
実践経営学会, Sep. 2006, Not invited - The impact of China on the Asian countries
PRIMER SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL EN ESPANA DE LA NAME, Dec. 2002, Not invited - Enterprises in Japan to aim at Zero Emission