Takei Isao
Department of International Studies | Associate Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Educational Background
Research activity information
- An Investigation of the Facility Conditions and Experiences of Japanese Internes at "Kenedy Enemy Alien Detention Station" During World War II
Isao Takei
Studies in International Relations, Nihon University, Japan, Jul. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - An Investigation of the Conditions at Seagoville Enemy Alien Detention Station and Experiences of Internees During World War II
Isao Takei
Studies in International Relations, Nihon University, Japan, Jul. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Regional Aspects of Japanese American Wartime Experiences: Crystal City Internment Camp, Texas
Isao Takei
Journal of the College of International Relations, Nihon University, Japan, Mar. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Reconsideration of the Life History of Japanese Texans during World War II
Isao Takei
Expressions: International Cultural Expression Studies, Mar. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 「日本・中国・米国における格差拡大の背景と展望」
『国際文化表現研究』, Mar. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Reconsideration of the Life History of Early Twentieth-Century Japanese Texans in Terms of Social Acceptance and Assimilation
Isao Takei
Journal of the College of International Relations, Nihon University, Japan, Feb. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 「東アジア系アメリカ人は、なぜ米国西部地域に偏住するのか?-彼らの社会経済的水準に関する量的考察を通じて-」
『国際文化表現研究』, Mar. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 「ヒスパニック移民は白人の雇用を奪う存在なのか?-学歴に着目した、2012-2016年米国国勢調査局データからの一考察-」
『国際関係研究』, Oct. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 「人種の壁を越えた日系アメリカ人―日系アメリカ人研究への一視点―」
『日本大学国際関係学部生活科学研究所報告』, Mar. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Do Asian Americans Face Labor Market Discrimination? Accounting for the Cost of Living among Native-Born Men and Women
Sharron Xuanren Wang; Isao Takei; and Arthur Sakamoto
Socius, Nov. 2017, Refereed, Not invited - 「合衆国国勢調査局データから見たアジア系アメリカ人の住宅保有率および世帯的特徴」
『日本大学国際関係学部生活科学研究所報告』, Mar. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A Basic Socioeconomic Profile of Japanese Americans from the 1910, 1920, and 1930 U.S. Census Data
Isao Takei and Arthur Sakamoto
International Journal of Asian Social Science, Oct. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 「大卒アジア系アメリカ人男性の管理職権データから見たガラスの天井」
『国際文化表現研究』, Apr. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Managerial Attainment of College-Educated, Native-Born Asian Americans
Isao Takei; Arthur Sakamoto; and Janet Chen-Lan Kuo
Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Nov. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Demographic and Labor Market Experiences of Mexican Americans in the Midwest and South
Isao Takei
Expressions, Apr. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Demographic Factors Associated with Poverty among American Indians and Alaska Natives
Huyser, Kimberly R., Isao Takei, and Arthur Sakamoto
Race and Social Problems, 2014, Refereed, Not invited - 「ネイティブ・アメリカンと貧困」
『国際関係研究』, Oct. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Socioeconomic Attainments of Non-Immigrant Cambodian, Filipino, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, and Vietnamese Americans.
Isao Takei; Arthur Sakamoto; and ChangHwan Kim
Race and Social Problems, Jun. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - The Labor Market Attainments of Mexican-Origin Male Workers in Six Occupational Categories: The Effects of Nativity and Citizenship Status
Isao Takei
Expressions, Mar. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Cultural constraints on rising income inequality: A U.S.-Japan comparison
Arthur Sakamoto; Hyeyoung Woo; Isao Takei; Yoichi Murase
JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITY, Dec. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - The Cost of Living and the Regional Distribution of Asian Americans.
Isao Takei and Arthur Sakamoto
Open Demography Journal, May 2012, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Are Asian Americans Disadvantaged by Residing More in the West? Migration, Region, and Earnings Among Asian American Men
Isao Takei; Arthur Sakamoto; and Daniel A. Powers
Sociology Mind, Apr. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Marital Status, Children, and the Managerial Attainments of College-Educated Men and Women
Isao Takei
Expressions, Mar. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Beyond the Shadow of White Privilege?: The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second Generation South Asian Americans.
Hyeyoung Woo; Arthur Sakamoto; and Isao Takei
Sociology Mind, Jan. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - THE MYTH OF THE MODEL MINORITY MYTH
Arthur Sakamoto; Isao Takei; Hyeyoung Woo
SOCIOLOGICAL SPECTRUM, 2012, Refereed, Not invited - 「アジア系アメリカ人男性の地域移動、居住地域と所得の関連性」
『国際関係研究』, Oct. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Socioeconomic Differentials among Single-Race and Multi-Race Japanese Americans
Arthur Sakamoto; Isao Takei; and Hyeyoung Woo
Ethnic and Racial Studies, Jun. 2011, Refereed, Not invited - Poverty among Asian Americans in the 21st Century
Isao Takei; Arthur Sakamoto
Sociological Perspectives, Jun. 2011, Refereed, Not invited - Cost of Being Mexican American Men in Higher-Status Occupations
Isao Takei
Expressions, Apr. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 「アジア系アメリカ人と白人との賃金格差を考察する上での生計費の重要性」
『国際関係研究』, Feb. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Japantown.
Isao Takei
Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife., Dec. 2010, Not refereed, Invited - Japantown.
Isao Takei
Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife., Dec. 2010, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Japanese American Vernacular Language, Speech, and Manner.
Isao Takei
Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife., Dec. 2010, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Japanese American Social Etiquette and Customs.
Isao Takei
Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife., Dec. 2010, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - Japanese American Foods and Foodways.
Isao Takei
Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife., Dec. 2010, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - The Persistence of Racial Disadvantage: The Socioeconomic Attainments of Single-Race and Multi-Race Native Americans
Kimberly R. Huyser; Arthur Sakamoto; Isao Takei
POPULATION RESEARCH AND POLICY REVIEW, Aug. 2010, Refereed, Not invited - Feedlot Veterinarians' Moral and Instrumental Beliefs Regarding Antimicrobial Use in Feedlot Cattle
Wm. Alex McIntosh; Sarah Schulz; Wesley Dean; Morgan H. Scott; Kerry S. Barling; and Isao Takei
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, Feb. 2009, Refereed, Not invited - The Effects of Absolute and Relative Incomes on Job Satisfaction among Male Workers in Japan
Isao Takei; Arthur Sakamoto; and Yoichi Murase
Sociological Focus, Feb. 2009, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Cost of Being a Mexican Immigrant and Being a Mexican Non-Citizen in California and Texas
Isao Takei; Rogelio Saenz; Jing Li
HISPANIC JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Feb. 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Do College-Educated, Native-Born Asian Americans Face a Glass Ceiling in Obtaining Managerial Authority?
Isao Takei and Arthur Sakamoto
Asian American Policy Review, Feb. 2008, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Migration, Rural to Urban
Rogelio Saenz; Isao Takei; Xiaodong Wang
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, Vol. 5, Oct. 2007, Not refereed, Invited - Issues of Scope in Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations: An Analysis of U.S. American Concepts in the Japanese Context
Isao Takei
Graduate Journal of Social Science, Jun. 2005, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - White Anglo-Saxon Mythology and Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender in the Titanic
Saburo Sato; Isao Takei; and Jon P. Alston
Studies in International Relations, Oct. 2003, Refereed, Not invited - 「カリフォルニア住民提案227号と移民の動向」
日本大学大学院国際関係研究科『大学院論集』, Oct. 2001, Refereed, Not invited
- An Investigation of the Facility Conditions and Experiences of Internees at Fort Bliss Enemy Alien Detention Station/Prisoner of War Camp During World War II
Isao Takei
The Annual Review of Migration Studies, Jun. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - An Investigation of the Conditions at Fort Sam Houston Enemy Alien Detention Station and Experiences of Internees During World War II
Isao Takei
Journal of the College of International Relations, Nihon University, Japan, Feb. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - An Investigation of the Earliest Japanese Immigrants and Visitors in Texas
Isao Takei
Report of the Research Institute of Sciences for Living, College of International Relations, Nihon University, Japan, Jul. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Wartime Experiences of Japanese Texans and Japanese Latin Americans: Kenedy and Seagoville Internment Camps, Texas
Isao Takei
Expressions: International Cultural Expression Studies, Mar. 2022, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - 「合衆国国勢調査データからみた20世紀初頭における日系アメリカ人の人口動態的特徴」
『国際文化表現研究』, 2016, Refereed, Not invited
Books and other publications
- Japanese Business Culture and Practices: A Guide to Twenty-First Century Japanese Business Protocols. Second Edition.
Isao Takei, Jon P. Alston, Joint work, Isao Takei and Jon P. Alston
iUniverse, Jun. 2018, Not refereed
9781532048180 - Moving Out of the Margins and into the Mainstream: The Demographics of Asian Americans in the New South
Arthur Sakamoto; ChangHwan Kim; Isao Takei, Joint work, 131-164, Arthur Sakamoto; ChangHwan Kim; and Isao Takei
University of Illinois Press, Dec. 2013, Not refereed
9780252079382 - The Japanese-American Family
Arthur Sakamoto; ChangHwan Kim; Isao Takei, Joint work, 252-276, Arthur Sakamoto; ChangHwan Kim; and Isao Takei
Pearson-Prentice Hall, Jun. 2012, Not refereed
9780130918390 - The Wages of Asian American Men: Migration and Regional Factors
Isao Takei, Single work, Isao Takei
VDM Publishing, Apr. 2011, Not refereed
9783639339475 - Japanese Business Culture and Practices: A Guide to Twenty First Century Japanese Business.
Jon P. Alston; Isao Takei, Joint work, Jon P. Alston and Isao Takei
iUniverse, Aug. 2005, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 第二次世界大戦期の米国テキサス州におけるケネディ収容所と収容者の実態―敵性外国人の収容所として稼働した期間に着目して―
日本移民学会第34回年次大会, Jun. 2024, Not invited - Housing Wellbeing across Major Racial/Ethnic Groups in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Approach
Jing Li; Isao Takei
American Sociological Association annual meeting, Aug. 2023, Not invited - 「第二次世界大戦期の米国テキサス州におけるフォート・サム・ヒューストンおよびフォート・ブリス臨時収容所と収容者の実態」
日本移民学会第33回年次大会, Jun. 2023, Not invited - Homeownership and Residential Density among Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans.
Li; Jing and Isao Takei
The 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) Data Users Conference, May 2021, Not invited - 「日本・中国・米国における格差拡大の背景と展望」
国際文化表現学会第16回大会, Mar. 2021, Not invited - インド系・韓国系・中国系・日系・フィリピン系・ベトナム系アメリカ人の住宅保有率および過密住宅率についての考察
日本移民学会第30回年次大会, Jun. 2020, Not invited - 米国経済におけるヒスパニック移民労働者の位置づけを考える
国際文化表現学会第15回大会, May 2019, Not invited - カンボジア・モン族・ラオス系アメリカ人と労働市場格差
国際文化表現学会第14回大会, May 2018, Not invited - 海を越えた日系移民―日系アメリカ人の概要―
平成29年度日本大学国際関係学部生活科学研究所シンポジウム『海と人間』, Dec. 2017, Invited - 合衆国西部および非西部地域における日系アメリカ人男性の社会経済的水準に関する量的考察
日本移民学会第27回年次大会, Jun. 2017, Not invited - アジア系アメリカ人のモデルマイノリティ「神話」の虚像
2016年度国際文化表現学会 東京研究会, Dec. 2016, Not invited - 合衆国国勢調査データからみた20世紀初頭における日系アメリカ人
第88回日本社会学会大会, Sep. 2015, Not invited - 現代日本のジェンダーと家族
日本人口学会第67回大会, Jun. 2015, Invited - 大卒アジア系アメリカ人男性の管理職権水準に関する量的考察
第87回日本社会学会大会, Nov. 2014, Not invited - ネイティブ・アメリカンと貧困
第86回日本社会学会大会, Oct. 2013, Not invited - The Socioeconomic Attainments of Filipino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, and Thai Americans.
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2013, Not invited - 日米の所得格差に関する文化的側面
国際文化表現学会第9回大会, May 2013, Not invited - Demographic Factors Associated with Poverty among American Indians and Alaska Natives
Kimberly Huyser; Arthur Sakamoto
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Apr. 2013, Not invited - 東南アジア系アメリカ人の社会経済的特徴
第85回日本社会学会大会, Nov. 2012, Not invited - 南アジア系アメリカ人の特徴と展望
国際文化表現学会第8回大会, May 2012, Not invited - The Role of Living Costs in the Wage Differentials between Asian Americans and Non-Hispanic whites
Japan Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Sep. 2011, Not invited - Regional Selectivity and the Earnings of Asian American Men
American Sociological Associaiton Annual Meeting, Aug. 2011, Not invited - アジア系アメリカ人と貧困
国際文化表現学会第7回大会, May 2011, Not invited - 第3世代のアジア系アメリカ人と社会同化
計量社会学研究会, Dec. 2010, Not invited - アジア系アメリカ人の賃金を考察する上での居住地と生計費の重要性
国際文化表現学会 東京研究会, Nov. 2010, Not invited - Socioeconomic Characteristics of Asian Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites: Generational Differentials and Assimilation
Japan Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Nov. 2010, Not invited - Region of Residence, Migration, and the Wages of Asian American Men
Arthur Sakamoto
Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, Oct. 2009, Not invited - Socioeconomic Differentials Among Single-Racial and Multi-Racial Japanese Americans
Japan Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 2009, Not invited - Generational Differentials in Socioeconomic Attainments among Asian Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2009, Not invited - Demographic Characteristics of Third-Generation Asian Americans: Socioeconomic Attainments and Assimilation
Arthur Sakamoto
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, May 2009, Not invited - Moving Out of the Margins and into the Mainstream: The Demographics of Asian Americans in the New South
Arthur Sakamoto; ChangHwan Kim
Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, Oct. 2008, Not invited - Poverty Among Asian Americans: Evidence from the 2000 Census
Arthur Sakamoto
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2008, Not invited - Do College-Educated, Native-Born Asian Americans Face a Glass Ceiling in Obtaining Managerial Authority?
Arthur Sakamoto
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Apr. 2008, Not invited - A Mover-Stayer Model of Native American Earnings
Kimberly R. Huyser; Arthur Sakamoto
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2007, Not invited - The Cultural Foundations of Rising Income Inequality: A U.S.-Japan Comparison
Arthur Sakamoto; Yoichi Murase
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2007, Not invited - Changes in Work Cultures and Orientations toward Individualism?: A U.S.-Japan Comparison
Arthur Sakamoto; Yoichi Murase
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2007, Japan Sociologists Network, Not invited - Cost of Being Mexican American Men in Higher-Status Occupations
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2007, Not invited - The Socioeconomic Attainments of Single-Racial and Multi-Racial Native Americans
Kimberly R. Huyser
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Mar. 2007, Not invited - Beyond the Shadow of White Privilege? The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second-Generation South Asian Americans
Arthur Sakamoto; Hyeyoung Woo
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Mar. 2007, Not invited - The Effects of Absolute and Relative Incomes on Job Satisfaction among Male Workers in Japan
Arthur Sakamoto; Yoichi Murase
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2006, Not invited - Black-White Wage Differentials Among College-Educated Workers: The Effects of Field of Study and Socioeconomic Background
Hyeyoung Woo
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2006, Not invited - Socioeconomic Differentials Among Single-Racial and Multi-Racial Japanese Americans
Arthur Sakamoto; Hyeyoung Woo
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Mar. 2006, Not invited - Cost of Being a Mexican Immigrant and Being a Mexican Non-Citizen: Some Empirical Evidence from Interaction Tests
Rogelio Saenz; Jing Li
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2005, Not invited - Predicting Feedlot Veterinarians Recommendations to Treat Cattle with Antimicrobials Under Four Conditions
W. Alex McIntosh; Wesley R. Dean; Sarah Schulz; H. Morgan Scott
Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Aug. 2005, Not invited - Predicting the Antibiotic Behavior of Beef Feedlot Operators
Wesley R. Dean; W. Alex McIntosh; H. Morgan Scott; Kerry Barling
Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Aug. 2005, Not invited - The Moral Economy of Antimicrobial use: Quantitative Findings
W. Alex McIntosh; Wesley R. Dean; H. Morgan Scott; Sarah Schulz; Kerry Barling
The Joint 2005 Annual Meetings of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), Jun. 2005, Not invited - Cost of Being a Mexican Immigrant and Being a Mexican Non-Citizen
Rogelio Saenz; Jing Li
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Apr. 2005, Not invited - Length of U.S. Residence effect of Mexican Immigrants and Mexican Immigrant Non-Citizens on Hourly Wage: A California and Texas Comparison
Rogelio Saenz
Southwestern Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Mar. 2005, Not invited - Teaching the Cultures of Global Business
Jon P. Alston; Hua Luo
Association for Global Business Annual Meeting, Nov. 2004, Not invited - Immigration and Unemployment in the United States: A Multilevel Analysis
Jing Li
Americal Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2004, Not invited - Migration and Labor Market Patterns of Nonmetro Latina/o Immigrants
Rogelio Saenz; Misael Obregon
Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Aug. 2004, Not invited - Early History of Japanese and Chinese Immigration and the Social Construction of Asian American Cusine: 1850-1900
The Joint 2004 Annual Meetings of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Jun. 2004, Not invited - Immigration and Unemployment in the United States: A Multilevel Analysis
Jing Li
Popualtion Association of America Annual Meeting, Apr. 2004, Not invited