ABE kazutoki

College of Bioresource SciencesProject Professor

Research Keyword

  • Forest cutting
  • root
  • Slope failur
  • Preventing landslide
  • landslide
  • Erosion
  • Sediment disaster
  • Reforestation
  • Erosion control
  • Effect of tree roots on preventing shallow-seated landslide
  • Landslide
  • Tree root
  • Forest

Field Of Study

  • Life sciences, Forest science, Forestry/Forest Engineering


  • Apr. 2005 - Present
    Nohon University, College of Bioresource Sciences
  • Apr. 1980 - Mar. 2005
    Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

Educational Background

  • Apr. 1978 - Mar. 1980
    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science, Forestry
  • 01 Apr. 1972 - 31 Mar. 1976
    Nihon University, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Forestry
  • Apr. 1972 - Mar. 1976
    Nihon University, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Forestry

Member History

  • Sep. 2011 - Present
    副会長, 日本緑化工学会
  • Sep. 2000 - Present
    理事, 日本緑化工学会
  • Sep. 2007 - Aug. 2009
    編集委員長, 日本緑化工学会
  • Apr. 1997 - Mar. 2000
    編集委員会委員, 砂防学会
  • Apr. 1990 - Mar. 1991
    国際部委員, 砂防学会


  • ブナが優占する冷温帯落葉広葉樹林における葉面積指数の時空間変動
    Kanto Journal of Forest Research, Mar. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
  • ブナが優占する冷温帯落葉広葉樹林における夏季の気温低下がCO2フラックスに与える影響
    関東森林研究, Mar. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
  • Study on evaluating method using root pull-out resistance for tree roots effect to prevent shallow landslide
    掛谷亮太,瀧澤英紀,小坂泉; 園原和夏,石垣逸郎,阿部和時
    砂防学会誌, Sep. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects of thinning in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don stand on its root growth and function of preventing shallow landslide
    Ryouta Kaketani; Hideki Takizawa; Waka Sonohara; Itsurou Ishigaki; Kazutoki Abe
    J. of the Jap. Soc. of Revegetation Technology, Nov. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • Seasonal variation in LAI from a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaved forest
    Shohei Nonaka; Izumi Kosaka; Miyuu Kawaguchi; Hideki Takizawa; Kazutoki Abe
    Kanto J. of Forest Research, Sep. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Characteristics of wind turbulence over a deciduour broadleaved forest on complex terrain
    Yayoi Ashiba; Izumi Kosaka; Takao Nakamura; Satomi Amamatsu; Hideki Takizawa; Kazutoki Abe
    Kanto J. of Forest Research, Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Diurnal chainges in CO2 flux from a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaved forest in Japan -A comparison of data for 2013 and 2014-
    Yukino Yamaguchi; Izumi Kosaka; Syunsuke Shida; Tatsuki Honzaki; Hideki Takizawa; Kazutoki Abe
    Kanto J. of Forest Research, Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Seasonalvariation in heat fluxes from a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaves forest
    Maiko Takagi; Izumi Kosaka; Chizuru Sasaki; Gentarou Okamura; Hideki Takizawa; Kazutoki Abe
    Kanto J. of Forest Research, Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • The effect of air flow on the energy balance in a mountainous forest region
    Takumi Matsui; Izumi Kosaka
    Kanto J. of Forest Research, Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Interannual variation in daytime and nighttime net ecosystem exchange from a cool-temperate deciduour broad leaved forest
    Hotimi Akutsu; Izumi Kosaka; Shouhei Kobayashi; Tatsuki Honzaki; Hideki Takizawa; Kazutoki Abe
    Kanto J. of Forest Research, Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Study on tree roots effects to preventing shallow landslide
    関東森林研究, Sep. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
  • The influence of changes in physical and chemocal properties of surface volcanic deposit on vegetation recovery under conditiond of high-concentration volcanic gas from Miyakejima volcano, Japan.
    日本緑化工学会誌, Nov. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
  • 森林の持つ斜面崩壊防止機能
    ベース設計資料, Sep. 2010, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Modeling the potential distribution of shallow-seated landslides using the weights of evidence method and a logiatic regression model:a case study of the Sabae Area, Japan
    International journal of sediment research, Jun. 2008, Refereed, Not invited
  • 地形・地質要因との関連性が崩壊地の発生と植生回復に与える影響 -神奈川県西丹沢山地を対象として-
    日本緑化工学会誌, Aug. 2007, Refereed, Not invited
  • 76年間における崩壊地の長期変動を植生回復過程 -西丹沢山地玄倉川中ノ沢流域を対象として-
    日本緑化工学会誌, Aug. 2006, Refereed, Not invited
  • 森林の持つ斜面崩壊防止機能
    日本緑化工学会誌, Feb. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 森林の表層崩壊防止機能
    緑化工技術, Feb. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Effect of soil chemical properties on forest decline in Miyake Island, Japan
    S. Yoshinaga; K. Abe; T. Okamoto
    Proceedings, APGC 2004, Vol.45, Fasc.4, Oct. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 間伐は森林の土壌を守れるか?
    森林科学, Jun. 2005, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 間伐が森林の持つ崩壊防止機能に及ぼす評価手法の開発
    日本地すべり学会誌, Oct. 2004, Refereed, Not invited
  • A combination of quantification two approach and GIS techniques to predict landslide hazard in HAYACHINE mountain ranges, Japan
    砂防学会誌, Aug. 2004, Refereed, Not invited
  • のり面における自然回復緑化の基本的な考え方のとりまとめ
    日本緑化工学会誌, Jun. 2004, Refereed, Not invited
  • Spatial distribution prediction and hazardzonation of landslide based on GIS techniques
    Bi Huaxing; Osamu Nakakita
    Journal of natural disasters, Jun. 2004, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 法面における自然回復緑化の展望と課題
    緑化工技術 第25集(緑化技術協会), Feb. 2004, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 高標高山地斜面の表層土厚さの分布に関する研究(Ⅱ)
    黒川 潮、ほか3名
    日本林学会関東支部大会発表論文集, Sep. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
  • 三宅島火山荒廃地帯における緑化試験
    日本緑化工学会誌, Sep. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
  • 三宅島雄山における酸性化した噴火堆積物の実態
    小川泰浩; 他4名
    日本緑化工学会誌, Sep. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
  • 竹根系の崩壊防止機能の評価
    黒川潮; 池田伸
    日本林学会関東支部大会発表論文集, Sep. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
  • Regional landslide analysis based on GIS techniques
    Bi Huaxing; Zhang Xuepei; Osamu Nakakita
    中国水土保持科学, Sep. 2003, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 高標高山地斜面の表層土厚さの分布に関する研究
    黒川 潮、ほか4名
    日本林学会関東支部大会発表論文集, Mar. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
  • Impacts of DEM Resolution and surfaceFitting methods on slope estimation
    Song Ruhua; Bi Huaxing; Osamu Nakakita
    中国水土保持科学, Mar. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
  • 三宅島火山荒廃地帯の土壌侵食実態に関する実証的研究
    黒川 潮、ほか10名
    日本緑化工学会誌, Aug. 2002, Refereed, Not invited
  • Prediction model of sediment discharge from forested basin
    黒川潮、Ziemer; R.R
    Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Nov. 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Forest logging system and hillslopecollapse
    Enviornmental Forest Scinece, Extended abstract volume of IUFRO division 8 conference proceedings., Jan. 1998, Refereed, Not invited
  • 長野県鬼無里村で発生した山地崩壊現地調査報告
    砂防学会誌, Jul. 1997, Refereed, Not invited
  • 樹木根系が持つ斜面崩壊防止機能の評価方法に関する研究
    森林総合研究所研究報告, Jan. 1997, Refereed, Not invited
  • 原位置一面せん断試験によるスギ根系の斜面崩壊防止機能の研究
    日本緑化工学会誌, Dec. 1996, Refereed, Not invited
  • 中国黄土高原における森林の崩壊防止機能の研究 (Ⅱ)
    趙 廷寧、王 玉杰
    日本緑化工学会誌, Jul. 1993, Refereed, Not invited
  • Tree roots effect on shallow landslides
    Japan-US workshop on snow avalanche, landslide, debris flow prediction and control, Jul. 1992, Refereed, Not invited
  • 中国黄土高原における森林の崩壊防止機能の研究 (Ⅰ)
    趙 廷寧、王 玉杰
    日本緑化工学会誌, Jul. 1992, Refereed, Not invited
  • 根系の引抜き抵抗力によるセン断補強強度の推定
    日本緑化工学会誌, Jul. 1991, Refereed, Not invited
  • Simulation model for the distribution of tree roots -Application to a slope stability model-
    岩元 賢
    日林誌, Sep. 1990, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effect of roots no shallow-seated landslide
    Proceedings of the IUFRO Technical Session Geomorphic Hazards in Managed Forests, Aug. 1990, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effect of roots no shallow-seated landslide
    Proceedings of the IUFRO Technical Session Geomorphic Hazards in Managed Forests, Aug. 1990, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effect of tree roots on a shear zone ; Modeling reinforced shear stress,
    CANDIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, Aug. 1990, Refereed, Not invited
  • Relationships Between Forest Harvesting and Landslide Occurrence.
    ユフロ亜高山地帯学会論文集, Dec. 1987, Refereed, Not invited
  • Soil Mechanical Role of Tree Root in Preventing Landslides.
    岩元 賢
    Proc.of 5th International Conference and Field Workshop on Landslides., Sep. 1987, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Preliminary experimwnt on shear in soil layers with a large direst-shear apparatus.
    岩元 賢
    日林誌, Feb. 1986, Refereed, Not invited


  • Preliminary Snowmelt Experiments with Tree Models
    日本雪工学会論文集, 01 Jul. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
  • Effects on check dams on aquatic insects in mountain stream
    Mikako Kokubun; Natsuko Tanaka; Yui Sakae; Ryouta Kaketani; Yosikazu Nozawa; Takumi Muratsu; Hideki Takizawa; Izumi Kosaka; Kazutoki Abe
    J. of the Jpn. Soc. of Revegetation Technology, 01 Sep. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • Observation of vertical displacement in a landslide block during snow season
    Takashi Okamoto; Sumio Matsuura; Kazutoki Abe
    J. of the Jpn. Landslide Soc., 01 Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • 森林の崩壊防止機能に関する研究の動向
    山林, 05 Oct. 2013, Not refereed, Invited

Books and other publications

  • 森林科学シリーズ 森林と災害
    阿部和時, Joint work, 第2章 表層崩壊, 阿部和時
    共立出版株式会社, Mar. 2018, Not refereed
  • 最新 環境緑化工学
    森本幸裕ら, Joint work, 56-64, 森本幸裕ら
    朝倉書店, Apr. 2007, Not refereed
  • 改訂 森林資源科学入門
    木平勇吉ら, Joint work, 153-170, 木平勇吉ら
    (株)日本林業調査会, Apr. 2007, Not refereed
  • 環境緑化の事典 (法面緑化の計画・設計・施工・管理)
    Joint work
    朝倉書店, Sep. 2005
  • 環境緑化の事典(法面緑化の計画・設計・施工・管理)
    Joint work
    朝倉書店, Sep. 2005, Not refereed
  • 環境緑化の事典
    Joint work, 237-244
    朝倉書店, Sep. 2005, Not refereed
  • 山腹崩壊危険度 -危ないのはどこだ-
    Single work, 172-175
    森をはかる(日本林学会「森林科学」編集委員会), Aug. 2003, Not refereed
  • 森林の機能
    Single work, 37-54
    早わかり循環型社会の森林と林業(日本林業技術協会), Aug. 2003, Not refereed
  • 長伐期林と森林の崩壊防止機能
    Single work, 38-45
    長伐期林の実際 -その効果と取り扱い技術-(林業科学技術振興所), Mar. 2003, Not refereed
  • 里山の防災機能
    Single work, 72-73
    里山を考える101のヒント(日本林業技術協会編、東京書籍), Feb. 2000, Not refereed
  • 森は山崩れを防いだ
    Single work, 192-193
    森林の環境100不思議(日本林業技術協会), Feb. 1999, Not refereed
  • 森林の山崩れ防止機能、森林の土砂流出防止機能、森林の落石防止機能
    Single work, 102-113
    林業技術ハンドブック, Jul. 1998, Not refereed

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • せん断域の厚さが根系による崩壊防止機能に与える影響
    平成26年度砂防学会研究発表会, May 2014, 砂防学会, Not invited
  • 採掘跡地の緑化工施工地に発達する植物群落の実態
    第73回石灰石鉱業大会, May 2014, 石灰石工業協会, Invited
  • スギ根系が持つ崩壊防止力の評価方法について
    平成24年度砂防学会研究発表会, May 2012, 砂防学会, Not invited
  • 間伐がスギ根系の表層崩壊防止機能に与える影響の評価
    平成24年度砂防学会研究発表会, May 2012, 砂防学会, Not invited

Affiliated academic society

  • Apr. 1986 - Present
    Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology
  • Apr. 1983 - Present
    Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering
  • Apr. 1980 - Present
    Japanese Forest Society