Department of Business LawProject Professor

Research Keyword

  • Governing law
  • Jurisdiction
  • Electronic commerce
  • Private International Law
  • Copyright Law
  • International Trade Law

Field Of Study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Social law, Copyright Law
  • Humanities & social sciences, International law, International Trade Law
  • Humanities & social sciences, International law, International Law

Educational Background

  • 1986
    Nihon University, Graduate School, Division of Law, 国際私法
  • 1978
    Nihon University, Faculty of Laws, 法律

Member History

  • 1998 - Present
    理事, 国際商取引学会


  • ★EU Judicial Precedents regarding Jurisdiction of Disputes on the Internet
    Susumu Nakamura
    Nihon Hogaku, Sep. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
  • Developments of Consumer Protective Rules in the Brussels I Regulation
    Susumu Nakamura
    Nihon Hogaku (Jurnal of Law), Jan. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
  • Consumer Protective Rules regarding Electronic Consumer Contracts in the EU Private International Law
    中村 進
    Journal of Intellectual Property, Mar. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
  • The Attitude of Newspaper Reports and Diplomat Documents in Japan and the United States Towards 'Picture Bridge'
    中村 進
    International Cultural Expression Studies, Mar. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
  • 排日移民法成立の背景~写真結婚の影響を中心に~
    中村 進
    政経研究, Sep. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • インターネットの紛争に関するアメリカ合衆国の一国際私法理論
    中村 進
    日本法学, Feb. 2015, Refereed, Not invited
  • 胡光輝報告「中国法における不可抗力に関する一考察」のコメント
    中村 進
    国際商取引学会年報, Jul. 2014, Not refereed, Not invited
  • E-Commerece and Personal Jurisdiction in the USA - Trends in Case Law-
    中村 進
    Academy for International Business Transactions, Jul. 2006, Refereed, Not invited
  • オンライン上の紛争の国際裁判管轄に関するアメリカ合衆国における最近の一動向~Yahoo!事件の展開~
    中村 進
    日本法学, May 2005, Refereed, Not invited
  • アメリカにおけるオンライン上の紛争と裁判管轄に関する判例の流れ―Zippo判決を中心にして-
    中村 進
    政経研究, Sep. 2004, Refereed, Not invited
  • 電子商取引の法務と税務(共著)
    (株)ぎょうせい, 2002, Not refereed, Not invited
  • International legal disput and judical system
    University Research Center(Nihon University), 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
  • 知的財産条約集第1〜第5巻(共編)
    東京印刷, 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Collectied Treaties to Intelectual Properties
    Tokyo-printing office, 2000, Not refereed, Not invited
  • やさしい法学(共著)
    法学書院, 1997, Not refereed, Not invited
  • to Belonging of Copyright to the Nation
    Training institute for patent attorneies, 1994, Not refereed, Not invited
  • to Protection of a Mark as Copyrighted Work
    Training institute for patent attorneies, 1994, Not refereed, Not invited
  • to Protection of a Typeface as Copyrighted Work
    Training institute for patent attorneies, 1994, Not refereed, Not invited
  • to Protection of a Dictionary as Copyrighted Work
    Training institute for patent attorneies, 1994, Not refereed, Not invited
  • to Private International Law and Equality of the Sexes
    Nihon University, Journal of Law, 1993, Not refereed, Not invited
  • to the two Germany and Principle of National Law in Private International Law No. 1, No. 2
    Nihon University, Journal of Law, 1991, Not refereed, Not invited
  • Judicial aggairs and tax matlers on clectronic commerce
    Gyosei, Not refereed, Not invited


  • 電子商取引の国際ルール:OECDの場合
    Susumu Nakamura
    Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law, 15 Jun. 2020, Not refereed, Invited

Books and other publications

  • Encyclopedia of Terminology for International Business Transaction
    Contributor, 「OECD勧告」「OECDタックスヘイブン対策」「承諾」「申込」「リステイトメント」の項, 国際商取引学会[編]
    中央経済社, Apr. 2020, Not refereed
  • Fundamental Learning of Business Law
    Contributor, 16-1~16-4, 山川一陽、根田正樹編著
    弘文堂, Mar. 2012, Not refereed
  • やさしい法学[第三版]
    Contributor, 第Ⅰ編第6章・第7章、第Ⅱ編第4章、第5章第5節・第6節、第8章~第10章, 丹羽重博編著
    法学書院, Oct. 2007, Not refereed
  • E・コマース 電子商取引の法務と実務
    Joint work, 第2編第3章10,第6章, 根田正樹、矢内一好、青木武典、中村進、水野正、山口三恵子、小倉秀夫
    (株)ぎょうせい, Sep. 2002, Not refereed
  • 法学入門
    Joint work, 第6編, 山川一陽編著
    国際書院, May 1994

Affiliated academic society

  • 国際私法学会
  • 国際商取引学会
  • 著作権法学会
  • 比較法学会
  • 日本工業所有権法学会