Department of Mathematics | Professor |
Researcher Information
Research Keyword
Field Of Study
- Apr. 2013 - Present
College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University., Department of Mathematics, Professor - Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2018
日本大学, 平成30年度 短期B海外派遣研究員 - Apr. 2016 - Apr. 2016
The Chinese University of HongKong, Department of Mathematics, Academic Visitor - Jul. 2014 - Aug. 2014
The University of Melbourne, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Visitor (Academic) - Jul. 2014 - Aug. 2014
日本大学, 平成26年度 短期B海外派遣研究員 - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2013
College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University., Department of Mathematics, Associate Professor - Sep. 2011 - Mar. 2012
慶應義塾大学, 法学部, 非常勤講師 - Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2010
Nara University of Education, 教育学部 数学教育講座, Associate Professor - Oct. 2003 - Mar. 2009
奈良女子大学, 理学部, 非常勤講師 - Apr. 2006 - Sep. 2008
奈良女子大学大学院, 人間文化研究科, 非常勤講師 - Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2007
Osaka Sangyo Univrsity, College of General Education, Lecturer - 01 Apr. 2002 - 31 Mar. 2004
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Nara Women's University, Research Fellow (Post Doc) - Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2004
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Nara Women's University, Research Fellow (Post Doc) - Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2002
日本大学 文理学部, 非常勤講師 - Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2002
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, 研究生 - Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2002
麻布学園, 非常勤講師
Educational Background
- Apr. 1997 - Mar. 2000
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, Department of Mathematics - Apr. 1995 - Mar. 1997
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, Department of Mathematics - Apr. 1991 - Mar. 1995
Keio University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Mathematics - Apr. 1988 - Mar. 1991
千葉県立長生高等学校, 理数科
Research activity information
- ★Exceptional or half-integral chirally cosmetic surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Toshio Saito
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, Dec. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★On two-bridge ribbon knots
Sayo Horigome; Kazuhiro Ichihara
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Jul. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - ★Complete exceptional surgeries on two-bridge links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong; Hidetoshi Masai
Kodai Mathematical Journal, Jun. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★Two-tone colorings and surjective dihedral representations for links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Katsumi Ishikawa; Eri Matsudo; Masaaki Suzuki
Osaka Journal of Mathematics (accepted), Apr. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★The computational complexity of classical knot recognition
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Yuya Nishimura; Seiichi Tani
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Oct. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★Coloring links by the symmetric group of degree three
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Eri Matsudo
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, Jul. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★On constraints for knots to admit chirally cosmetic surgeries and their calculations
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Tetsuya Ito and Toshio Saito
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Mar. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★Knots in homology lens spaces determined by their complements.
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Toshio Saito
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Jul. 2022, Not invited
Lead - ★Two-bridge knots admit no purely cosmetic surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong; Thomas W Mattman and Toshio Saito
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Oct. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Constructing Goeritz matrix from Dehn coloring matrix
Masaki Horiuchi; Kazuhiro Ichihara; Eri Matsudo; Sota Yoshida
Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University, Feb. 2023, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - Chirally Cosmetic Surgeries and Casson Invariants
Kazuhiro ICHIHARA. Tetsuya ITO. Toshio SAITO.
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, Jun. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Integral left-orderable surgeries on genus one fibered knots.
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Yasuharu Nakae
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, May 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Forbidden detour number on virtual knot
Shun Yoshiike; Kazuhiro Ichihara
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Mar. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Corresponding - Most graphs are knotted
Kazuhiro Ichihara and Thomas W. Mattman
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Jan. 2021, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Minimal coloring numbers on minimal diagrams of torus links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Katsumi Ishikawa and Eri Matsudo
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Jul. 2020, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A note on Jones polynomial and cosmetic surgery
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Zhongtao Wu
Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Nov. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Decomposing Heegaard splittings along separating incompressible surfaces in 3-manifolds
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Makoto Ozawa; and J. Hyam Rubinstein
Topology and its Applications, Sep. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Vanishing nontrivial elements in a knot group by Dehn fillings
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Kimihiko Motegi; Masakazu Teragaito
Topology and its Applications, Sep. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Achiral 1-cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds not coming from amphicheiral null-homologous knot complements
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong; Kouki Taniyama
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Jan. 2019, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Cosmetic banding on knots and links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong and Hidetoshi Masai
Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Oct. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Efforts of school internship in mathematics teacher training at private university
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Noriaki Kusabiraki; Keiko Hirota; Minami Kamata
Teacher education and practical knowledge, May 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Non left-orderable surgeries on negatively twisted torus knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara and Yuki Temma
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences, Apr. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Minimal coloring number on minimal diagrams for Z-colorable links
Kazuhiro Ichihara and Eri Matsudo
Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University, Mar. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Cosmetic surgery and the SL(2,C) Casson invariant for two-bridge knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara, Toshio Saito
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, Mar. 2018, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A random link via bridge position is hyperbolic
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Jiming Ma
TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Oct. 2017, Refereed, Not invited - On the most expected number of components for random links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Ken-ichi Yoshida
Tohoku Math. J., Apr. 2017, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Minimal coloring number for Z-colorable links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Eri Matsudo
JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS, Apr. 2017, Refereed, Not invited - A lower bound on minimal number of colors for links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Eri Matsudo
Kobe Journal of Mathematics, Dec. 2016, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Verified Computations for Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
Neil Hoffman; Kazuhiro Ichihara; Masahide Kashiwagi; Hidetoshi Masai; Shin'ichi Oishi; Akitoshi Takayasu
EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS, 2016, Refereed, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Hidetoshi Masai
COMMUNICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY, 2016, Refereed, Not invited - On the most expected number of components for random links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Makoto Mori; and Ken-ichi Yoshida
RIMS Kôkyûroku, Aug. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Tsuyoshi Kobayashi; YO'Av Rieck
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Jul. 2015, Refereed, Not invited - Non-left-orderable surgeries and generalized Baumslag-Solitar relators
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Yuki Temma
JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS, Jan. 2015, Refereed, Not invited - Pairs of boundary slopes with small differences
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, Oct. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Toroidal Seifert fibered surgeries on alternating knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong
PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, Mar. 2014, Refereed, Not invited - On the maximal volume of three-dimensional hyperbolic complete orthoschemes
Kazuhiro Ichihara and Akira Ushijima
Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University, Mar. 2014, Refereed, Not invited
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Toshio Saito
BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Nov. 2013, Refereed, Not invited - Cosmetic Surgeries and Non-Orientable Surfaces
Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University, Mar. 2013, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Seifert Fibered Surgery and Rasmussen Invariant
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong
GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY DOWN UNDER, 2013, Refereed, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on components of 2-bridge links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK, Jul. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on (-2, p, p)-pretzel knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong; Yuichi Kabaya
TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Mar. 2012, Refereed, Not invited - On the maximal number and the diameter of exceptional surgery slope sets.
Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University, Mar. 2012, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Boundary slopes and the numbers of positive/negative crossings for Montesinos knots
Shigeru Mizushima
Kobe Journal of Mathematics, Dec. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Constructions of surface bundles with rank two fundamental groups
Mitsuhiko Takasawa
Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University, Mar. 2011, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Gromov hyperbolicity and a variation of the Gordian complex
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong
PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, Feb. 2011, Refereed, Not invited - Surgical distance between lens spaces
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Toshio Saito
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, 2011, Refereed, Not invited - Toroidal Seifert fibered surgeries on Montesinos knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong
COMMUNICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY, Jul. 2010, Refereed, Not invited - A research on criteria for recognizing students’understanding mathematics ― via observing lessons of seminar style ―
Yuta Shibano
Bulletin of Center for Educational Research and Development, Mar. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - A study on a construction of classes in university via Open Approach ―Class practices of“Elementary Mathematics”-
Atsushi Omuro
Bulletin of Center for Educational Research and Development, Mar. 2010, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Crosscap numbers of pretzel knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Shigeru Mizushima
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Kimihiko Motegi
QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Dec. 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Cyclic and finite surgeries on Montesinos knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong
ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY, 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Lower bounds on boundary slope diameters for montesinos knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Shigeru Mizushima
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 2009, Refereed, Not invited - Longitudinal Seifert fibered surgeries on hyperbolic knots
Kimihiko Motegi; Hyun-Jong Song
Bulletin of Nara University of Education, Natural Science, Oct. 2008, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Crossing number and diameter of boundary slope set of Montesinos knot
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Shigeru Mizushima
COMMUNICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY, Jul. 2008, Refereed, Not invited - Integral non-hyperbolike surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara
JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS, Mar. 2008, Refereed, Not invited - Assessment Practice of Program for Science and Mathematics Teacher Education
川崎 謙一郎; 伊藤 直治; 河上 哲; 市原 一裕; 石田 正樹; 藤井 智康; 和田 穣隆; 松山 豊樹
Bulletin of Center for Educational Research and Development, Mar. 2008, Refereed, Not invited - Strongly invertible knots, rational-fold branched coverings, and hyperbolic spatial graphs
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Akira Ushijima
REVISTA MATEMATICA COMPLUTENSE, 2008, Refereed, Not invited - All exceptional surgeries on alternating knots are integral surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara
ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY, 2008, Refereed, Not invited - Bounds on numerical boundary slopes for Montesinos knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Shigeru Mizushima
HIROSHIMA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, Jul. 2007, Refereed, Not invited - Hyperbolic sections in surface bundles
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Kimihiko Motegi
TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Apr. 2007, Refereed, Not invited - Alexander polynomials of doubly primitive knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Toshio Saito; Masakazu Teragaito
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 2007, Refereed, Not invited - Lens spaces obtainable by surgery on doubly primitive knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Toshio Saito
ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY, 2007, Refereed, Not invited - Area of a cellular complex in a hyperbolic 3-manifold
Journal of Osaka Sangyo University. Natural sciences, Jun. 2006, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Klein bottle surgery and genera of knots, II
K Ichihara; M Teragaito
TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Jan. 2005, Refereed, Not invited - Liftability for double coverings of immersions of non-orientable surfaces into 3-space
K Ichihara; S Satoh
HOUSTON JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2005, Refereed, Not invited - Braids and nielsen-thurston types of automorphisms of punctured surfaces
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Kimihiko Motegi
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, 2005, Refereed, Not invited - Heegaard gradient of Seifert fibered 3-manifolds
K Ichihara
BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Jul. 2004, Refereed, Not invited - Klein bottle surgery and genera of knots
K Ichihara; M Teragaito
PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Jun. 2003, Refereed, Not invited - The space of closed geodesics on a surface
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Mar. 2003, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Boundary curves of essential surfaces in acylindrical 3-manifolds
K Ichihara
MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Jan. 2003, Refereed, Not invited - Stably filling curves on a surface
Kimihiko Motegi
Kobe journal of mathematics, Dec. 2002, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - Boundary slopes of non-orientable Seifert surfaces for knots
K Ichihara; M Ohtouge; M Teragaito
TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Aug. 2002, Refereed, Not invited - Accidental surfaces and exceptional surgeries
K Ichihara; M Ozawa
OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Jun. 2002, Refereed, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries and genera of knots
K Ichihara
PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, Apr. 2001, Refereed, Not invited - Accidental surfaces in knot complements
K Ichihara; M Ozawa
JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS, Sep. 2000, Refereed, Not invited - Hyperbolic knot complements without closed embedded totally geodesic surfaces
K Ichihara; M Ozawa
JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-PURE MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS, Jun. 2000, Not refereed, Not invited - Hyperbolic knot complements without closed embedded totally geodesic surfaces
Makoto Ozawa
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series A), Jun. 2000, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - On framed link presentations of surface bundles
K Ichihara
- ★A note on the pure cactus group of degree three and the configuration space of four points on the circle
Takatoshi Hama; Kazuhiro Ichihara
Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University (to appear), Aug. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Last - ★Two-bridge links and stable maps into the plane
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Gakuto Kato
J. Knot Theory Ramifications (to appear), May 2024, Not refereed
Lead - ★Large alternating Montesinos knots do not admit purely cosmetic surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara; In Dae Jong
Topology Appl (to appear), Jan. 2024, Refereed, Not invited
Lead - ★Boundary slopes (nearly) bound exceptional slopes
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Thomas W. Mattman
Sep. 2023
Lead - ★不思議な幾何学トポロジー : 「やわらかい幾何学」の基本から,世紀の難問「ポアンカレ予想」まで
市原 一裕
Newton = ニュートン : graphic science magazine, Sep. 2022 - ★平成30年度 人文科学研究所総合研究 科学系博物館におけるトランス・サイエンス問題の展示等の調査—Report of 2018, Joint Researches under the Auspices of the Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nihon University : Research on Museum Exhibits in the Trans-science Field
小笠原 喜康; 北野 秋男; 佐藤 晴雄; 後藤 範章; 中里 勝芳; 市原 一裕; 尾崎 知伸
研究紀要 / 日本大学文理学部人文科学研究所 [編], Feb. 2020 - ★Department Letter, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, Nihon University
Sugaku Tushin, Nov. 2018, Not refereed, Invited
Lead - ★EXCEPTIONAL SURGERIES ON COMPONENTS OF TWO-BRIDGE LINKS (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)
Ichihara Kazuhiro
RIMS Kokyuroku, Sep. 2011 - ★Review of Placement Test from 2002 to 2006
Kazuhiro, ICHIHARA; Akio, INOUE; Katsuhiko, SATOH; Akiyoshi, SUZUKI; Noriko, HASEGAWA; Yoshihiko, MARUMOTO; Kazuno, MIZUGUCHI
大阪産業大学論集. 社会科学編, 28 Feb. 2007 - ★Bounds on boundary slopes for knots
Journal of Osaka Sangyo University. Natural sciences, Feb. 2006, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - Constructing Goeritz matrix from Dehn coloring matrix
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Masaki Horiuchi; Eri Matsudo; Sota Yoshida
研究集会「結び目の数理 V」報告集, Mar. 2023, Not refereed, Not invited
Lead - 編集後記
市原 一裕
日本数学教育会雑誌, 01 Mar. 2021 - 編集後記
市原 一裕
日本数学教育学会誌, 01 Mar. 2019 - 日本大学 平成30年度 短期B海外派遣研究員 研究報告書
Aug. 2018
Lead - 編集後記
市原 一裕
日本数学教育学会誌, 01 Mar. 2017 - 結び目理論—特集 目に見える幾何学
市原 一裕
数学セミナー, May 2016 - Thin position for incompressible surfaces in 3-manifolds
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Makoto Ozawa; J. Hyam Rubinstein
03 Nov. 2015, Not refereed, Not invited - 幾何学・トポロジーにおける多面体—特集 多面体を見つめ直す
市原 一裕
数学セミナー, Aug. 2015 - 私的Seoul ICM 2014滞在日記—特集 国際数学者会議2014
市原 一裕
数学セミナー, Jan. 2015 - 日本大学 平成26年度 短期B海外派遣研究員 研究報告書
Sep. 2014, Not refereed
Lead - 立体をどう捉えるか?—特集 ベクトル・行列が見せるもの
市原 一裕
数学セミナー, Jun. 2013 - 線形代数—特集 大学数学が一望できる数学ランドへようこそ(その1)
市原 一裕
数学セミナー, May 2011 - Rational-fold branched coverings and hyperbolic spatial graphs(Complex Analysis and Geometry of Hyperbolic Spaces)
Ichihara Kazuhiro; Motegi Kimihiko
RIMS Kokyuroku, Jul. 2004 - SUM OF THE EDGE LENGTHS OF A GEODESIC GRAPH (Perspectives of Hyperbolic Spaces)
Ichihara Kazuhiro
RIMS Kokyuroku, Jun. 2003 - SECTIONAL KNOTS IN SEIFERT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS (Hyperbolic Spaces and Discrete Groups II)
Ichihara Kazuhiro; Motegi Kimihiko
RIMS Kokyuroku, Jun. 2002 - Exceptional surgeries and genera of knots (Hyperbolic Spaces and Discrete Groups)
Ichihara Kazuhiro
RIMS Kokyuroku, Jul. 2001
Books and other publications
- ★曲がった世界の三角形の定理たち 〜非ユークリッド幾何学入門〜 (数学への招待シリーズ)
市原 一裕; 牛島 顕, Joint work
技術評論社, Jan. 2024
4297139456 - ★数学者の選ぶ「とっておきの数学」
数学セミナー編集部, Contributor, 第3部 私の選ぶ「好きな予想」,結び目補空間予想
日本評論社, Sep. 2023
9784535790025 - ★チャート式シリーズ 大学教養 線形代数の基礎
Supervisor, 市原一裕・加藤文元監修/数研出版編集部編著
数研出版, Apr. 2022, Not refereed
9784410154898 - ★数研講座シリーズ 大学教養 線形代数の基礎
市原, 一裕, Single work
数研出版, Dec. 2021
9784410154898 - ★チャート式シリーズ 大学教養 微分積分の基礎
Supervisor, 市原一裕・加藤文元監修/数研出版編集部編著
数研出版, Apr. 2021, Not refereed
9784410153594 - ★数研講座シリーズ 大学教養 微分積分の基礎
市原一裕, Single work, 市原一裕
数研出版, Dec. 2020
9784410153587 - ★精度保証付き数値計算の基礎
大石 進一; 荻田 武史; 柏木 雅英; 劉 雪峰; 尾崎 克久; 山中 脩也; 高安 亮紀; 関根 晃太; 木村 拓馬; 市原 一裕; 正井 秀俊; 森倉 悠介; Siegfried M. Rum, Joint work, 9.3 3次元多様体の双曲性判定, 大石 進一 (著; 編集); 荻田 武史 (著); 柏木 雅英 (著); 劉 雪峰 (著); 尾崎 克久 (著); 山中 脩也 (著); 高安 亮紀 (著); 関根 晃太 (著); 木村 拓馬 (著); 市原 一裕 (著); 正井 秀俊 (著); 森倉 悠介 (著); Siegfried M. Rump (著)
コロナ社, Jul. 2018, Not refereed
9784339028874 - ★論理・集合・写像・位相をきわめる 幾何学序論
市原 一裕; 鈴木 正彦; 茂手木 公彦, Joint work, 市原 一裕,鈴木 正彦,茂手木 公彦
日本評論社, Mar. 2018, Not refereed
9784535788596 - ★低次元の幾何からポアンカレ予想へ ~世紀の難問が解決されるまで~
市原一裕, Single work, 市原一裕
技術評論社, Jan. 2018, Not refereed
9784774194783 - ★知のスクランブル
永井 均; 古川 隆久; 佐藤 至子; 三澤 真美恵; マイルズ・チルトン; 初見 基; 久保田 裕之; 金子 絵里乃; 広田 照幸; 青山 清英; 菊島 勝也; 矢ケ﨑 典隆; 安井 真也; 市原 一裕; 尾崎 知伸; 十代 健; 間瀬 啓介; 大﨑 愛弓; 日本大学文理, Joint work, 第14講 数学は宇宙の謎を解くか, 永井 均 (著); 古川 隆久 (著); 佐藤 至子 (著); 三澤 真美恵 (著); マイルズ・チルトン (著); 初見 基 (著); 久保田 裕之 (著); 金子 絵里乃 (著); 広田 照幸 (著); 青山 清英 (著); 菊島 勝也 (著); 矢ケ﨑 典隆 (著); 安井 真也 (著); 市原 一裕 (著); 尾崎 知伸 (著); 十代 健 (著); 間瀬 啓介 (著); 大﨑 愛弓 (著); 日本大学文理学部 (編集)
筑摩書房, Feb. 2017, Not refereed
9784480069429 - ★ひらいてわかる線形代数
下川航也, Joint work, 下川航也
数学書房, Dec. 2010, Not refereed
9784903342467 - ★はじめて学ぶ線形代数
丸本 嘉彦; 張替 俊夫; 田村 誠; 市原 一裕, Joint work, 丸本 嘉彦; 張替 俊夫; 田村 誠; 市原 一裕;
共立出版, Dec. 2007, Not refereed
9784320018549 - 『数学ガイダンス2018』数学セミナー増刊
数学セミナー編集部, Contributor, 線形代数, 数学セミナー編集部 (編集)
日本評論社, Mar. 2018, Not refereed - 『数学ガイダンス2017』数学セミナー増刊
数学セミナー編集部, Contributor, 線形代数, 数学セミナー編集部 (編集)
日本評論社, Mar. 2017, Not refereed - 『数学ガイダンス2016』数学セミナー増刊
数学セミナー編集部, Contributor, 線形代数, 数学セミナー編集部 (編集)
日本評論社, Mar. 2016, Not refereed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Cosmetic surgeries on knots in the 3-sphere
Kazuhiro Ichihara
2024 Dalian International Conference on Mamthematics, Sep. 2024, Dalian University of Technology, Invited - On two-bridge ribbon knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Gifu Topology Seminar, Sep. 2024, Invited - On two-bridge ribbon knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
E-KOOK Seminar 2024, Aug. 2024, Not invited - Complete exceptional surgeries on two-bridge links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
横国大幾何トポロジーセミナー, May 2024, Invited - P vs NP problem and (virtual) Knot theory
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Sakura-Josui Seminar of Mathematical Sciences, Apr. 2024, Not invited - Boundary slopes (nearly) bound exceptional slopes
Kazuhiro Ichihara
The 19th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Feb. 2024, Invited - Cosmetic surgeries on knots in the 3-sphere
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Knots with special properties: a conference to celebrate Mario Eudave-Muñoz's 60th birthday, Dec. 2023, Invited - Boundary slopes (nearly) bound exceptional slopes
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Tohoku Knot Seminar, Oct. 2023, Not invited - Surjective dihedral representations and two-tone colorings for links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
E-KOOK Seminar 2023, Aug. 2023, Not invited - Chirally cosmetic exceptional surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Breadth in low-dimensional topology, Mar. 2023, Invited - Two-tone colorings and Surjective dihedral representations for links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
MSJ Spring Meeting 2023, Mar. 2023, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Two-tone colorings and Surjective dihedral representations for links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
The 18th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Feb. 2023, Not invited - Chirally cosmetic surgeries on knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Geometry in Low dimensions 2022, Dec. 2022, Not invited - Constructing Goeritz matrix from Dehn coloring matrix
Kazuhiro Ichihara
研究集会「結び目の数理 V」, Dec. 2022, Not invited - Two-tone colorings and surjective dihedral representations for links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
E-KOOK Seminar 2022, Aug. 2022, Not invited - Cosmetic surgeries on knots in the 3-sphere
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Tuesday Seminar on Topology, Jun. 2022, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Invited - Computations of invariants for knots not to have purely cosmetic surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara
N-KOOK seminar, Apr. 2022, Invited - 双曲デーン手術定理とその精密化
微分トポロジー '22, Mar. 2022, Invited - Coloring links by symmetric group of order 3
Kazuhiro Ichihara
The 17th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Jan. 2022, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Not invited - Remarks on chirally cosmetic surgeries on knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Tohoku Knot Seminar 2021, Oct. 2021, Not invited - Knots in homology lens spaces determined by their complements
Kazuhiro Ichihara
E-KOOK seminar, Aug. 2021, Not invited - A note on knots in lens spaces determined by their complements
Kazuhiro Ichihara
The 16th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Jan. 2021, Not invited - On cosmetic surgery on knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
The 67th Topology Symposium - Online, MSJ, Oct. 2020, The Mathematical Society of Japan, Topology Section, Invited - A note on knots in lens spaces determined by their complements
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Extended KOOK-seminar 2020, Sep. 2020, Not invited - Two-bridge knots admit no purely cosmetic surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara
The 15th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Feb. 2020, Not invited - デーン充填によるカスプ付き双曲多様体の基本群の元の自明化について
対称性と幾何セミナー, Jan. 2020, Invited - Minimal coloring numbers on minimal diagrams of torus links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
International Workshop ''Knots in Tsushima 2019'', Sep. 2019, Not invited - Complete exceptional surgeries on two-bridge links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Extended KOOK Seminar 2019, Aug. 2019, Not invited - Decomposing Heegaard splittings along separating incompressible surfaces in 3-manifolds
Kazuhiro Ichihara
MSJ Spring Meeting 2019, Mar. 2019, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Cosmetic bandings on knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Geometric Topology of low dimensions, Mar. 2019, Not invited - Most graphs are knotted
Kazuhiro Ichihara
研究集会『結び目の数理』, Dec. 2018, Not invited - A lower bound on the number of diagonals for polyhedra
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Workshop "Topology and Computer 2018", Oct. 2018, Not invited - 3次元多様体の双曲性判定
「精度保証付き数値計算の基礎」チュートリアル, Sep. 2018, Invited - Cosmetic surgeries on knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Tetsuya Ito; In Dae Jong; Toshio Saito; Zhongtao Wu
International Congress of Mathematicians 2018, Aug. 2018, Not invited - Minimal coloring numbers of Z-colorable links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, May 2018, Not invited - Chirally cosmetic surgeries and Casson invariants
Kazuhiro Ichihara
MSJ Spring Meeting 2018, Mar. 2018, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on knots and links
Kazuhiro Ichihara
OIST Mini Symposium "Computational Problems in Low-dimensional Topology", Mar. 2018, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Invited - Vanishing elements in a hyperbolic knot group by Dehn fillings
Kazuhiro Ichihara
研究集会「錐多様体と基本領域」, Jan. 2018, Not invited - Thin position for incompressible surfaces in 3-manifolds
The 2nd Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications, Nov. 2017, Invited - SL(2,ℂ) Casson invariant and chirally cosmetic surgery
市原一裕(伊藤哲也氏(大阪大学), 斎藤敏夫氏(上越教育大学)との共同研究)
東北結び目セミナー2017, Sep. 2017, Not invited - Chirally cosmetic surgeries and Casson invariants
Kazuhiro Ichihara
研究集会「拡大KOOKセミナー2017」, Aug. 2017, Not invited - Non-leftordarable surgeries on twisted torus knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Differential Topology 17, Mar. 2017, Invited - Generalizations of the Casson invariant and their applications to the cos- metic surgery conjecture
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Invariants of 3-manifolds related to the Casson invariant, Jan. 2017, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Invited - The SL(2,C) Casson invariant and cosmetic surgeries
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Toshio Saito
Fundamental Groups, Representations and Geometric Structures in 3-Manifold Topology, Nov. 2016, Invited - Hyperbolic small knots in lens spaces
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Tohoku Knot Seminar, Oct. 2016, Not invited - Minimal coloring number for Z-colorable links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Eri Matsudo
International Conference ''KOOK-TAPU Workshop of Knots in Tsushima Island'' (Knots in Tsushima), Sep. 2016, Not invited - Jones polynomial and cosmetic surgery
Kazuhiro Ichihara
研究集会「拡大KOOKセミナー2016」, Aug. 2016, Not invited - On Cosmetic Surgeries on Knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara
Seminar, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Apr. 2016, Seminar, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Invited - On cosmetic surgery conjecture on knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara (Nihon Univ.); Toshio Saito (Joetsu Univ. of Edu.); In Dae Jong (Kinki Univ.)
MSJ Spring Meeting 2016, Mar. 2016, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Hyperbolicity and the number of components for random link
Kazuhiro Ichihara (Nihon Univ.) Jiming Ma (Fudan Univ.) Ken-ichi Yoshida (Nihon Univ.)
MSJ Spring Meeting 2016, Mar. 2016, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Thin position for incompressible surfaces in 3-manifolds
Kazuhiro Ichihara (Joint work with Makoto Ozawa (Komazawa University) and J. Hyam Rubinstein (University of Melbourne))
The 11th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Jan. 2016, Not invited - A random link via bridge position is hyperbolic
Kazuhiro Ichihara and Jiming Ma
The 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications, Nov. 2015, Invited - Cosmetic surgery on knots
Kazuhiro Ichiharao; In Dae Jong; Toshio Saito
Tohoku Knot Seminar, Oct. 2015, Not invited - Cosmetic surgery and SL(2,C) Casson invariant for two-brigde knots
Extended KOOK Seminar, Aug. 2015, Not invited - On the most expected number of components for random links
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Ken-ichi Yoshida
Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute, Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Jul. 2015, Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute, Invited - On partitions of components for closed random braids
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Makoto Mori; Ken-ichi Yoshida
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, May 2015, Not invited - A lower bound on minimum numbers of colors for links
東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー, May 2015, Not invited - ねじれトーラス結び目に沿った左順序付不可能手術
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Yuki Temma
MSJ Spring Meeting 2015 at Meiji University, Mar. 2015, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Non left-orderable surgeries and generalized Baumslag-Solitar relators
Kazuhiro Ichihara
The Tenth East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Jan. 2015, Not invited - Non left-orderable surgeries and generalized Baumslag-Solitar relators
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Yuki Temma
Tohoku Knot Seminar 2014, Oct. 2014, Not invited - Verified computations for hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Kazuhiro Ichihara (Joint work with Neil Hoffman (University of Melbourne); Masahide Kashiwagi (Waseda); Hidetoshi Masai (University of Tokyo); Shin'ichi Oishi (Waseda); and Akitoshi Takayasu (Waseda))
Knots and Low Dimensional Manifolds: a Satellite Conference of Seoul ICM 2014, Aug. 2014, Not invited - Complete classifications of exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots and alternating knots
International Congress of Mathematicians 2014, Aug. 2014, International Mathematical Union, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Hidetoshi Masai
University of Melbourne, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Algebra/Geometry/Topology Seminar, Aug. 2014, University of Melbourne, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Hidetoshi Masai
The International Workshop on Numerical Verification and its Applications 2014, Mar. 2014, The Japan Science and Technology Agency, Invited - Strong cylindricality and the monodromy of bundles
Kazuhiro Ichihara; Tsuyoshi Kobayashi (Nara Women's Univertsity); Yo'av Rieck (University of Arkansas)
MSJ Spring Meeting 2014 at Gakushuin University, Mar. 2014, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
Kazuhiro Ichihara and Hidetoshi Masai
Topology and Computer 2013, Dec. 2013, Not invited - Pairs of boundary slopes with small differences
Kazuhiro Ichihara
東北結び目セミナー2013, Oct. 2013, Not invited - 任意に高いヘンペル距離の橋分解をもつ結び目
日本数学会 2013年度秋季総合分科会, Sep. 2013, 日本数学会, Not invited - Knots with arbitrarily high distance bridge decompositions
東工大トポロジーセミナー, Jul. 2013, Not invited - Knots with arbitrary high distance bridge decompositions
Kazuhiro Ichihara and Toshio Saito (Joetsu University of Education)
Branched Coverings, Degenerations, and Related Topics 2013, Mar. 2013, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
Hidetoshi Masai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
The 9th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Jan. 2013, Not invited - Knots with arbitrary high distance bridge decompositions
斎藤 敏夫氏(上越教育大学)
大阪大学低次元トポロジーセミナー, Oct. 2012, Not invited - Knots with arbitrary high distance bridge decompositions
斎藤 敏夫氏(上越教育大学)
東北結び目セミナー, Oct. 2012, Not invited - ゴルディアン複体の双曲性について
鄭 仁大氏(大阪府立大学)
日本数学会 2012年度年会, Mar. 2012, 日本数学会, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
In Dae Jong (Osaka Prefecture University); Yuichi Kabaya (Osaka University); Hidetoshi Masai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Low dimensional topology and number theory IV, Mar. 2012, (Joint work with In Dae Jong) 3.12-15 Lecture Room, Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University., Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on components of two-bridge links
The 8th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Jan. 2012, Not invited - Shortest slopes and exceptional surgery slope sets for hyperbolic knots
結び目の数学 IV, Dec. 2011, Not invited - 例外的デーン手術のコンピュータ援用研究
トポロジーとコンピュータ 2011, Nov. 2011, Not invited - Cosmetic surgeries and non-orientable surfaces
東北結び目セミナー, Oct. 2011, Not invited - Degeneracy slope and boundary slope for knots
Knotting Nagoya, Jul. 2011, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on components of two-bridge links
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, May 2011, Not invited - Acylindrical surfaces in 3-manifolds of genus two
Makoto Ozawa (Komazawa University) and Hyam Rubinstein (University of Melbourne)
Riemann Surfaces and Discontinuous Groups, Jan. 2011, Not invited - Acylindrical surfaces in 3-manifolds of genus two
Makoto Ozawa; Hyam Rubinstein
Tohoku knot Seminar, Oct. 2010, Not invited - On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
In Dae Jong; Shigeru Mizushima
International Conference Japan-Mexico on Topology and its Applications, Sep. 2010, Not invited - On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
In Dae JONG Shigeru Mizushima
The University of Melbourne Algebra/Geometry/Topology Seminar, Aug. 2010, Not invited - On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
In Dae JONG Shigeru Mizushima
東大トポロジー火曜セミナー, Jun. 2010, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
In Dae JONG Shigeru Mizushima
東京工業大学村上研グループセミナー, May 2010, Not invited - On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
In Dae JONG Shigeru Mizushima
日大トポロジーセミナー, May 2010, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
研究会「結び目と3次元多様体」, Mar. 2010, Not invited - On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots
In Dae Jong (OCAMI); Shigeru Mizushima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology, Nov. 2009, Not invited - Boundary slopes and degeneracy slopes for knots
東北結び目セミナー, Oct. 2009, Not invited - Cyclic and finite surgeries on Montesinos knots
In Dae Jong (Osaka city University)
Mathematical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting 2009, Sep. 2009, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - JSJ decompositions of toroidal 3-manifolds obtained by Dehn surgeries on pretzel knots
In Dae Jong (Osaka City University); Yuichi Kabaya (OCAMI)
Topology and Computer 2009, Aug. 2009, Not invited - Bounds on exceptional surgery slopes
Kimihiko Motegi (Nihon University); Hyun-Jong Song (Pukyong National University) (partially)
The first KOOK-TAPU Joint Seminar on Knot Theory and Related Topics, Aug. 2009, Not invited - Cyclic and finite surgeries on Montesinos knots
鄭仁大氏; 水嶋滋
近畿大学数学教室講演会, Jul. 2009, Not invited - Seifert fibered surgeries on Montesinos knots
InDae Jong Shigeru Mizushima
大阪市立大学数学研究所 (OCAMI) Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Oct. 2008, Not invited - Surgical distance between lens spaces
Toshio Saito (Nara Women's University)
Mathematical Society of Japan Autumn Meeting 2008, Sep. 2008, Mathematical Society of Japan, Not invited - Degeneracy slopes, boundary slopes and exceptional surgery slopes
東京工業大学トポロジーセミナー, Jun. 2008, Not invited - Surgical complex of 3-manifolds
名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科幾何学セミナー, Apr. 2008, Not invited - 例外的デーン手術の最大個数について
日本数学会 2008年度年会, Mar. 2008, Not invited - Surgical distance between lens spaces
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーX」, Dec. 2007, Not invited - On the maximal number of exceptional surgeries
Knotting Mathematics and Art: Conference in Low Dimensional Topology and Mathematical Art, Nov. 2007, Not invited - Boundary slopes and the numbers of positive/negative crossings for Montesinos knots
Shigeru Mizushima
Tohoku knot Seminar 2007, Oct. 2007, Not invited - On the maximal number of exceptional surgeries
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology and Extended KOOK Seminar, Aug. 2007, Not invited - Waist size and exceptional fillings for cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds
新KOOKセミナー, Apr. 2007, Not invited - Crossing numbers and lower bounds on the boundary slope sets for Montesinos knots
Shigeru Mizushima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Tohoku Knot Seminar -2006 in Late Autumn-, Nov. 2006, Not invited - Bounds on boundary slopes for Montesinos knots
Shigeru Mizushima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
International Congress of Mathematicians 2006, Aug. 2006, Not invited - Crosscap numbers of pretzel knots
Shigeru Mizushima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Workshop on Crosscap Number, Aug. 2006, Not invited - 結び目の境界スロープ集合の直径について
日本数学会 2006年度年会, Mar. 2006, 日本数学会, Not invited - Crosscap numbers of pretzel knots
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーVIII」, Dec. 2005, Not invited - Euclidean length on a horotorus and the Culler-Shalen norm of slopes
早稲田大学理工学部トポロジーセミナー, Dec. 2005, Not invited - Euclidean length on a horotorus and the Culler-Shalen norm of slopes
研究集会「Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology」, Nov. 2005, Not invited - Bounds on the diameters of boundary slope sets
水嶋滋氏(東京工業大学 )
東北結び目セミナー - in Zao -, Oct. 2005, Not invited - Diameter of the set of boundary slopes for Montesinos knots
研究集会「結び目と多様体の幾何と代数 III」, Aug. 2005, Not invited - Alexander polynomials of doubly primitive knots
Toshio Saito (Osaka university); Masakazu Teragaito (Hiroshima University)
The Second East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics in Geometric Topology, Aug. 2005, Not invited - Alexander polynomials of doubly primitive knots
Toshio Saito (Osaka University); Masakazu Teragaito (Hiroshima University)
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Jun. 2005, Not invited - Bounds on numerical boundary slopes for Montesinos knots
東北結び目セミナー in 秋田, Feb. 2005, Not invited - Integral non-hyperbolike surgeries
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーVII」, Dec. 2004, Not invited - Hyperbolicity of sections in surface bundles
Kimihiko Motegi (Nihon University)
3rd Japan-Mexico Joint Meeting on Topology and its Applications, Dec. 2004, Not invited - Culler-Shalen norm and length of slopes
新KOOKセミナー, Oct. 2004, Not invited - Distances between boundary slopes of immersed essential surfaces
First KOOK Seminar International for Knot Theory and Related Topics, Jul. 2004, Not invited - 3次元多様体の幾何化について(サーベイ)
早稲田大学教育学部トポロジーセミナー, Jun. 2004, Not invited - Differences between boundary slopes for knots
新KOOKセミナー, May 2004, Not invited - Pseudo-Anosov braids on the 2-sphere
Eiko Kin; Kimihiko Motegi
Workshop of Fledglings on Low-dimensional Topology, Jan. 2004, 21世紀COEプログラム「結び目を焦点とする広角度の数学拠点の形成」, Not invited - Distances between boundary slopes
研究集会「東北結び目セミナー」, Jan. 2004, Not invited - Braids and Nielsen-Thurston types of automorphisms of punctured surfaces
Kimihiko Motegi
Perspectives of Hyperbolic Spaces II, Dec. 2003, Not invited - Nielsen-Thurston types of surface-automorphisms after puncturing surfaces
Kimihiko Motegi
「リーマン面・不連続群論」研究集会, Nov. 2003, Not invited - はめ込まれた曲面の二重化の持ち上げ可能性
Shin Satoh
日本数学会 2003年度秋季総合分科会, Sep. 2003, 日本数学会, Not invited - Braids and Nielsen-Thurston types of automorphisms of punctured surfaces
Kimihiko Motegi
研究集会「結び目と多様体の幾何と代数 II」, Sep. 2003, Not invited - Nielsen-Thurston types of surface-automorphisms after puncturing surfaces
Kimihiko Motegi
A SPACES OF KLEINAN GROUPS AND HYPERBOLIC 3-MANIFOLDS seminar, Jul. 2003, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 20 Clarkson Road, Cambridge, CB3 0EH, U.K., Not invited - Nielsen-Thurston types of surface-automorphisms after puncturing surfaces
Kimihiko Motegi
九州大学トポロジー金曜セミナー, May 2003, Not invited - Stably filling curves on a surface
日本数学会2003年度年会, Mar. 2003, 日本数学会, Not invited - はめ込まれた曲面の二重化の持ち上げ可能性
佐藤 進氏(千葉大学)
研究集会「4次元のトポロジー」, Jan. 2003, Not invited - Tunnel number one, fibered knots of genus two knots
研究集会「東北結び目セミナー」, Jan. 2003, Not invited - Heegaard gradient of Seifert fibered 3-manifold
Japan-Korea School of 3-manifolds, Dec. 2002, Not invited - Area of a cellular complex in a hyperbolic manifold
Perspectives of Hyperbolic Spaces, Dec. 2002, Not invited - On Lackenby's paper: The asymptotic behaviour of Heegaard genus
Japan-Korea School of 3-manifolds, Seminar, Dec. 2002, Not invited - On Lackenby's paper: Heegaard splittings, the virtually Haken conjecture and property (tau)
Japan-Korea School of 3-manifolds, Dec. 2002, Not invited - On Agol's paper: Small 3-manifolds of large genus
Japan-Korea School of 3-manifolds, Nov. 2002, Not invited - 二元生成基本群を持つ曲面束の構成
研究集会「トポロジーとコンピュータ」, Nov. 2002, Not invited - 3次元多様体のデーン手術と本質的曲面について
2002年度 日本数学会賞建部賢弘賞記念講演会, Oct. 2002, Not invited - On the sum of external angles of a convex polyhedron
Workshop of Intuitive Geometry, Oct. 2002, Not invited - Heegaard gradient of Seifert fibered 3-manifold
研究集会「結び目と多様体の幾何と代数」, Oct. 2002, Not invited - Heegaard gradient of Seifert fibered 3-manifold
Advanced Course on Geometric 3-Manifolds, A Euro Summer School, Sep. 2002, Not invited - Heegaard gradient of Seifert fibered 3-manifold
Workshop on kleinian groups, Sep. 2002, Not invited - Sectional knots in Seifert fibered 3-manifolds
新KOOKセミナー, May 2002, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries and genera of knots
奈良女子大学トポロジーセミナー, May 2002, Not invited - The space of closed geodesics on a surface
研究集会「Winter Workshop of Topology in Sendai 2002」, Jan. 2002, Not invited - Klein bottlal surgery and genera of knots
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーIV」, Dec. 2001, Not invited - Drilling surfaces and surface-automorphisms
Hyperbolic Spaces and Discrete Groups II, Dec. 2001, Not invited - 3次元多様体の作り方と分類について
津田塾大学トポロジーセミナー, Jul. 2001, Not invited - 例外的デーン手術と結び目の種数
例外的デーン手術と結び目の種数, Mar. 2001, 日本数学会, Not invited - 数論的クライン群について
研究集会「数論的クライン群と低次元トポロジー」, Feb. 2001, Not invited - Boundary slopes of non-orientable Seifert surfaces for knots
寺垣内政一氏(広島大学教育学部); 大峠昌裕氏(松江農林高校)
研究集会「Art of Low Dimensional Topology VII」, Feb. 2001, Not invited - Exceptional surgeries and genera of knots
研究集会「双曲空間及び離散群の研究」, Dec. 2000, Not invited - Hyperbolic structures and Dehn surgeries on the figure-eight knot complement
研究集会「Kashaev 予想とその周辺」, Nov. 2000, Not invited - Accidental surfaces and exceptional surgeries
研究集会「結び目の不変量と幾何構造」, Oct. 2000, Not invited - 双曲幾何学の基礎 (サーベイ)
第35回 函数論サマーセミナー, Jul. 2000, Not invited - 2π-theorem とその周辺
セミナー「Geometric topology of dimension 3」, Jun. 2000, Not invited - Strongly essential surfaces and Dehn surgery
平成12年度 数理解析研究所短期共同研究 「Dehn surgeryによる3次元多様体の研究」, May 2000, Not invited - Cyclic surgeries and genera of knots
平成12年度 数理解析研究所短期共同研究 「Dehn surgeryによる3次元多様体の研究」, May 2000, Not invited - Accidental surfaces in knot complements
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーII」, Dec. 1999, Not invited - Accidental surfaces in knot complements
研究集会「結び目と低次元トポロジー」, Oct. 1999, Not invited - Accidental surfaces in knot complements
セミナー「Geometric topology of dimension 3」, Aug. 1999, Not invited - Boundary curves of immersed essential surfaces in 3-manifolds
セミナー「arithmetic groupと3次元多様体」, Aug. 1999, Not invited - Hyperbolic knot complements without closed embedded totally geodesic surfaces
東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー, Jul. 1999, Not invited - Accidental surfaces in knot complements
東工大トポロジーセミナー, May 1999, Not invited - Immersed essential surfaces in 3-manifolds with boundary
研究集会「結び目の数理」, Oct. 1998, Not invited - Immersed essential surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds with totally geodesic boundary
広島大学トポロジーセミナー, Oct. 1998, Not invited - Immersed essential surfaces in 3-manifolds with boundary
神戸大学臨時トポロジーセミナー, Jul. 1998, Not invited - Essential immersed surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
慶應幾何・トポロジーセミナー, Apr. 1998, Not invited - 曲面束の枠付き絡み目表示について
研究集会「結び目と低次元多様体」, Oct. 1997, Not invited - 曲面束の framed link 表示
東工大トポロジーセミナー, Nov. 1996, Not invited
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Cosmetic surgeries on knots in rational homology spheres
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026
Kazuhiro Ichihara - 高等学校数学科の「授業研究コミュニティ」の成長を促す理論とシステムの構築
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026
成田 慎之介; 長尾 篤志; 西村 圭一; 熊倉 啓之; 太田 伸也; 吉田 明史; 佐々 祐之; 岩田 耕司; 阿原 一志; 市原 一裕; 伏屋 広隆; 花園 隼人; 袴田 綾斗; 小林 廉 - 高等学校数学科における「授業研究コミュニティ」の形成に関する研究
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022
Nagao Atsushi - On the complement conjecture for knots in lens spaces
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2022
Kazuhiro Ichihara - Cosmetic surgery conjecture on alternating knots
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017
Kazuhiro Ichihara - Toward the complete classification of exceptional surgeries on alternating knots
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2011 - 2013
ICHIHARA Kazuhiro - プレッツェル結び目に沿った有限型デーン手術の決定
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2008 - 2010
ICHIHARA Kazuhiro - わかる数学の授業を構築するための基礎研究〜小中高接続の重点化を通して〜
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2008 - 2009
YOSHIDA Akeshi; IITAKA Shigeru; ICHIHARA Kazuhiro; ICHIRAKU Sigeo; IMAOKA Mitsunori; OKABE Tsuneharu; KATSUMI Yoshio; KUNIMUNE Susumu; KUMAKURA Hiroyuki; SASAKI Tetsurou; SHIGEMATSU Keiichi; NAGAO Atsushi; NAGASAKI Eizo; NAGATA Junichiro; YAMAGUTI Takeshi; WATANABE Kimio - 交代結び目に沿った例外的デーン手術の最大個数決定
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2006 - 2007
市原 一裕 - 交代結び目に沿った例外的デーン手術の最大個数決定
2006 - 2007 - Research on various geometric structures on 3-manifolds
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2003 - 2004
KOBAYASHI Tsuyoshi; YAMASHITA Yasushi; KATAGIRI Minnyou; ICHIHARA Kazuhiro - 3次元多様体の本質的曲面の研究
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 2002 - 2003
市原 一裕
Social Contribution Activities
- Aiming to become a teacher
Seibudai Chiba Junior & Senior High School, 「教員養成プロジェクト」講演会, 西武台千葉高校, 30 Apr. 2024 - Is Amidakuji really fair?
Tokyo metropolitan hakuo Senior high school - Junior high school, 数学講演会, 東京都立白鷗高等学校・附属中学校, 06 Mar. 2024 - 多項式と指数の間で ~P vs NP~
都立松原高等学校, 高大連携教育 大学授業体験, 日本大学文理学部3号館3510教室, 22 Nov. 2023 - 22 Nov. 2023 - 福島県立福島高等学校 スーパーサイエンス部数学班 指導助言
福島県立福島高等学校, スーパーサイエンス部数学班, 福島県立福島高等学校, 06 Sep. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2022 - P vs NP 問題 ~問題の難しさは比べられるか?
日本大学文理学部, 日本大学文理学部公開講座, 2019年度 後期 統一テーマ 「数学における難問は解決したか」第8回, 日本大学文理学部, 07 Dec. 2019 - 平成29年度 世田谷区立中学校教育研究会 数学部後期研修会講師(1ブロック)
世田谷区立中学校教育研究会 数学部会, H29年度 世田谷区立中学校教育研究会 数学部後期研修会, 世田谷区立上祖師谷中学校,2017年11月1日, 13:40〜16:00., 01 Nov. 2017 - 01 Nov. 2017 - あみだくじと確率 〜あみだくじは本当に公平?〜
佐野日本大学高校, 佐野日大高校 SSH 特別授業, 佐野日本大学高校, 06 Jun. 2017 - だまし絵と宇宙の形
日本大学文理学部, • 日本大学文理学部公開講座, 平成29年度 前期 統一テーマ 「身近な現象を科学する」第3回, 27 May 2017 - 平成28年度 世田谷区立中学校教育研究会 数学部会後期研修会講師
02 Nov. 2016 - 02 Nov. 2016 - 平成27年度 関東地区聾教育研究会 算数・数学科教育研究協議会 特別講師
東京都立中央ろう学校, 05 Feb. 2016 - 05 Feb. 2016 - あみだくじと確率 〜あみだくじは本当に公平?〜
厚木東高校, 10 Nov. 2015 - 平成27年度 世田谷区立中学校教育研究会 数学部会後期研修会講師
世田谷区立中学校教育研究会 数学部会, 平成27年度 世田谷区立中学校教育研究会 数学部会後期研修会講師, 世田谷区立松沢中学校ミーティングルーム., 04 Nov. 2015 - 04 Nov. 2015 - 「あみだくじは本当に公平?」
日本大学第二中学校, 日本大学第二中学校 校外学習, 日本大学文理学部, 27 Jun. 2015 - 「折り紙と作図」
佐野日大高校, 佐野日大高校 SSH 特別授業, 12 May 2015 - 佐野日本大学高校スーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)研究者講演会講師
佐野日本大学高等学校, 佐野日本大学高校スーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)研究者講演会, 佐野日本大学高等学校, 13 Jun. 2014 - 13 Jun. 2014 - 「宇宙の形とポアンカレ予想」
日本大学文理学部数学科, 2011年度 日本大学文理学部数学科サマースクール, 日本大学文理学部国際会議場, 06 Aug. 2011 - 「素数と未解決問題」
佐野日大高校, 佐野日大高校 SSH 特別授業, 佐野日本大学高校, 09 Jul. 2010 - 青少年のための科学の祭典 2009 奈良大会 実行委員
青少年のための科学の祭典 2009 奈良大会実行委員会, 青少年のための科学の祭典 2009 奈良大会, 奈良高専, 07 Nov. 2009 - 08 Nov. 2009 - 「新しい理科や算数の学びを体験しよう」「数学の大切さ・すばらしさを感じよう」
奈良教育大学, 平成21年度 奈良教育大学教員免許状更新講習, 奈良教育大学, 08 Nov. 2009 - 青少年のための科学の祭典 2008 奈良大会 実行委員
青少年のための科学の祭典 2008 奈良大会実行委員会, 青少年のための科学の祭典 2008 奈良大会, 奈良教育大学, 04 Oct. 2008 - 05 Oct. 2008 - 「ものの形・地球の形・宇宙の形」
大阪産業大学, 大阪産業大学 平成18年度前期 市民講座, 土曜教養講座 第5回, 大阪産業大学, 10 Jun. 2006
Academic Contribution Activities
- Sakura-Math Seminar
Planning etc
井手勇介、大野晋司、伊城慎之介、松土恵理、市原一裕, 日本大学文理学部, Jun. 2022 - Present - Topology and Computer 2024
Planning etc
Kazuhiro Ichihara (NIhon University), Yuta Nozaki (Yokohama National University), 横浜国立大学(常盤台キャンパス)環境情報1号棟(キャンパスマップ S7-5)305室, 17 Sep. 2024 - 19 Sep. 2024 - Topology and Computer 2023
Planning etc
慶應義塾大学 日吉キャンパス 来往舎シンポジウムスペース, 20 Oct. 2023 - 22 Oct. 2023 - Breadth in low-dimensional topology
Planning etc
西晴子(城西大学),佐藤好久(九州工業大学),宮澤康行(山口大学),寺垣内政一(広島大学),合田洋(東京農工大学),市原一裕(日本大学), 日本大学文理学部 図書館3F コンピュータセンター オーバル・ホール, 19 Mar. 2023 - 21 Mar. 2023 - 研究集会「結び目の数理 V
Planning etc
市原 一裕,松土恵理,茂手木公彦 (日本大学文理学部), 日本大学文理学部 百周年記念館 国際会議場, 21 Dec. 2022 - 23 Dec. 2022 - Topology and Computer 2022
Planning etc
市原一裕(日本大学文理学部),鈴木正明(明治大学),古宇田悠哉(広島大学),小鳥居祐香(広島大学),野崎雄太(広島大学), 21 Oct. 2022 - 23 Oct. 2022 - 関西低次元トポロジー若手セミナー
Planning etc
Mar. 2002 - Apr. 2006