General EducationsAssociate Professor

Research Keyword

  • Integrable Systems

Field Of Study

  • Natural sciences, Geometry, Differential Geometry
  • Natural sciences, Geometry, Geometry

Educational Background

  • 1994
    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, 数学
  • 1987
    The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, 数学


  • Geodesics of Hofer's metric on the space of Lagrangian submanifolds
    Hiroshi Iriyeh; Takashi Otofuji
    manuscripta mathematica, 2007, Refereed, Not invited
  • Quantum cohomology of infinite dimensional flag manifolds
    Contemporary Mathematics, 2002, Refereed, Not invited
  • Quantum cohomology and the Periodic Toda Lattice
    MA Guest; T Otofuji
    Communication in Mathematical Physics, 2001, Not refereed, Not invited
  • A metric deformation and the first eigenvalue of Laplacian on 1-forms," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
    Takashi Otofuji
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1993, Refereed, Not invited


  • Martin A. Guest氏の業績
    数学, 21 Apr. 2022, Refereed, Invited

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ★Positive energy representations of affine algebras and ,Stokes matrices of the tt*-Toda equations
    Takashi Otofuji
    RIMS Symposium: The 4th International Workshop:,Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems, Feb. 2022, Yoshihiro Ohnita, Invited
  • From the KP hierarchy to Frobenius manifolds
    Takashi Otofuji
    Koriyama Geometry and Physics Days March 30-31, 2024 "Stokes phenomena in geometry & physics", Mar. 2024, Not invited
  • tt*-戸田方程式のストークス行列とアフィンリー代数の,正エネルギー表現
    日本数学会2022年会幾何学分科会一般講演, Mar. 2022, 日本数学会, Not invited
  • Overview (KdV equation, affine Lie algebras, Virasoro algebra)
    Koriyama Geometry and Physics Days 2020 "Integrable systems, projective invariants, and related topics", Feb. 2020, ゲスト マーティン、乙藤隆史, Not invited
  • What is the Kontsevich formality?
    Koriyama Geometry and Physics Days 2018"Noncommutative geometry and related topics", Feb. 2018, Not invited
  • Duflo's isomorphism after Alekseev and Meinrenken
    Koriyama Geometry and Physics Days 2017 "Geometric Quantization and related topics", Feb. 2017, Not invited
  • Quantum cohomology of Grassmannians
    Koriyama Geometry and Physics Days 2016 "Painleve equations, integrable systems and moduli spaces", Feb. 2016, Not invited
  • 中等教育における幾何学の役割、その2
    明治大学第18回数理教育セミナー, Apr. 2015, 長岡亮介(明治大学), Not invited
  • From dGBV algebras to Frobenius manifolds (after Barannikov-Kontsevich)
    Koriyama Geometry and Physics Days 2014, Oct. 2014, マーティン・ゲスト(早稲田大学)、乙藤隆史(日本大学), Not invited
  • 「中等教育における幾何学の役割」
    明治大学公開数理教育シンポジウム「学校数学と大学教育の「谷間」」, Mar. 2013, Invited
  • Introduction to quantum cohomology
    Koriyama Geometry and Physics Day, Feb. 2012, Not invited
  • Toward quantum cohomology of infinite dimensional flag manifolds
    第1回シューベルト・カリキュラス研究集会, Mar. 2008, Invited
  • Aspects of quantum cohomology of infinite dimensional flag manifolds
    Takashi Otofuji
    Workshop on the level sets of integrable systems Keio University, Jun. 2007, Not invited
  • ラグランジュ部分多様体のなす空間における測地線
    首都大学東京 幾何学セミナー, Dec. 2006, Not invited
  • ラグランジュ部分多様体のなす空間における測地線
    日本大学工学部学術研究報告会, Dec. 2006, Not invited
  • ラグランジュ部分多様体のなす空間における測地線
    大阪市立大学微分幾何学セミナー, Nov. 2006, Not invited
  • ラグランジュ部分多様体のなす空間における測地線
    日本数学会, Sep. 2006, Not invited
  • Moduli spaces of Fermi curves and the Willmore functional
    乙藤隆史/ 大仁田義裕; 宇田川誠一
    京都大学数理解析研究所 研究集会「部分多様体のさらなる発展に向けて」, Jul. 2006, Not invited
  • 量子コホモロジーと可積分系
    日本大学工学部学術研究報告会, Dec. 2003, Not invited
  • 無限次元グラスマン多様体の量子コホモロジー
    慶應義塾大学 21 世紀 COE プログラム「統合数理科学 : 現象解明を通した数学の発展」代数解析セミナー, Nov. 2003, Not invited
  • 無限次元グラスマン多様体の量子コホモロジー
    北海道大学 幾何学コロキウム, Nov. 2003, Not invited
  • 量子コホモロジーと可積分系
    研究集会"量子化の幾何学2"(於:早稲田大学), Sep. 2002, Not invited
  • Quantum cohomology of the infinite-dimensional flag manifolds and the periodic Toda lattice
    日本数学会秋季総合分科会 幾何学分科会特別講演, Oct. 2001
  • Quantum cohomology of the infinite-dimensionalflag manifolds and the periodic Toda lattice
    日本数学会秋季総合分科会 幾何学分科会特別講演, Oct. 2001, Not invited
  • Quantum cohomology of the infinite-dimensional flag manifolds
    International Workshop on Integrable Models, Combinatorics and Representation Theory, Aug. 2001, Not invited
  • Quantum cohomology of infinite-dimensional flag manifolds and the Toda lattice
    第9回日本数学会国際研究集会 微分幾何学における可積分系, Jul. 2000
  • Quantum cohomology of infinite-dimensional flag manifoldsand the Toda lattice
    第9回日本数学会国際研究集会 微分幾何学における可積分系, Jul. 2000, Not invited
  • 無限次元旗多様体の量子コホモロジーと周期的戸田格子
    日本数学会幾何学シンポジウム, Aug. 1999, Not invited
  • 無限次元旗多様体の量子コホモロジーと周期的戸田格子
    日本数学会幾何学分科会, Mar. 1999, Not invited

Affiliated academic society

  • 日本数学会
  • 数学教育学会

Research Themes

  • Quantum cohomology of infinite dimensional manifolds
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2020
    Otofuji Takashi
  • Systematic development and application of methods in differential geometry and integrable systems motivated by quantum cohomology
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 21 Oct. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2018
    Guest Martin; OHNITA Yoshihiro; MAEDA Yoshiaki; SERGEI V Ketov; SAKAI Takashi; OTOFUJI Takashi; AKAHO Manabu; KOBAYASHI Shimpei; IRITANI Hiroshi; HOSONO Shinobu
  • Exploitation of new relations between differential geometry and quantum cohomology in the context of integrable systems
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2009 - 2012
    GUEST Martin; KAMISHIMA Yoshinobu; TOKUNAGA Hiroo; MAEDA Yoshiaki; MIYAOKA Reiko; KOHNO Toshitake; OHNITA Yoshihiro; SAKAI Takashi; SERGEI V Ketov; AKAHO Manabu; OTOFUJI Takashi; KOBAYASHI Shinpei; KUROSU Sanae
  • Research on quantum cohomology, Frobenius manifolds, and harmonic maps related to integrable systems
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006 - 2008
    MARTIN Guest; SERGEI V. Ketov
  • Geometry and topology of integrable systems, with computer-aided experimentation and visualization
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2002 - 2005
    GUEST Martin; OHNITA Yoshihiro; MIYAOKA Reiko; OTOFUJI Takashi; HAMADA Tatsuyoshi